When I was little (or as I tell my kids, 'back when dinosaurs were still roaming the Earth') I used to watch a show on our family's black & white set (it was one of those tvs put in a HUGE wooden cabinet) called ROMPER ROOM.
ROMPER ROOM was locally filmed but had a nationwide theme. That is, every host of Romper Room and its shows were local. If you went to Chicago, St. Louis, Tucson, Bowie, Walla Walla or wherever, they had their Romper Room.
I'd wait for host to pull out the "magic mirror" and say "I see Barbara..." I never heard any unusual names. But this was the 50s and 60s.
"All of the hosts, many former kindergarten teachers, spent the half-hour reading from books to the seven or eight kids on the set, teaching the alphabet, manners and values in a gentle way."But Palestinian terrorists think nothing of using their own progeny as bombs. Their magic mirror is a promise of a one-way ticket to "paradise" for participating in a jihad. Teaching them its an honor for a child or any to do that. A couple years ago, even Dan Abrams asked where the outrage on the part of humanitarian organizations was for this inhumane and disgusting practice.
Children even recruit other children to make a quick trip to Allah with a grenade strapped to themselves, and take some other people... hopefully Jews, with them. This is their "holy duty."
Om Mohammed helps her twelve-year-old son Abu Ali with a toy suicide bomber belt he fashioned on his own.Just take a look at some of the slide shows at Teach Kids Peace for an up-close and personal view of this barbaric practice
"I hope to be a Martyr...I hope when I get 14 or 15 to explode myself." His mother is proud of her son: "God gave him to me to protect and defend our homeland." The family is seen in their Gaza City home, May 15, 2002. ( Maya Alleruzzo / The Washington Times ) GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip May 15, 2002 -- Abu Ali, like many 12-year-olds living in Gaza, has dreams of eternity. But the Palestinian boy's hopes are rooted in a grim reality: "I hope to be a martyr," he said.
"I hope when I get to 14 or 15 to explode myself."His mother, Om Muhammed, is eager to help her son, one of six children, accomplish his goal. She helps him tug on a toy suicide bomber costume in her living room as she serves mint tea to a visitor.
The get-up is dauntingly convincing, but is harmlessly made of electrical tape, plywood and spare wire. Harmless for now, at least.
"I encourage him, and he should do this," said the woman, the mother of six. "God gave him to me to defend our land.
Palestinian women must have more and more children till we liberate our land. This is a holy duty for all Palestinian people.
6 years ago, while I was packing up my then-recently deceased mother's belongs at her home in Arizona, I got a call that my then, toddler child had been mauled by a dog. I couldn't get on a plane fast enough. I scrambled through delays in St. Louis and was even questioned by airport security, who learned better than to get between a mom and her child. Thankfully, a good plastic surgeon and a lot of love and care helped make this a small scar on her face. My ex-husband's friend owned the dog that bit her. He called and begged me not to do anything. I love animals but this was my child. The matter was handled, by me, for the benefit of my child. When I had my children, I grew a new heart for each of them. I never knew I could love so fiercely. But never ever fiercely enough to strap a bomb on them to kill others. I don't believe in hate and I don't think God does either.
My children are my whole world. They are what gets me out of bed and out of my house. Being a mother reconnected me to the world after disability had pulled the plug. They are unique, challenging and wonderful. And strapping bombs to them is beyond my comprehension. I would sooner step in front of a speeding train myself than have something happen to them. Their lives are important. They are important. Yes, they are hard work but that is the consequence and yes, the pleasure, of being a parent.
The consequences of enabling terror? is that people & children die. So, someone explain to former President Peanut Brain, the U.N. and the result of the Islamfascist enablers: HOW IS ISRAEL SUPPOSED TO NEGOTIATE WITH PEOPLE WHO DON'T VALUE HUMAN LIFE? EVEN THE LIVES OF THEIR OWN CHILDREN? (Golda Meir got that one right!)
How can Israel "talk" to someone on this non-level field?
How can Israel negotiate with anyone who thinks the life of a child is so cheap?
How can ANYONE negotiate with anyone who feeds this culture of death to people with a supposed rubber stamp by God to do so?
As Israel enters the northern Gaza Strip, there are signs that the Palestinian Authority plans to renew the tactic of sending children to the front lines as human shields to obstruct the IDF.
