Obama Lures College Kids!
From NoQuarter
National Horror 101
ALERT! Obama uses Bait and Switch to get college kids into his candy house before he eats them. No. That is not an exaggeration. This is me. Father Eastan. I offer a call to action at the end of this piece. I hope, after reading about this deception, you will consider getting on your horse and riding down main street yelling the BrownShirts are coming - the BrownShirts are coming! Read on. This got me angry.

On Obama’s website there is a line for students:
In the middle of this bail out crisis I want to temporarily change the subject. As a father who put one kid through college, have one enrolled now, and the third coming close behind, I have been investigating the Obama plans for higher education. It may actually have some loose links to the current economic crisis. You can decide. This, my observation, will be broken down into two parts. Funding – not just funding of the schools, but how I fund the cost of my kids’ education - and Community Service. Let’s start with a statement from Obama’s web site.
The real world result will be that the rich kids get to go out during the summer, intern with companies and have yet another advantage as they merge, via the acceleration ramp, onto the employment superhighway, while all those who’s parents needed a tax credit to make up for the existing pure grants that may have to be eliminated to pay for the new credits will be traveling the slim pickings back roads hoping to get a low level job working under their former classmates who got an Obama-made jump start.
[Come into my candy house, little kiddies.]
Is Obama being honest with the kids? No! On his website the last twelve words:

Here is the full document on that subject. Well, it is not full. There remains missing in that document what will happen to grants currently made available to students of middle income families as greater emphasis is given to low income applicants:
I am unapologetic for making that distinction above. I am middle income and see very little up side in any plan that has Obama playing with my money.
To make this concept even more disturbing, Obama has also called for greater integration between his CNSF and public schools, so that young Americans are better prepared to be active citizens. He said he would make federal assistance conditional on school districts establishing service programs and setting the goal of 50 hours of service a year for middle and high school students.
I am not sure I see such grand planned cooperation between so many powers with the intent of keeping us in our place solely for their wealth appropriation. But I am troubled by Obama’s talk about forced copulation between two fundamental, yet distinct cornerstones of our modern society, education and community service. It is – well – un-American.
I have an All American plan. And, since I do not live in Missouri, I might be able to pull it off. Free Speech. I tried this on my son and he is ready to march, for his freedom, straight to the polling place and vote for anyone except Obama. Good boy. Smart boy. My plan? And, by the way, you can do this too. It sure beats sobbing over our keyboards.
Two-fold. First I am going to finance the printing of some simple flyers explaining the Obama Tax Credit to Servitude Shell Game and get them to college republicans in my state to distribute around campus. For that I will likely be accused of attempted voter suppression because I will be told that the only thing that could possibly be the result of such action would be the freezing of the youth vote. Nobody would ever believe the students will actually vote for someone other than Obama. I’m willing to take that heat.
Second, I am going to take a few bucks and buy some radio spots, where allowed, at the student run radio station at the university he attends. The language of the spot will be something like this.
The website will, of course, be focused around the Obama plan and why they should not even think about letting him drive them into involuntary service – The Obama Draft.
If you want to go back to the subject that has taken all our attention these days, try looking at this. It has nothing to do with my article. Or does it?
National Horror 101
ALERT! Obama uses Bait and Switch to get college kids into his candy house before he eats them. No. That is not an exaggeration. This is me. Father Eastan. I offer a call to action at the end of this piece. I hope, after reading about this deception, you will consider getting on your horse and riding down main street yelling the BrownShirts are coming - the BrownShirts are coming! Read on. This got me angry.
On Obama’s website there is a line for students:
Recipients of the credit will be required to conduct 100 hours of community service.Students will think OK. I go to college. When I get out I put in a few hours at ACORN. Cool. But if you download the actual plan you will see the rest of the FULL sentence.
Recipients of the credit will be required to conduct 100 hours of community service a year, either during the school year or over the summer months.The intention of leaving the last part of the offer off of the web site is to lure the kids in so they will pitch their parents. This type of bait and switch for impressionable young votes is an unconscionable, unforgivable act of deceit and an attack against the wondrous, pure innocence of our nations youth.
In the middle of this bail out crisis I want to temporarily change the subject. As a father who put one kid through college, have one enrolled now, and the third coming close behind, I have been investigating the Obama plans for higher education. It may actually have some loose links to the current economic crisis. You can decide. This, my observation, will be broken down into two parts. Funding – not just funding of the schools, but how I fund the cost of my kids’ education - and Community Service. Let’s start with a statement from Obama’s web site.
Obama on Higher EducationMaking good marks in school is important to the quality of opportunities students discover available to them after graduation, so taking time away from studies to work on a voter registration project, or whatever noble service may be offered, is not going to be the option most students select. So an unpaid summer job, that will cost them time, gas and meals, will be the most likely method they choose to repay this annual loan – which is what it really is. It is a time loan.
Create the American Opportunity Tax Credit: Obama and Biden will make college affordable for all Americans by creating a new American Opportunity Tax Credit. This universal and fully refundable credit will ensure that the first $4,000 of a college education is completely free for most Americans, and will cover two-thirds the cost of tuition at the average public college or university and make community college tuition completely free for most students. Recipients of the credit will be required to conduct 100 hours of community service a year, either during the school year or over the summer months.
The real world result will be that the rich kids get to go out during the summer, intern with companies and have yet another advantage as they merge, via the acceleration ramp, onto the employment superhighway, while all those who’s parents needed a tax credit to make up for the existing pure grants that may have to be eliminated to pay for the new credits will be traveling the slim pickings back roads hoping to get a low level job working under their former classmates who got an Obama-made jump start.
