Who's the Real Racist?
Are you as fed up as I am with the Obama campaign calling the McCain campaign RACIST? Using some of the most misogynistic and vile tactics (CLICK HERE and HERE - WARNING: ADULT CONTENT) against McCain and Palin? And then, turning around and saying that McCain is RUNNING A DIRTY CAMPAIGN?

It's depraved. But since October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month I have a chance to throw out some information and education for everyone. Obama & his Cult are BLATANT NARCISSISTIC ABUSERS. They revise history, twist the truth and then launch hate-filled, sarcastic attacks when anyone calls them on it.
These "McCain's a Racist" comments are a little something called PROJECTION. What's Projection?
Got that? I don't think I need to spell out what the Obamabots have been doing with PROJECTION, do I? Anyone with a brain can see it, it's so blatant. And the Obamicans? Well, the explanation would be lost on them because... they'd just project more. Stupid & sad.
Remember back in 2004? When Bush's operatives, like Rove & his flying monkeys, were having robo-calls made to voters in the Deep South saying "John McCain has an illegitimate black baby." This was truly foul doings on the part of the Bush Crime Family and their minions.

Embracing Bush is something I will never understand about McCain BUT - my gut tells me that he did it for the same exact reason that Hillary is tentatively campaigning for Obama. They have to if they want their respective parties to back up their political aspirations.
And no matter how many times Barry feebly attempts to HAMMER his lame talking point of putting Bush & McCain 'in bed' together -- I have heard McCain say numerous times that he's parted ways with Bush and "didn't win the Senatorial Mr. Congeniality Award' because of it. If you were listening, you heard it too.
While Obambi's African-American followers? They don't know his policies -- they just have been led to believe HE'S ONE OF THEM. And they must march in absolute lock-step to the Obamessiah message of ch-ch-ch-ange!
McCain does have a child of color... a child you have NEVER YET seen him push in front of the cameras to show what a NON-RACIST, warm, accepting and wonderful person he actually is. Because she's a MEMBER OF HIS FAMILY not a pawn and the McCains have too much class for that. More class than Obama & Biden can wrap their nasty heads around anyway.
Her name is Bridget. In 1991, Cindy McCain brought her -- an abandoned three-month old girl needing medical treatment to the U.S. from a Bangladeshi orphanage run by Mother Teresa. The McCains decided to adopt her and she has been a member of their family ever since.

But you won't hear the McCain campaign use her to even counter these RACIST comments from Barky's camp. This is their CHILD, they love her and won't throw their own child under the bus for any reason. (As someone who has an adopted family member -- it doesn't matter how they came to you -- they are still your children and your sacred responsibility and I give McCain a LOT of credit. Not like Barry & Michelle who trotted their little girls out to say "I love you, Daddy" to an image of their father on a video screen to paint themselves as a wonderful family. Children deserve their privacy & protection. They are not window dressing.)
However Barky? HAS NO SHAME!!
And one more note here: Barack Obama is HALF WHITE. He had a WHITE mother and was raised by his WHITE GRANDPARENTS. But he threw them under the bus when being 100% Black was expedient for him. What do you think he will do to all his followers in 2009?
As I tell all the abuse victims I counsel:

