
Showing posts from October, 2008

Obama -- Lacking a Moral Compass

By: Ronald Kessler With the election two weeks away, one thing has become clear: Barack Obama is not only the most liberal presidential candidate in recent memory, he lacks a moral compass. How else does one explain his sitting in the pews of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s church as Wright spews forth hateful fabrications about America, whites, and Israel? How else explain his being “friendly” with admitted domestic terrorist William Ayers, who told the New York Times he does not rule out engaging in bombings again? In a chilling video on YouTube, Larry Grathwohl, a former member of the Weather Underground which Ayers helped found, says the organization planned to take over the U.S. government and give parts of the country to Russia, Cuba, North Vietnam, and China. The plans included “re-educating” Americans as Marxist-Leninist revolutionaries. In the video, Grathwohl says he asked 25 leaders of the Weather Underground who were discussing the plans, “Well, what is going to happen to those ...

Barky's Hawaii Trips Co$t More Than Sarah’s Clothes

By: Ronald Kessler Barack Obama’s trips to Hawaii on a chartered Boeing 757 each cost more than twice the price of Sarah Palin’s new clothes. Brad Blakeman, who was in charge of scheduling for President Bush, says a Boeing 757 costs about $20,000 an hour for fuel, crew, and maintenance. Since a trip to Hawaii entails 10 hours of flying time from Chicago, the total cost for each round-trip comes to about $400,000. Obama used the Boeing 757 for trips to Hawaii over the summer for a vacation and again last week to see his failing grandmother. Admirable though that visit was, “By Obama using a private jet to go on a purely personal visit to see his grandma, he’s wasting not only energy, but he’s using the money that his supporters have given him for campaign purposes,” Blakeman says. “It’s a purely personal visit paid for with campaign funds.” On the other hand, the media are highlighting the Republican National Committee’s purchase of $150,000 in clothes for Palin, even though the dresses...

Regarding the Pain of Others

(excerpts from the above titled book) by Susan Sontag In June 1938 Virginia Woolf published Three Guineas , her brave, unwelcomed reflections on the roots of war. Written during the preceding two years, while she and most of her intimates and fellow writers were rapt by the advancing fascist insurrection in Spain, the book was couched as the very tardy reply to a letter from an eminent lawyer in London who had asked, "How in your opinion are we to prevent war?" Woolf begins by observing tartly that a truthful dialogue between them may not be possible. For though they belong to the same class, "the educated class," a vast gulf separates them: the lawyer is a man and she is a woman. Men make war. Men (most men) like war, since for men there is "some glory, some necessity, some satisfaction in fighting" that women (most women) do not feel or enjoy. What does an educated read: privileged, well-off-woman like her know of war? Can her recoil from its allure be l...

Happy Birthday, Senator Clinton!

from JEZEBEL: After what was perhaps the most exhausting, exhilarating, heart-breaking, moving, and amazing year of her life, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton turns 61 years old today. It is hard to even put into a short blog post what kind of a life this woman has lead over the past 61 years, but it has truly been an extraordinary one so far. I suppose I could list the biographical elements of her life, but anyone who has paid any attention to American politics over the past 15 years already knows of Hillary's accomplishments as both a lawyer, a First Lady, and a Senator from the state of New York. It is strange to think that at one point in this election, Hillary Clinton was the woman everyone was taking shots at, perhaps at times for the right reasons, and perhaps at times for reasons that look a bit silly now, in comparison to the platform on which Sarah Palin stands. But nobody can deny that Hillary Clinton, at her best, has the power to inspire both women and men, both little g...

Building Better Character

by Yaffa Ganz Reprinted with permission from “THE JEWISH FACT FINDER” Important Torah Facts and Handy Jewish Information. Feldheim Publishers. Here are 13 character traits for a human being to focus on to better himself, as suggested by Rabbi Yisrael of Salant, the founder of a Jewish self-improvement program called the “Mussar movement.” 1) TRUTHFULNESS [EMET] Be truthful in all you say. 2) QUICKNESS [ZERIZUT] All that you have to do, do without wasting time. 3) DILIGENCE [CHARITZUT] Do all that you are supposed to do conscientiously. 4) RESPECT [KAVOD] Be extremely careful with the honor and feelings of others. 5) TRANQUILLITY [MENUCHA] Do everything quietly, without undue confusion or excitement. 6) GENTLENESS [NACHAT] The words of the wise are spoken softly and peacefully. 7) CLEANLINESS AND PURITY [NIKAYON] Keep your body and your clothing clean and pure. 8) PATIENCE [SAVLANUT] Whatever happens in life, be patient. 9) ORDER [SEDER] Do everything in an orderly and discipli...

