Obama Doesn't Even Understand Basic Economics
Although Gov. Palin NEVER had creationism taught in Alaska's schools, she was unfairly tarred with that lie by the Media. Yet, We have Obama pushing, as a major part of his platform, the equivalent in terms of economics, and the Networks, CNN, and other major leftist media outlets are silent.

Obamanomics, which is not economics at all, but merely flat-Earth-ian, Creationist-style, relegated to the dustbin-type, Marxism, includes the heavy handed, felonious Robin Hood-type "stealing from the entrepreneurial, and giving to the poor".
As this story documents, a blue collar plumber asked if Obama's tax plan would increase taxes on his small, start-up plumbing company. Obama's response was YES!

Wealth is created by businesses, Sen. Obama, NOT by government. The Little guy and gal benefit by having the jobs that are created by the plumber, but you will take those jobs away. Governments CANNOT create wealth Sen. Obama, and without wealth, we are all just a bunch of naked, shivering hominids, trying to stay alive through the night, and fending off the coyotes who wish to eat our young.
Although Gov. Palin NEVER had creationism taught in Alaska's schools, she was unfairly tarred with that lie by the Media. Yet, We have Obama pushing, as a major part of his platform, the equivalent in terms of economics, and the Networks, CNN, and other major leftist media outlets are silent.

Obamanomics, which is not economics at all, but merely flat-Earth-ian, Creationist-style, relegated to the dustbin-type, Marxism, includes the heavy handed, felonious Robin Hood-type "stealing from the entrepreneurial, and giving to the poor".
As this story documents, a blue collar plumber asked if Obama's tax plan would increase taxes on his small, start-up plumbing company. Obama's response was YES!
"It's not that I want to punish your success," Obama told him. "I want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they've got a chance for success, too.Then, Obama explained his trickle-up theory of economics.
"My attitude is that if the economy's good for folks from the bottom up, it's gonna be good for everybody. I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."How ignorant can a presidential candidate be? So, Sen. Obama, you clearly do not understand the FIRST THING about the creation of wealth in America, or, indeed, in the entire Free World. You are clearly soviet in your style. NOT TAXING THE OWNER of the small start up would maximize his ability to HIRE MORE WORKERS, and keep his prices down. YOUR STUPID IDEA would reduce the number of employees, and raise prices, making it harder on everybody.

Wealth is created by businesses, Sen. Obama, NOT by government. The Little guy and gal benefit by having the jobs that are created by the plumber, but you will take those jobs away. Governments CANNOT create wealth Sen. Obama, and without wealth, we are all just a bunch of naked, shivering hominids, trying to stay alive through the night, and fending off the coyotes who wish to eat our young.
Your "philosophy", if I may abuse that great term, is a step toward the devolution of humankind. It is a violation of basic human rights.Your Obamanomics are an Obamanation; I hope we do not become an ObamaNation. Your Obamanomics will create massive poverty.
Obama reported accounts with Morgan Chase Private Client Asset Management, an elite firm that deals only with the rich, as well as a host of retirement accounts, some in the name of his wife, Michelle.
Because the required disclosure forms allow candidates to report their assets in ranges, such as $250,001 to $500,000, Obama's net worth at the end of 2007 -- not including his home and other nonfinancial assets -- was pegged between $2,022,016 and $7,356,000.
Tax-free income
By far the largest account, valued between $1 million and $5 million, was in the Northern Municipal Money Market Fund. It generated tax-free interest in 2007 of between $15,001 and $50,000.
Northern Trust "has built a well-deserved reputation around being the banker for the überrich," says Andrew Richards, a Morningstar equity analyst. In a report on the Chicago company's stock, he writes, "The firm estimates it serves roughly 20% of the richest families profiled annually in the Forbes 400."
Yet Obama hides his OWN millions to avoid spreading HIS welath around.