How Obamabots Handle Dissent
Ah, the Obamabots welcoming the democracy process with open arms!!

While a GOP leader in Florida had his home shot at by political opponents, acts of vandalism, dirty tricks, and threats of violence are escalating in California. The state is doubly hit by the contentious US presidential race and the controversial Proposition 8, which would ban gay marriage statewide.
Examples of this include the Ottos of Carmichael, CA were intimidated into removing their pro-McCain lawn signs. Another family promoting Proposition 8 with lawn signs were victimized by graffiti vandals who wrote “Bigots live here” on their car window. Many other reports have surfaced about the vandalizing of lawn signs promoting a political agenda.
In California, stealing or damaging signs worth less than $400 is a misdemeanor and anything worth more than $400 is a felony. Victims are urged to file a complaint with the police.
Obama Supporters to Pollsters: "Be Careful...You Might Not See Tomorrow."

Via Campaign Spot:
After releasing this morning’s numbers showing McCain ahead in Ohio and Florida, the Strategic Vision polling company received several death threats through the contact e-mail on the company’s web site.
David Johnson, the CEO of Strategic Vision, shared the messages with National Review Online.
We've said it before, and it's true: the Obama Campaign effort is HEAVILY INVESTED in the idea that OBAMA IS INEVITABLE. This is just one more piece of the overall strategy. Do not buy this bill of goods.
Despite a FULL-COURT PRESS by the mainstream media, Ohio and Florida are now moving into the McCain column. Pennsylvania is trending to McCain, also.
DO NOT believe the hype, folks.
Get to your ass the polls. Get your family to the polls. Get your friends to the polls.

While a GOP leader in Florida had his home shot at by political opponents, acts of vandalism, dirty tricks, and threats of violence are escalating in California. The state is doubly hit by the contentious US presidential race and the controversial Proposition 8, which would ban gay marriage statewide.
Examples of this include the Ottos of Carmichael, CA were intimidated into removing their pro-McCain lawn signs. Another family promoting Proposition 8 with lawn signs were victimized by graffiti vandals who wrote “Bigots live here” on their car window. Many other reports have surfaced about the vandalizing of lawn signs promoting a political agenda.
In California, stealing or damaging signs worth less than $400 is a misdemeanor and anything worth more than $400 is a felony. Victims are urged to file a complaint with the police.
Obama Supporters to Pollsters: "Be Careful...You Might Not See Tomorrow."

Via Campaign Spot:
After releasing this morning’s numbers showing McCain ahead in Ohio and Florida, the Strategic Vision polling company received several death threats through the contact e-mail on the company’s web site.
David Johnson, the CEO of Strategic Vision, shared the messages with National Review Online.
We've said it before, and it's true: the Obama Campaign effort is HEAVILY INVESTED in the idea that OBAMA IS INEVITABLE. This is just one more piece of the overall strategy. Do not buy this bill of goods.
Despite a FULL-COURT PRESS by the mainstream media, Ohio and Florida are now moving into the McCain column. Pennsylvania is trending to McCain, also.
DO NOT believe the hype, folks.
Get to your ass the polls. Get your family to the polls. Get your friends to the polls.