Barack-Love is a Blind Love

Believers in Barack By Thomas Sowell Telling a friend that the love of his life is a phony and dangerous is not likely to get him to change his mind. But it may cost you a friend. It is much the same story with true believers in Barack Obama. They have made up their minds and not only don’t want to be confused by the facts, they resent being told the facts. An e-mail from a reader mentioned trying to tell his sister why he was voting against Obama but, when he tried to argue some facts, she cut him short: “You don’t like him and I do!” she said. End of discussion. When one thinks of all the men who have put their lives on the line in battle to defend and preserve this country, it is especially painful to think that there are people living in the safety and comfort of civilian life who cannot be bothered to find out the facts about candidates before voting to put the fate of this nation, and of generations yet to come, in the hands of someone chosen because they like his words or style....

How Obamabots Handle Dissent

Ah, the Obamabots welcoming the democracy process with open arms!! from THE RIGHT PERSPECTIVE While a GOP leader in Florida had his home shot at by political opponents, acts of vandalism, dirty tricks, and threats of violence are escalating in California. The state is doubly hit by the contentious US presidential race and the controversial Proposition 8, which would ban gay marriage statewide. Examples of this include the Ottos of Carmichael, CA were intimidated into removing their pro-McCain lawn signs. Another family promoting Proposition 8 with lawn signs were victimized by graffiti vandals who wrote “Bigots live here” on their car window. Many other reports have surfaced about the vandalizing of lawn signs promoting a political agenda. In California, stealing or damaging signs worth less than $400 is a misdemeanor and anything worth more than $400 is a felony. Victims are urged to file a complaint with the police. from THE JAWA REPORT: Obama Supporters to Pollsters: "Be Care...

Obama's New Welfare State

by Ken Blackwell Thanks to Joe the Plumber, we now know for sure that Barack Obama wants to "spread the wealth around." But the Democratic candidate still hasn't come clean on just how much of a European-style socialist he is. Look at the "tax cut" he says he'll give to 95 percent of Americans. In fact, this is simply a government check he'd hand out - including to millions who don't pay income taxes, since each year 38 percent of Americans already get a full refund. In other words, his "rebate" is a welfare plan, plain and simple. When called on this, Obama's answer is that those 38 percent still pay payroll taxes, so he's rebating part of those payments. But that actually puts him deeper into the socialist hole. Here's why. Payroll taxes go to fund Social Security and Medicare - the main US social-insurance programs. The taxes are dedicated because these are insurance programs - you're paying so that you'll be covered ...

Over 300 Economists Sign Statement in SUPPORT of McCain's Economic Plan

ECONOMISTS’ STATEMENT ON JOHN MCCAIN’S JOBS FOR AMERICA ARLINGTON, VA – U.S. Senator John McCain’s presidential campaign today released a statement signed by over 300 professional economists in support of John McCain’s Jobs for America economic plan. The list includes Nobel Prize winners, business economists with experience in the private sector, policy economists with experience in government and academic economists from major universities and state and community colleges. Those signing the statement include Nobel Prize winners in Economics (Gary Becker, James Buchanan, Robert Lucas, Robert Mundell and Vernon Smith), former Presidents of the American Economic Association (Gary Becker, Martin Feldstein, Anne Krueger and Robert Lucas), economists who have served in the U.S. Treasury as Secretary or Under Secretaries (George Shultz, Beryl Sprinkel and John Taylor), former Chairs and other Members of the President’s Council of Economic Advisers (Michael Boskin, Martin Feldstein, Glenn Hub...

The Sickness Inside an Abusive Marriage

AN IN-DEPTH VIEW I am snipping this from my friend, Helen's blog . There was recently another chance for my ex to attempt a tactic called HOOVERING . Stopping by to see the kids I was treated to a gift, an offer to take me out to dinner and declarations that he still loved me, didn't understand why I left... I didn't even bother to remind him that he pushed me out of his life, verbally - emotionally- sexually abused me (and its documented), that he still tries to financially abuse me via the kids. Telling me what a wonderful woman I am, how pretty I still am and how missed is all nice - but I don't fall for things like that anymore. He was not pleased when I said "no" reminded him that I didn't love him anymore and hadn't for about 9 years and walked away. He is now pushing the kids away by bad-mouthing me to them; which I don't do to him. Children are not dumb. Abusers never ever care about the reality of their behavior. As my counselor expl...