Anatomy & Context of a Smear
Excerpted from HERE
"Reasonable men may debate how best to handle a smear campaign launched by a determined adversary. But there are certain basic concepts that must invariably come into play.

"Reasonable men may debate how best to handle a smear campaign launched by a determined adversary. But there are certain basic concepts that must invariably come into play.
"For one, you should seldom debate the degree of your own alleged culpability, even if you really are guilty of something wrong.."And while this is obvious in seeking to project positive images, in general; it is all the more certain, when the alleged culpability is in merely having a different ideological perspective; having a completely defensible point of view--whether or not that view is controversial.
"To concede the moral high ground to an unprincipled foe, bent upon reviling you and destroying your reputation, is pure madness. To compromise your position by apologizing for your mistake, will only undermine your base of support. It will never convert a determined foe. Nor should it please anyone devoted to the truth. It has never been immoral in a free society to have a difference of opinion."The correct response to any smear will be found in a multi-faceted analysis of the subject matter--an analysis that should never be limited by a mindless or knee-jerk acceptance of your foe's premises. (It cannot possibly be in your interest to increase the perceived credibility of those trying to destroy your reputation, by giving the impression of having to apologize or appease;)
This private, personal, pre-response analysis, should address not only the strengths and weaknesses of your foes' "factual" assumptions and his ideological slant, but the actual relevance, and the context of every aspect of the subject, as such may impact the concerns, perceptions and focus of an interested public."Your response should focus attention on factors which induce acceptance of your points--not on those that would imply credibility to the points of your foes. "