Barack, Your Past is Gaining on You!
from Larry Johnson and my heros at No Quarter:

Don’t think the Republicans are loaded for bear to go after Barack? Well, what do you do when an addled old man outs your past ties to radical muslims? So Khalid al-Mansour was your sugar daddy? This bombshell comes courtesy of Percy Sutton, the former borough president of Manhattan, who describes his first encounter with the young Obama.
If You're on an Aggregator - Click here for the Video
No big deal? Well, consider this.
Khalid Al Mansour is bad, bad news for Barack. Guess what? Jeremiah Wright ain’t the only batshit crazy minister in Barack’s past. Check this out–you Jews are a bunch of land grabbing thieves:
If you're on an Aggregator (especially if you're Jewish) Click here for THIS Video.
Yep, change you can believe in. So who is Khalid al Mansour? Newsmax has the story (and yes, they may be a rightwing site and the author of the story attacks me in a separate book, but truth is truth):
What other shoes are going to drop?

Don’t think the Republicans are loaded for bear to go after Barack? Well, what do you do when an addled old man outs your past ties to radical muslims? So Khalid al-Mansour was your sugar daddy? This bombshell comes courtesy of Percy Sutton, the former borough president of Manhattan, who describes his first encounter with the young Obama.
“I was introduced to (Obama) by a friend who was raising money for him,” Sutton told NY1 city hall reporter Dominic Carter.Here’s the video:
“The friend’s name is Dr. Khalid al-Mansour, from Texas,” Sutton said. “He is the principal adviser to one of the world’s richest men. He told me about Obama.”
If You're on an Aggregator - Click here for the Video
No big deal? Well, consider this.
Khalid Al Mansour is bad, bad news for Barack. Guess what? Jeremiah Wright ain’t the only batshit crazy minister in Barack’s past. Check this out–you Jews are a bunch of land grabbing thieves:
If you're on an Aggregator (especially if you're Jewish) Click here for THIS Video.
Yep, change you can believe in. So who is Khalid al Mansour? Newsmax has the story (and yes, they may be a rightwing site and the author of the story attacks me in a separate book, but truth is truth):
A graduate of Howard University with a law degree from the University of California, al-Mansour sits on numerous corporate boards, including the Saudi African Bank and Chicago-based LaGray Chemical Co. LaGray, which was formed to do business in Africa, counts former Nigerian President General Abdusalam Abubakar on its advisory board.So, let me get this straight–a Black Panther paves Barack’s way to Harvard and a former member of the Weather Underground (and unrepentant terrorist) Bill Ayers names him to Chair the board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge.
He also sits on the board of the non-profit African Leadership Academy, along with top McCain for President adviser Carly Fiorina, and organized a tribute to the President of Ghana at the Clinton White House in 1995, along with pop star Michael Jackson.
But his writings and books are packed with anti-American rhetoric reminiscent of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Obama’s disgraced former pastor.
In a 1995 book, “The Lost Books of Africa Rediscovered,” he alleged that the United States was plotting genocide against black Americans.
The first “genocide against the black man began 300 years ago,” he told an audience in Harlem at a book-signing, while a second “genocide” was on the way “to remove 15 million Black people, considered disposable, of no relevance, value or benefit to the American society.”
In the 1960s, when he founded the African American Association in the San Francisco Bay area, he was known as Donald Warden.
According to the Social Activism Project at the University of California at Berkley, Warden, a.k.a. Khalid al-Mansour, was the mentor of Black Panther Party founder Huey Newton and his cohort, Bobby Seale.
What other shoes are going to drop?