Lemon poses this:
An interesting meme I found surfing around. Makes for a good filler after a yomtov.
Here are the rules:~~~
1. Grab the book closest to you.
2. Open it to page 161.
3. Find the fifth full sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence to your blog.
5. Don't search around for the coolest book you have, use the one that is really next to you.
Post a comment on here that you have answered..then post your answer on your own page.
My book is When Moshiach Comes, A Halachic and Aggadic Perspective by Yehudah Chayoun.
It was nearest me as I was going through it here we are at page 161:
"Yalkut Shimoni, Shir Ha Shirim 1, In those days the house of Yehuda will go to the house of Yisrael.. (Yirmeyahu 3:18)Yisrael refers to the ten tribes exiled to the Sambatyon River."
I always have a few books on the go. Right now I have 3... so:
1. THE BODY NEVER LIES by Alice Miller:
Such a suggestion is sufficient to cast a [victim]t into a state of total confusion, because it is precisely this concern to see only the parents' good side that has led to the disorder in question, and the repression of feelings and perceptions."
(excellent book btw!)
2. IF I AM MISSING OR DEAD by Janine Latus
"One of my friends said it sounded like I am walking on eggshells, I say, which is stupid."
I was given this book to read by a publisher for my Domestic Violence work. It is good and very validating.
3. The Torah (need I even say more its all GOOD?)
It's a nice way to share books and ideas I think.