One Ring... To Rule Them All
This is SOOOOO SICK!!! Sociopaths use someone's personal pain as their "in" to their lives for whatever their sick reason may be: money, sex, etc.... and when they are done with you...
Well, just wait till Obamalamadingdong is done with you all.

from No Quarter:
Obama’s Con Job Destined to Break a Lot of Hearts
Gotta love that marketing! Voting for President is more than just a civic responsibility. It’s cool, too! First, behold The ChangeRing. Then, behold why it is a problem:
That’s American ingenuity I guess. Find a way to commercialize everything, even our Commander in Chief. Lord knows being cool and looking cool is far more important that actually voting for someone who has a clue what they are doing.
But let’s forget about poking fun or wondering if this is cultish. That isn’t the point. I am by nature as New Age-y as the next person and although I have never been an Obama supporter, I would celebrate change, too. Certainly there is something romantic about being a member of this special club that is out to heal the planet. Others of us also want to heal the planet. We just don’t wear a cool ring while we’re doing it. We also know that real change is achieved through slow, painstaking, consistent action.
With the exception of those in Obama’s camp who would use any cause as an excuse to hate and be cruel to others, there are certainly voters supporting him who have a sincere agenda. They actually believe his rhetoric. These are good, honest, decent people.
What angers me about this seemingly innocuous piece of jewelry is that it’s based on a con.
Being conned is something I know something about. I’ve been voting a straight Democratic ticket for thirty years, but the behavior I have seen exhibited by the DNC this year finally sent me over the edge:
Why bring this up here? Because I was naïve enough to actually believe that Democrats held the moral high ground. Maybe they’re a bit spineless but they don’t fight ‘dirty like the Republicans’ cause they’re too nice, they’re just not as good at it.
Yes, naïve, I know, but that is what I truly believed. No wonder I felt sick inside. Thirty years is a long time.
Now please go back and reread the above sales pitch for the ChangeRing. Sure, to some kids it’s just a fad and sixth months from now it will just be another piece of metal haphazardly thrown in their whatnot drawer. And yeah, the tracking device is kind of creepy. We’ve got enough big-brother in this country. None of that is my worry.
The worry is there are those who actually believe the hopium he’s been selling. That’s why cons are the worst kind of theft. Obama’s con involves the theft of idealism.
Senator Obama truly is politics as usual. He is a product of the corrupt Daley political machine; the media creation of his campaign manager David Axelrod; well marketed, kind of like the ultra slick ChangeRing website.
But one of these days, after the pundits and media whores realize they need a new way to make a buck, all the facts will finally be exposed about him. To sell more papers, they will tell the truth. Honestly, I feel sympathy for those who believe in Obama because it will be a very dark day for them.
Likewise, it will be a very dark day for some friends of mine, a comfortable couple in their fifties with Obama’s HOPE poster proudly displayed in their front window. Maybe they’ve already bought two companion ChangeRings, although they won’t look as cool as the teens wearing it, it will mean just as much if not more to them.
And then they’ll find out they were conned.

Now please fast forward to ten years from now. Someone else might come along: black, white, bi-racial, Latina, Asian, Indian, man or woman. And that person will likewise have a positive message.
The difference perhaps, is that with this future candidate, maybe it won’t be “words, just words.” Maybe he or she will actually have the goods to back it up. But being that your naïve heart has already been broken with the charlatan Obama, you won’t believe it. And that will be a grave loss. I feel empathy for those citizens who have been taken in by Obama’s nonsense. To some degree, I understand why they have.
Democrats have been wandering like nomads in the desert for eight years dying for a drink of water, feeling unrepresented and unseen, listening to an inexperienced, arrogant boob say “nuke-u-lar” and “Mission Accomplished”, unable to string two coherent sentences together. War mongering. Lying.
Add to that, Obama, Axelrod and Company did a great job selling us on the idea that a new face will kill the dynasties of Bush/Clinton and usher in a post-partisan warm, fuzzy feeling in the White House. Actually, only the Bushes are a dynasty. The Clintons are a married couple. No matter. We need CHANGE!!
And then there were the uber-rallies and the rhapsodic speeches…A teleprompter! A teleprompter! My kingdom for a teleprompter!!
People had a desperate need to believe. And the mainstream media helped make the sale.
Is it any wonder that Obamania took hold?
The Change Ring is just a little token of Senator Obama’s con job. He and Axelrod have foisted American Idol on us, not someone really equipped to govern. But what goes up must come down and it is quite obvious that the toy has lost its luster. I just hope when everybody finally wakes up, they don’t use it as an excuse to turn away from the process altogether.
We need people to be involved if we are ever going to get our country back from special interests and people like David Axelrod and Barack Obama, who use our pain to sell us a product.
Well, just wait till Obamalamadingdong is done with you all.

