Did We All See The Same Biden/ Palin Debate?
Didya see the Palin/ Biden Debate? I did. And Palin cleared wiped the floor with Biden. I was fearful that Biden's suppsed experience and expertise would make Palin look like the Bimbo they keep trying to paint her as or the harpy they painted Hillary as.
I was wrong! PHEW!!

But then... I decided to listen to some talk radio. Both on the Right and The Left. All I can say is, "OMG are we all on the same planet? Did we all see the SAME debate?" My head is spinning from the spin. I need to lay down.
by Charles Hurt
Joe Biden tiptoed out on stage last night wondering whether he'd face a lady pitifully out of her depth or the lipstick end of a pit bull.
He found out real fast.
Biden's striped-pants Washington wonk talk ran into a regular American who looked like a lady, talked like a hockey mom and smacked him around like a cat playing with a mouse.

As the debate began, Biden smiled broadly a lot, watching his opponent with open curiosity - as if unsure how exactly to handle this hissing mongoose without soiling his pin-striped suit.
So unsure that when he accidentally called her "Sarah Palin," he corrected himself in a sweat: "Gov. Palin."
By the time Biden figured out that he was debating nothing short of an icy china doll with a switch-blade, it was too late.
"Your plan is a white flag of surrender in Iraq," she said fiercely. "And that is not what our troops need to hear today, that's for sure."
And while Palin talked like smiling - but p.o'd - hockey moms across America, Biden wooed the people with lines like: "Past is prologue."
That's one for the Congressional Record.
Or his oration on the role of the vice presidency and Dick Cheney's performance therein: "The idea he's part of the legislative branch is a bizarre notion invented by Cheney to aggrandize the power of a unitary executive."
You tell her, Joe!

Palin's got so much moxie, she actually went nuclear - or "nucular," as she menacingly repeated over and over - on Barack Obama for his lack of foreign-policy experience.
Even when Biden made his strongest play of the night for women voters - choking up while reminding people that he was a single father after his wife died in a car crash - Palin didn't let up.

I was wrong! PHEW!!
But then... I decided to listen to some talk radio. Both on the Right and The Left. All I can say is, "OMG are we all on the same planet? Did we all see the SAME debate?" My head is spinning from the spin. I need to lay down.
by Charles Hurt
Joe Biden tiptoed out on stage last night wondering whether he'd face a lady pitifully out of her depth or the lipstick end of a pit bull.
He found out real fast.
Biden's striped-pants Washington wonk talk ran into a regular American who looked like a lady, talked like a hockey mom and smacked him around like a cat playing with a mouse.
"Oh, man, it's so obvious that I'm a Washington outsider and someone just not used to the way you guys operate," Sarah Palin said in her arctic accent and a tone of utter disbelief.Biden - the Senate's reigning foreign-policy expert - had just given a long explanation for how he voted in favor of invading Iraq but didn't really mean for President Bush to invade Iraq. And how he knew it would be a very long war and a very difficult war but now opposes the war because it's been too long and too difficult.
As the debate began, Biden smiled broadly a lot, watching his opponent with open curiosity - as if unsure how exactly to handle this hissing mongoose without soiling his pin-striped suit.
So unsure that when he accidentally called her "Sarah Palin," he corrected himself in a sweat: "Gov. Palin."
By the time Biden figured out that he was debating nothing short of an icy china doll with a switch-blade, it was too late.
"Your plan is a white flag of surrender in Iraq," she said fiercely. "And that is not what our troops need to hear today, that's for sure."
And while Palin talked like smiling - but p.o'd - hockey moms across America, Biden wooed the people with lines like: "Past is prologue."
That's one for the Congressional Record.
Or his oration on the role of the vice presidency and Dick Cheney's performance therein: "The idea he's part of the legislative branch is a bizarre notion invented by Cheney to aggrandize the power of a unitary executive."
You tell her, Joe!
Palin's got so much moxie, she actually went nuclear - or "nucular," as she menacingly repeated over and over - on Barack Obama for his lack of foreign-policy experience.
Even when Biden made his strongest play of the night for women voters - choking up while reminding people that he was a single father after his wife died in a car crash - Palin didn't let up.
"People aren't looking for more of the same," she responded - without halting for Biden to gather his composure. "And John McCain has been the consummate maverick in the Senate all these years."SOURCE
I'll leave it at that.
The word "every" is an absolute -- and in this case is incorrect.
Practically "every" opinion poll I saw had PALIN winning the debate hands down.
So... you see? Did we all see the SAME debate??
And are we all seeing how DANGEROUS and PATHOLOGICAL Obama is???
apparently not.