[Come into my candy house, little kiddies.]
Is Obama being honest with the kids? No! On his website the last twelve words:
“a year, either during the school year or over the summer months”are left off. The last sentence of the above paragraph ends thusly:
“Recipients of the credit will be required to conduct 100 hours of community service.”Go back up and click on the link to his site. I set it up so it will open a new window or tab. You won’t leave here. I also took a snap shot of the site so that, when it is changed, I still have a copy of it. There is no dot dot. On the Obama web site this paragraph ends with a period. Only if the young aspiring students download the detailed plan, using the well tucked away link at the bottom of the page, and read the pdf document carefully will they see the whole truth. They will think that their entire payment will be that they give 100 hours of services, such as cleaning other peoples’ neighborhoods, after they graduate from college. That, of course is the intention of leaving the last part of the offer off of the web site. This type of bait and switch for impressionable young votes is an unconscionable, unforgivable act of deceit and an attack against the wondrous, pure innocence of our nations youth.
Here is the full document on that subject. Well, it is not full. There remains missing in that document what will happen to grants currently made available to students of middle income families as greater emphasis is given to low income applicants:
I am unapologetic for making that distinction above. I am middle income and see very little up side in any plan that has Obama playing with my money.
Obama on Community ServiceIt may come to no surprise that a Civilian National Security Force (CNSF) like the one Obama suggests can be and have been proposed or implemented in places like Cuba, the Soviet Union, China, Venezuela, North Korea and East Germany. But we live in what is now considered a country that values individual freedom and freedom of choices.
[Pick up your clubs, Get in their face and tell them how to vote!]
“We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.” – Barack Obama, Colorado Springs, July 2, 2008.
To make this concept even more disturbing, Obama has also called for greater integration between his CNSF and public schools, so that young Americans are better prepared to be active citizens. He said he would make federal assistance conditional on school districts establishing service programs and setting the goal of 50 hours of service a year for middle and high school students.
“Just as we teach math and writing, arts and athletics, we need to teach young Americans to take citizenship seriously,” he said.This sounds like coerced patriotism for the lower and middle class. Get out there and volunteer for something, kid, or we’ll have to shut down the library and charge you double for your books. Private schools, like the one Obama’s daughters attend will be inherently exempt, of course. His girls will never be forced to take target practice lessons and patrol the borders of Hyde Park, protecting the locals from moderate low information interlopers who may try to climb the gates for a better look onto how the other half lives. You know - like the One who, three years ago entered into a joint real estate business relationship with a convicted Syrian Felon and today is running for the right to conscript your kids into his brown shirt urban army.
[Give me your Sons - your Daughters. I will make them into perfect little bots.]Nimmo’s caption might not be that far fetched. Obama’s top advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski, is a close Rockefeller protégé and a Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member. Obama’s wife, Michelle, is a member of the Chicago branch of the CFR. Disgraced former Obama advisor, James A. Johnson, former Fannie Mae CEO and consummate Washington insider, is a member of the American Friends of Bilderberg and the Council on Foreign Relations. Big donors to the Obama campaign basically constitute a who’s who of corporate and Wall Street banking interests, and some believe they would welcome profits even if it meant subduing those of us who may resist an accelerated move toward corporate globalization and a one-world economy.
"In the months and years ahead, with the engineered deconstruction of the economy, a “domestic security force” possibly the size of the U.S. military will be required “to prevent collusion and maintain security dependence among the vassals,” as Rockefeller functionary Brzezinski might describe it. Kurt Nimmo, Infowars, July 16, 2008
I am not sure I see such grand planned cooperation between so many powers with the intent of keeping us in our place solely for their wealth appropriation. But I am troubled by Obama’s talk about forced copulation between two fundamental, yet distinct cornerstones of our modern society, education and community service. It is – well – un-American.
I have an All American plan. And, since I do not live in Missouri, I might be able to pull it off. Free Speech. I tried this on my son and he is ready to march, for his freedom, straight to the polling place and vote for anyone except Obama. Good boy. Smart boy. My plan? And, by the way, you can do this too. It sure beats sobbing over our keyboards.
Two-fold. First I am going to finance the printing of some simple flyers explaining the Obama Tax Credit to Servitude Shell Game and get them to college republicans in my state to distribute around campus. For that I will likely be accused of attempted voter suppression because I will be told that the only thing that could possibly be the result of such action would be the freezing of the youth vote. Nobody would ever believe the students will actually vote for someone other than Obama. I’m willing to take that heat.
Second, I am going to take a few bucks and buy some radio spots, where allowed, at the student run radio station at the university he attends. The language of the spot will be something like this.
If the wrong president is elected he will expect you to perform community service each summer to pay back the tax credits your parents took for sending you to school. While affluent students spend their summers interning in their major, the rest of you will be in soup kitchens, cleaning roadsides or registering voters – for no pay. Visit eCivic.org to learn more. Your urgent attention is needed to spread the word. Do it now.If anyone has any ideas for composing the radio script or the flyer please add your ideas in a comment here or compose it and email it to EastanMcNeal@yahoo.com -- I will work on layout for the flyer and provide original music for the radio ad, and we can share master copies to send out en masse.
The website will, of course, be focused around the Obama plan and why they should not even think about letting him drive them into involuntary service – The Obama Draft.
If you want to go back to the subject that has taken all our attention these days, try looking at this. It has nothing to do with my article. Or does it?