from No Quarter:
Obama’s Con Job Destined to Break a Lot of Hearts
Gotta love that marketing! Voting for President is more than just a civic responsibility. It’s cool, too! First, behold The ChangeRing. Then, behold why it is a problem:
…A wearable symbol of “change” that is becoming a cult hit in Obamaland. Originally designed to be a wearable key-chain … young Obamaphiles have also taken to hanging it from a necklace or strapping it on their wrist.The website is urban, hip and young, with lots of teens and twenty-somethings wearing the ChangeRing sticking out of the back pocket of their very snug jeans. KEWL!
Driving its movement around the country is that it is sold as “buy one/give one” and people are passing it to their friends and family members.
Another thing that makes The ChangeRing so compelling is the multi-layered story that has been woven into the product: the ring and its packaging are made in America from recycled materials … with an SMS lost-key tracking system. The ChangeRing also comes in a re-usable package. …
The ChangeRing has also produced the first full musical compilation in support of Obama: 14 Change cover songs … by various American artists [downloadable] on the website.
Celebrities reportedly wearing The ChangeRing: Susan Sarandon, Cuba Gooding Jr, Nick Cannon, Mary-Kate Olsen, Kelly Carlson, Tim Robbins, Ashley Simpson, … Pharell Williams and N.E.R.D., Alan Cumming, Hayden Panettier, Josh Lucas, Kerry Washington, Matthew Modine, Pras (Fugees), (Black Eyed Peas), … Jessica Alba. …
[G]o to
That’s American ingenuity I guess. Find a way to commercialize everything, even our Commander in Chief. Lord knows being cool and looking cool is far more important that actually voting for someone who has a clue what they are doing.
But let’s forget about poking fun or wondering if this is cultish. That isn’t the point. I am by nature as New Age-y as the next person and although I have never been an Obama supporter, I would celebrate change, too. Certainly there is something romantic about being a member of this special club that is out to heal the planet. Others of us also want to heal the planet. We just don’t wear a cool ring while we’re doing it. We also know that real change is achieved through slow, painstaking, consistent action.
With the exception of those in Obama’s camp who would use any cause as an excuse to hate and be cruel to others, there are certainly voters supporting him who have a sincere agenda. They actually believe his rhetoric. These are good, honest, decent people.
They are just being conned.
What angers me about this seemingly innocuous piece of jewelry is that it’s based on a con.
Being conned is something I know something about. I’ve been voting a straight Democratic ticket for thirty years, but the behavior I have seen exhibited by the DNC this year finally sent me over the edge:
To plot and plan so that the best candidate could be thrown under the bus in favor of a charlatan, to deny fair reflection, to give the earned delegates of one candidate to another with impunity, to condone caucus fraud and misogyny to propel your own selfish agenda, to allow two Democrats who have done more for the Party than any anyone to be called racists…In answer to that behavior, on June 7th, I stood at the post office with my new voter registration card, tears rolling down my face, and registered as an Independent. I have always been a Democrat. No more. I was conned.
Why bring this up here? Because I was naïve enough to actually believe that Democrats held the moral high ground. Maybe they’re a bit spineless but they don’t fight ‘dirty like the Republicans’ cause they’re too nice, they’re just not as good at it.
Yes, naïve, I know, but that is what I truly believed. No wonder I felt sick inside. Thirty years is a long time.
Now please go back and reread the above sales pitch for the ChangeRing. Sure, to some kids it’s just a fad and sixth months from now it will just be another piece of metal haphazardly thrown in their whatnot drawer. And yeah, the tracking device is kind of creepy. We’ve got enough big-brother in this country. None of that is my worry.
The worry is there are those who actually believe the hopium he’s been selling. That’s why cons are the worst kind of theft. Obama’s con involves the theft of idealism.
Senator Obama truly is politics as usual. He is a product of the corrupt Daley political machine; the media creation of his campaign manager David Axelrod; well marketed, kind of like the ultra slick ChangeRing website.
But one of these days, after the pundits and media whores realize they need a new way to make a buck, all the facts will finally be exposed about him. To sell more papers, they will tell the truth. Honestly, I feel sympathy for those who believe in Obama because it will be a very dark day for them.
Likewise, it will be a very dark day for some friends of mine, a comfortable couple in their fifties with Obama’s HOPE poster proudly displayed in their front window. Maybe they’ve already bought two companion ChangeRings, although they won’t look as cool as the teens wearing it, it will mean just as much if not more to them.
And then they’ll find out they were conned.

Now please fast forward to ten years from now. Someone else might come along: black, white, bi-racial, Latina, Asian, Indian, man or woman. And that person will likewise have a positive message.
The difference perhaps, is that with this future candidate, maybe it won’t be “words, just words.” Maybe he or she will actually have the goods to back it up. But being that your naïve heart has already been broken with the charlatan Obama, you won’t believe it. And that will be a grave loss. I feel empathy for those citizens who have been taken in by Obama’s nonsense. To some degree, I understand why they have.
Democrats have been wandering like nomads in the desert for eight years dying for a drink of water, feeling unrepresented and unseen, listening to an inexperienced, arrogant boob say “nuke-u-lar” and “Mission Accomplished”, unable to string two coherent sentences together. War mongering. Lying.
Add to that, Obama, Axelrod and Company did a great job selling us on the idea that a new face will kill the dynasties of Bush/Clinton and usher in a post-partisan warm, fuzzy feeling in the White House. Actually, only the Bushes are a dynasty. The Clintons are a married couple. No matter. We need CHANGE!!
And then there were the uber-rallies and the rhapsodic speeches…A teleprompter! A teleprompter! My kingdom for a teleprompter!!
People had a desperate need to believe. And the mainstream media helped make the sale.
Is it any wonder that Obamania took hold?
The Change Ring is just a little token of Senator Obama’s con job. He and Axelrod have foisted American Idol on us, not someone really equipped to govern. But what goes up must come down and it is quite obvious that the toy has lost its luster. I just hope when everybody finally wakes up, they don’t use it as an excuse to turn away from the process altogether.
We need people to be involved if we are ever going to get our country back from special interests and people like David Axelrod and Barack Obama, who use our pain to sell us a product.