Joe Biden Shoots Off His Dem-Sexist Mouth

from Andrew Malcolm:

Democrat Joe Biden likes Republican Sarah Palin's looks

Oh, jeez, here we go already. With the canny, seemingly good-natured-but-really-a-put-down jokes about a female candidate.

The lone female is gone from the Democratic race; they can't use the old pantsuits laugher anymore. So Joe Biden trotted out the subtly dismissive, isn't-she-pretty line about you-know-who, the newbie on the Republican side. (Translation: There's really nothing else to her to comment about, but I won't say that because I'm not a sexist.)

Democratic senators and presidential running mates Joe Biden and Barack Obama confer in Washington

We wonder how this goes down with those millions of female Hillary Clinton supporters whom both sides covet.
Biden was in Ohio with his Democratic ticket partner, whom he once described as "clean," and told an outdoor rally:
“There’s a gigantic difference between John McCain and Barack Obama and between me and I suspect my vice presidential opponent,” Biden said.

“She’s good-looking,” he quipped.
Yeah, really, hold your sides on that one.

Let's turn that reference around 180-degrees and imagine a female candidate in front of a large audience talking about some, oh, hypothetical male opponent for the vice presidency. "Thirty-six years in the United States Senate," she says, "And all he's got to show for it is a beautiful head of hairplugs."

Real classy, right?

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