Online Dating - Bad No Matter What
There isn't enough money or influence in all the world to get me to do online dating. Ever. I had one stupid online relationship about 5 years ago, with someone I "thought I knew" who assured me they'd 'never hurt me' yet preyed on my good nature at a very dark & vulnerable time, when I was being severely abused. I haven't heard from this friend of over 25 years since. The stays in the hospital from non-stop vomitting were pretty powerful reminders, too.
I can't stress enough that people feel powerful & anonymous behind a keyboard. They do & say things they would never dream of doing in the light of day. They smear, they engage in salacious activity and then walk out the door to work the next day as Mr. Or Mrs. Normal. (This is called the "Online Disinhibition Effect")
As for online dating? I know of ONE person who met his next wife through J-Date. Yes, I said "next" wife. That was after he'd worked his way through the disgusting casual sex sites like Adult FriendFinder, Eroticy & BangMatch. He knows how I feel about online dating. You can be anyone you want online. A stud, a CIA agent, young, single, whatever. Where's the honesty? You can't fall in love online - love takes spending time together & getting to know someone.
You can also smear (especially when they find out the truth about you). And cyberstalk (hunting you down on every forum or board you belong to) And call names like you're back in junior high. But these days, there are penalties for online slander and most importantly - online threats. Even implied. A threat online can land you in a Federal prison - even after you think you've erased it.
Another Muslim man now shows his true colors. A man who can't stand rejection. A martyr man. Gosh there are so many of these who try to play the victim, yet they victimize. If this poor woman is 'honor killed' - we all know right where to look. While I understand her rage, a restraining order would have been more effective. And he's a Muslim; who'd have thunk it?
$50 Million Lawsuit Over Bad Online Date
The Post reports stockbroker Cherine Allaithy met Tarek Youssoff Hasson Saleh, an imam at Oulel-Albab, on the Muslim Matrimonials Network (it's like MDate) last year. Allaithy says the pair dated for month until she refused his marriage proposal. She then dated another man, Bessem Elhajj, who Saleh allegedly defamed in Arab newspapers. After Allaithy and Elhajj broke up, things got messier when Allaithy confronted Saleh (at his mosque) to stop the articles:
[Saleh] told her she would be exposed next in the press, according to court papers.
In order to prevent her name from being smeared, she said, she ran into his bedroom, grabbed two laptops, and threw them in the sink.In another article referenced in the complaint, Saleh alleged she came to the mosque to threaten to have him charged with rape.
Saleh responded by beating her up, she claims in court papers.
According to Allaithy's court claims, the sheik sent her an e-mail describing her as "a trashy and lustful woman, a weeping and cursed Jewish woman."
Allaithy says besides trying to clear her name, she's worried about being killed by al Qaeda, since Saleh had mentioned a relative in the terrorist group. The imam (who is named in the lawsuit with his mosque and some Arab newspapers) had criminal charges filed against Allaithy after the laptop incident; he denied the claims and told the Post he hasn't been in touch with his al Qaeda relative.
As for Elhajj, he sounds relieved not to be involved, calling the imam "crazy" and Allaithy "stupid."
A married infertility doctor was also sued for lying about his marital status and luring women he met on Yahoo Personals into sexual relationships.