Obama, the Vote Swiper?

From The Confluence

Vote, or Risk Having Your Vote Stolen!

I sincerely believe that Obama for America intends to try to steal the presidential election, just as George W. Bush did in 2000. Obama’s track record proves that he has absolutely zero integrity and an utter disregard for democratic prinicples. That is the primary reason that I do not support him and think that he would be a danger to our country, and perhaps put the final nail in the coffin of our democratic process. People like Bush and Obama want to make voters irrelevant. They care only about the corporate vote, which is cast not with a ballot, but with a greenback.

They still need to pretend, however, that the voters actually did make the final decision. Obama can only use his shills in the media to get him close to the finish line. That provides the cover for when the “ground game” comes in and makes sure that the actual vote count is in their favor.

Republicans and Democrats have different methods for doing this. But make no mistake, both sides do it. The republicans like “vote caging”, which effectively eliminates their opposition’s voters from the rolls. The Democrats prefer to inflate their voter turnout by mainpulating and falsifying voter registration forms. This can lead to people voting “early and often” or votes from the “living impaired”, or even voting for people who do not bother to show up to vote.
In a conference call with reporters, Del. Jeffrey M. Frederick (R-Prince William), the chairman of the state party, seized on the arrests last week of three paid canvassers charged with submitting false names on voter registration forms in Hampton.

The controversy comes during one of the most aggressive efforts in a generation to register new voters, especially African Americans, in Virginia.

Convinced that there are tens of thousands of unregistered African Americans and otherwise Democratic-leaning Virginia residents, the Democrats are trying to register 151,000 new voters before the Oct. 6 deadline. A dozen other private organizations have sent canvassers into the streets to register voters. Democrats think this is their best chance of carrying the state in a presidential election since 1964.

Frederick said the criminal charges in Hampton prove that some groups are trying to register voters through fraudulent means. “Unfortunately, there appears to be a coordinated and widespread effort in Virginia to commit voter fraud,” he said.

Frederick said the state Republican Party has obtained an affidavit from a Richmond woman who contends that her Social Security number was used by someone who was trying to register to vote.
This is happening in many battleground states. Obama is attempting to “cross the finish line” by falsifying voter registration rolls, and if anyone calls him on it, he screams racism. Pretty sneaky, right? In fact, I am quite alarmed to find out that this is happening in my own county. First of all, take a look at the voter registration activity going on in my area. Within a 50 mile radius of my house, there are 263 “events” being held by Obama for America. Most of these are voter registration events.

But these events are not all run by the campaign itself. They are aided by nefarious groups such as ACORN, whose history of voter fraud has been covered here and here, from the WSJ, which actually ties ACORN to recently failed Fannie and Freddie.
Operating in at least 38 states (as well as Canada and Mexico), Acorn pushes a highly partisan agenda, and its organizers are best understood as shock troops for the AFL-CIO and even the Democratic Party. As part of the Fannie Mae reform bill, House Democrats pushed an “affordable housing trust fund” designed to use Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac profits to subsidize Acorn, among other groups. A version of this trust fund actually passed the Republican House and will surely be on the agenda again next year.
I have been generally ambivalent about the claims of voter fraud, because I believed that this was mainly a Republican tactic. I can’t afford to be that way any longer, especially since the vote that is stolen may very well be my own. I am a resident of Durham County and this is what I read in my local paper (free registration required) this morning:
The move by RNC Chief Counsel Sean Cairncross and Communications Director Danny Diaz followed a Herald-Sun report that Durham County Board of Elections Director Mike Ashe wants state officials to check about 80 voter registration forms for possible fraud.

The forms came from a group called the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. The group is more commonly known by its acronym, ACORN…

Ashe’s move this week came after elections officials discovered that ACORN workers had registered a 14-year-old, claiming the youth was born in 1989. The minimum voting age is 18.

They also knew of “less than half a dozen” people who, after receiving a formal notice from the board telling them they’d registered, got in touch with officials to say they’d never filled out a registration form, Ashe said.

In addition, election workers also noticed that ACORN-submitted registration forms so far have included up to 125 duplicate names. It appeared that ACORN registrars — who are paid and subject to a per-shift quota — were using the same names repeatedly, Ashe said.

“I got like 15 Brenda Greens,” Ashe said. “We’re starting to get enough now that the names are looking familiar.”

Similar problems tied to ACORN have been reported this summer by media outlets in New Mexico and Ohio, which like North Carolina are battlegrounds and potential swing states in this year’s presidential election.
It is important to understand that Durham Co. is a Democratic bastion in an otherwise red state. This is not an investigation that is being led by GOP operatives. There must be some serious problems if it has gotten attention of both the local paper and the county’s board of elections director. In fact it appears that the GOP only chimed in after being tipped off by the Herald-Sun.

The Obama campaign may try to distance themselves from ACORN, but Obama has a long history with the group. In fact, much of his touted “community organizing” was done on behalf of the group.
Prior to law school, Barack Obama worked as an organizer for their affiliates in New York and Chicago. He always has been an ACORN person — meeting and working with them to advance their causes. Through his membership on the board of the Woods Fund for Chicago and his friendship with Teresa Heinz Kerry, Obama has helped ensure that they remain funded well.

Since he graduated from law school, Obama’s work with ACORN and the Midwest Academy has ranged from training and fundraising, to legal representation and promoting their work.
I have come to the conclusion that staying at home, or leaving the ballot blank for President could very well end up being a vote for Obama. The mere thought that this might occur is absolutely repugnant to me. Therefore I feel very strongly that I must vote for SOMEONE for President. I am in no way endorsing anybody, and honestly I’m still not sure who I intend to vote for.

But I will vote for somebody, and it won’t be Obama.

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