To All Female Sarah Palin Haters
From Hillary or Bust:
With the latest Sarah Palin hatefest happening among female comics (Sandra Bernhard wants Palin to be raped by a gang of black men; a confused Margaret Cho hates her but wants to have sex with her), I have had it.

Listen to me, crazy liberal Palin-hatin’ women, and listen to me good:
Keep it up. Because if this sort of misogyny, from women, by women, against Sarah Palin continues, I will not only vote for Palin this November, I will vote for her in 2012 if Hillary is not the Democratic nominee. I will then vote for Palin AGAIN as long as she is on the Republican ticket and there is no female Democrat to vote for.
I have had it. I am absolutely shocked, disgusted, appalled, and sickened by the far left right now. As a former member of not only NOW but the very radical Women’s Action Coalition (WAC) in the 1990s, I am amazed at how far the feminist movement has fallen.
If this misogyny is what you really stand for, I will fight against it with my vote. And not only will I vote for Sarah Palin, I will vote for every decent Republican woman that I can. I don’t care if they are pro-life. I will vote for their accomplishments and sincere desire to serve America.
I will no longer vote on the issue of pro-choice. If we lose abortion, so be it. But if having the right to abortions means that women are turned into sex objects, because sex is so cheap and easy now, to the point where other women are now having rape and sex fantasies about female politicians, then let’s lose abortion for a while. I’m tired of the oversexualization of women, brought upon by a far left agenda for pornography that thinks that lesbian chic empowers women. (It insults real lesbians, that’s what it does.)

I’m done. Done with far left liberals who are filled with hate and rancor for anything that smacks of traditional values. You know what? I liked The Waltons. I wish we had more shows like that other than Dirty Sexy Money and Gossip Girl. I’m sick and tired of magazines showing women in their underwear. I’m tired of liberal elitism, I am sick of lattes and coffee shops, I am tired of health food being so damn trendy. I want to go to the DQ (Dairy Queen) for a real soft serve ice cream cone with jimmies on top. I don’t want my country to be forced to turn into Whole Foods. And hey, I like Trader Joe’s, and organic spinach, but I like Kraft macaroni and cheese too.
So that’s it. Until your hatred and vitriol against Palin stops, I am going to vote for Republican women. Not just Palin, but other Republican women. You all need to learn some damn respect and manners. And rewarding your bad behavior with my vote is just not gonna happen.
Sign me,
Really Fed Up
With the latest Sarah Palin hatefest happening among female comics (Sandra Bernhard wants Palin to be raped by a gang of black men; a confused Margaret Cho hates her but wants to have sex with her), I have had it.

Listen to me, crazy liberal Palin-hatin’ women, and listen to me good:
Keep it up. Because if this sort of misogyny, from women, by women, against Sarah Palin continues, I will not only vote for Palin this November, I will vote for her in 2012 if Hillary is not the Democratic nominee. I will then vote for Palin AGAIN as long as she is on the Republican ticket and there is no female Democrat to vote for.
I have had it. I am absolutely shocked, disgusted, appalled, and sickened by the far left right now. As a former member of not only NOW but the very radical Women’s Action Coalition (WAC) in the 1990s, I am amazed at how far the feminist movement has fallen.
If this misogyny is what you really stand for, I will fight against it with my vote. And not only will I vote for Sarah Palin, I will vote for every decent Republican woman that I can. I don’t care if they are pro-life. I will vote for their accomplishments and sincere desire to serve America.
I will no longer vote on the issue of pro-choice. If we lose abortion, so be it. But if having the right to abortions means that women are turned into sex objects, because sex is so cheap and easy now, to the point where other women are now having rape and sex fantasies about female politicians, then let’s lose abortion for a while. I’m tired of the oversexualization of women, brought upon by a far left agenda for pornography that thinks that lesbian chic empowers women. (It insults real lesbians, that’s what it does.)

I’m done. Done with far left liberals who are filled with hate and rancor for anything that smacks of traditional values. You know what? I liked The Waltons. I wish we had more shows like that other than Dirty Sexy Money and Gossip Girl. I’m sick and tired of magazines showing women in their underwear. I’m tired of liberal elitism, I am sick of lattes and coffee shops, I am tired of health food being so damn trendy. I want to go to the DQ (Dairy Queen) for a real soft serve ice cream cone with jimmies on top. I don’t want my country to be forced to turn into Whole Foods. And hey, I like Trader Joe’s, and organic spinach, but I like Kraft macaroni and cheese too.
So that’s it. Until your hatred and vitriol against Palin stops, I am going to vote for Republican women. Not just Palin, but other Republican women. You all need to learn some damn respect and manners. And rewarding your bad behavior with my vote is just not gonna happen.
Sign me,
Really Fed Up
So very well said, and I could not agree more.
And I'm tired of them holding Roe over our heads! It hit home for me a few weeks ago, when I found myself two months late and afraid I was pregnant. (i.e., On the wrong end of the <1% statistical chances of getting pregnant after a tubal ligation.)
I talked to my doctor, and he assured me that there is simply no way Plan B or first trimester abortions will ever be outlawed, even if it were entirely up to republicans. There are far too many women in the party who would nix it. (e.g., Kay Bailey Hutchison, in deep red Texas) And the same goes for abortions needed for health reasons.
I'm not going to throw away everything else that is important to me to protect the rights of women who wait until the second trimester to abort for convenience. I've always thought that by that stage it's just too cruel. I wouldn't wish that fate even on a premature puppy.
Finally, I was very happy to see Sarah Palin's answer to this question:
Question: If Roe v. Wade were overturned and states could once again prohibit abortion, in your view, to what extent should abortion be prohibited in Alaska?
Palin: Under this hypothetical scenario, it would not be up to the governor to unilaterally ban anything. It would be up to the people of Alaska to discuss and decide how we would like our society to reflect our values.
Perfect answer, IMO, and that was her position as governor of Alaska.
So, enough of the scare tactics to get us to vote for Obama.
Good for you, your attitude can save the Democratic Party, good luck!
Sandra Bernhard's biggest attraction was always just an ugly woman trying to be funny. These Leftist women are really losing their minds. Rosanne wondered on Bill Maher's show whether McCain would take away women's right to vote. Even Maher's audience thought that was a nutso thing to think.
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
never elect a woman
who's a conservative
she's just a gender traitor
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
just HOPE to pay more taxes
DREAM about high fuel prices
CHANGE PROGRESS to move backwards
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
OR a minority
if they are Right of center
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