PA TV is again broadcasting music videos designed to brainwash young children into seeking death as shahids - martyrs for Allah. Shahada-promoting music videos were first broadcast thousands of times on Palestinian TV from 2000 through 2004.
One of the most sinister of these clips was broadcast twice last week, according to our research after a three-year absence. The clip features a child actor playing the most famous Palestinian child martyr, Muhammad al-Dura - whose death in a crossfire was broadcast to the entire world - calling to other Palestinian children to literally follow him to Child Martyrs' Heaven.
"I am waving not to part but to say, 'Follow me,'" is Dura's invitation on the TV screen.
Click here for a site on the: PA SUPPORT OF TERROR
The children watching this video are then shown what awaits them if they join Dura in death. The video follows the child actor - "Dura" - joyously frolicking in heaven. He romps on the beach, plays with a kite and runs toward a Ferris wheel.
The children are being told that death in conflict with Israel will bring them into a child's paradise. Muhammad al-Dura is already in this paradise, tranquil and fun-filled.
This call to children to seek death, coming from the child who has turned into a Palestinian hero, and broadcast to their children by PA TV, is one of the most odious examples of exploitation of children witnessed on PA TV.
THE WORDS sung by the popular singer Aida are as insidious as the pictures. The earth is described as yearning for the children's death - "its thirst quenched by the gush of blood flowing from the youthful body."
The main lyrics of the clip are as follows:
How sweet is the fragrance of the martyrs,
how sweet is the fragrance of the earth,
its thirst quenched by the gush of blood
flowing from the youthful body.
Caption: And so he went...
Choir: Good-bye to the boy Muhammad (2x)
Aida: Good-bye, good-bye...
Aida: How sweet is the scent of the earth,
its thirst satisfied by the gush of blood
flowing from the body of youth.
Choir: Good-bye, good-bye.
Aida: Good-bye, good-bye...
Choir: O father, 'til we meet (2x)
Aida: 'Til we meet, my father, 'til we meet!
I shall go with no fear, no tears.
How sweet is the fragrance of the martyrs!
I shall go to my place in heaven,
How sweet is the fragrance of the martyrs!...
WHEN PREVIOUSLY shown, the clip closed with the credit:
"Produced by: The Ministry of Information & Culture - The Palestinian National Fund."
This year the credit has been erased.
A SECOND music video rebroadcast after years of absence, opens with a girl witnessing the cold-blooded murder of her mother. The child then sings for five minutes about how she misses her mother, including the repeating refrain: "If you can't come to me, I can go to you."
This particular clip was first broadcast in December 2000. It was one of dozens of PA TV clips targeting children that portrayed shahada as "sweet" and idyllic.
This tactic was exceedingly effective for the Palestinian Authority. As children went to the front lines to try to copy Dura, the IDF had great difficulty aiming at gunmen who were firing from behind the children and using them as human shields.
In addition, when children were killed by either side, the Palestinians used them effectively for propaganda purposes. And indeed Israel was universally condemned for these deaths.
This clip was removed in the fall of 2003, after we showed it at a hearing in the US Senate and drew outrage from US senators. Sen. Hillary Clinton attacked it a "horrific child abuse," and Sen. Arlen Specter denounced it as "civilization abuse."
The reason for its sudden rebroadcast now, after three years, seems clear: The PA learned a long time ago that images of dead children are an ideal way of manipulating public opinion against Israel. Images of children running up to tanks and of children's funerals are precisely what the PA used so successfully in the past.
It is apparently planning to revive this tactic if Israel moves deeper into Gaza in search of terror leaders.
Societies prepare for battle in different ways. Some focus on military preparations, while others focus on prayer. For the Palestinian Authority, battle preparation means encouraging their children to leave their homes for the front lines and to seek death.
I have personal issues with anyone who preys on the vulnerable. Abusers, users, predators and jihadists. As an anti-abuse advocate, its my job to speak out and stop it. It's my holy duty to TELL THE TRUTH.
And we all know what the cure for this sort of human vampirism of the body and soul is.
And how is the Jewish state (a culture which celebrates LIFE) supposed to be ABLE to negotiate any sort of peace with these animals?
Israel = Peace
P.A. = Pieces