It's depraved. But since October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month I have a chance to throw out some information and education for everyone. Obama & his Cult are BLATANT NARCISSISTIC ABUSERS. They revise history, twist the truth and then launch hate-filled, sarcastic attacks when anyone calls them on it.
These "McCain's a Racist" comments are a little something called PROJECTION. What's Projection?
excerpted from "The Abuse and Misuse of Language"
I think it's time for a bipartisan plea for a couple of words to be respected. Some words tend to get thrown around in political (and other) debates with scant regard for how they might actually be used properly. A couple spring immediately to mind, though other people may have other suggestions:Projection
It's standard fare in a blogospheric debate for one party to accuse the other of 'projecting'.
Often, this arises from Debater A telling Debater B that he/she is 'hate-filled', or some other such thing. B then tells A that he/she is 'projecting', which is little else than a slightly more sophisticated way of saying - 'I know you are, but what am I?'.
The psychoanalytic usage of projection (Projektion) is much more precise, and derives, understandably enough, from Freud. Freud used the term to refer to a paranoid or psychotic defense mechanism, and expounded this notion at greatest length in his account of the Schreber case.
In psychoanalytic terms, projection should not be confused with transference, or with the 'loose' meaning of the term. To risk a somewhat simplified definition for the sake of brevity, Freud distinguished between the subject and the 'outside world'. Freud uses the term projection to refer to an instance of the subject finding an aspect of him or herself radically unacceptable, and, rather than come to grips with this 'something', dislodging it onto a part of the outside world.
In the case of Schreber, for instance, Freud argues that the subject projected his latent homosexuality onto his clinician, and ultimately, onto god.
Projection presupposes that the feeling or wish being projected is something the subject refuses to recognise.
Closely linked to hurling accusations is the fine art of projecting. This is both an awful thing to live with and a useful tool for you.
Remember that you are their (the narcissist's) mirror. The things that they accuse you of are the things that apply to themselves.
It goes one step further and this is something that I discovered by pure accident with the narcissists in my life. Give them hypothetical problem solving scenarios and listen carefully to their responses. You can get right inside their heads without them even realizing it. While they think they are showing you how clever they are, they are in fact revealing themselves in a way that would make them cringe if they realized it.
For goodness sakes never tell them. They will furiously deny it and launch a massive attack against you.
While he thinks he is stunning you with his amazingly astute insights into the human psyche, he is in fact giving you a very clear blueprint of himself. With clever questioning and prodding, you can glean an enormous amount of useful information.
Got that? I don't think I need to spell out what the Obamabots have been doing with PROJECTION, do I? Anyone with a brain can see it, it's so blatant. And the Obamicans? Well, the explanation would be lost on them because... they'd just project more. Stupid & sad.
Remember back in 2004? When Bush's operatives, like Rove & his flying monkeys, were having robo-calls made to voters in the Deep South saying "John McCain has an illegitimate black baby." This was truly foul doings on the part of the Bush Crime Family and their minions.
Embracing Bush is something I will never understand about McCain BUT - my gut tells me that he did it for the same exact reason that Hillary is tentatively campaigning for Obama. They have to if they want their respective parties to back up their political aspirations.
And no matter how many times Barry feebly attempts to HAMMER his lame talking point of putting Bush & McCain 'in bed' together -- I have heard McCain say numerous times that he's parted ways with Bush and "didn't win the Senatorial Mr. Congeniality Award' because of it. If you were listening, you heard it too.
While Obambi's African-American followers? They don't know his policies -- they just have been led to believe HE'S ONE OF THEM. And they must march in absolute lock-step to the Obamessiah message of ch-ch-ch-ange!
McCain does have a child of color... a child you have NEVER YET seen him push in front of the cameras to show what a NON-RACIST, warm, accepting and wonderful person he actually is. Because she's a MEMBER OF HIS FAMILY not a pawn and the McCains have too much class for that. More class than Obama & Biden can wrap their nasty heads around anyway.
Her name is Bridget. In 1991, Cindy McCain brought her -- an abandoned three-month old girl needing medical treatment to the U.S. from a Bangladeshi orphanage run by Mother Teresa. The McCains decided to adopt her and she has been a member of their family ever since.

But you won't hear the McCain campaign use her to even counter these RACIST comments from Barky's camp. This is their CHILD, they love her and won't throw their own child under the bus for any reason. (As someone who has an adopted family member -- it doesn't matter how they came to you -- they are still your children and your sacred responsibility and I give McCain a LOT of credit. Not like Barry & Michelle who trotted their little girls out to say "I love you, Daddy" to an image of their father on a video screen to paint themselves as a wonderful family. Children deserve their privacy & protection. They are not window dressing.)
However Barky? HAS NO SHAME!!
And one more note here: Barack Obama is HALF WHITE. He had a WHITE mother and was raised by his WHITE GRANDPARENTS. But he threw them under the bus when being 100% Black was expedient for him. What do you think he will do to all his followers in 2009?
As I tell all the abuse victims I counsel: