Here it is folks. And why Osama is still on the loose and not a priority (if he ever was) Because the PNAC cronies in the White House now had this agenda a LONG time ago and just USED 9/11 to get everyone's panties in a bunch and behind an illegal and unnecessary war. We have been had people - and we are still being had at the cost of our young people.

Revealed: Why Your Sons and Daughters Died in Iraq
by Cliff Carson

Could it be that our soldiers died to enrich five or six International Oil Companies (Four of them American)? Or that possibly a million Iraqis suffered the same fate for the same reason? You might recall that President Bush claimed that one of the Benchmarks the Iraqi Government must meet is a deal to share the Oil revenues. What he didn't say is with whom they, the Iraqis, will have to share. Seems like it's not the Iraqis.

This is according to a speech by Dennis Kucinich last week, well not all of it was a speech; some of it was a reading of the Oil deal that Bush is saying Iraqi must sign. And was the reported deal ever an eye opener!

Seems that those International Oil Companies (can you say EXXON, MOBILE, and BP for starters), stand to pluck the Iraqi people for about $21 Trillion. Folks that's twenty one thousand BILLION. In perspective, that's about double the United States current cash debt, and a little over 40% of the accrued National Debt of $50 Trillion. Figured another way, it's about $70,000 for every American currently alive. And it will all go to about six Oil companies. Well not all, there's the Congress to be bought off, actually it seems they already have, but they still need to get a little more of the harvest.

These are the guys that brought you $3.25 gas and rising. Once they corner the Oil market what might gas cost? How many of your family members are you willing to send to their death so that these Oil companies might get just a little bit richer? For every Human being who has died, American Soldier and Iraqi Citizen, these companies stand to rake in about $21,000,000. And just think, their cohorts got to furnish the War materials, and they made off with upwards of a Trillion dollars already.
Damn, what a profitable business this war mongering is! For the few that is. For us common folk, it's deadly.
How did I come to these figures? Well according to the Oil deal that Bush says must be signed, Kucinich reports that the deal requires that the Oil Companies get control of over 80% of the Iraqi Oil fields. The CEO's of those Companies have complete control of every aspect of the oil for 35 years into the future. Iraq gets to keep 17 oil fields, but even for these fields, operational control is in the hands of the International Oil companies

Kucinich also points out that this plan was formulated well before the invasion. And some of you still cling to "We went in to get rid of the WMD?" Ready to admit that you've been had? I'm talking to the Bush supporters here. Yeah I know there's the regime change story, but how many of you out there know that Saddam Hussein agreed to leave Iraq and go into exile - before the invasion? And for that matter, as I write this story, there is precious little on the Media about Kucinich and what he reported.

I'm sure you've heard rumors about the absurd rape of the Iraqi resources leading up to today, and so have I. What I heard was that the plan was for American Oil companies to get 74 cents of every dollar generated by Iraqi Oil revenues for the next 35 years. Pretty close to what Kucinich reported.

Do you still think we went into Iraq for Humanitarian reasons or to protect the United States from an awful dictator?
We have a dictator looming over the horizon and folks he sure ain't A-rab.
Did we really need to lose all those civil liberties to get all that Oil? Or, did we get the oil? Maybe those Oil companies will lower the price of gas as soon as they get that 21 Trillion. Then again, they might not. They still have to sack Iran to corner the market. Course they're gearing up for that now. The most powerful country on Earth, America, the country with a Military budget greater than the rest of the World combined is afraid of Iran? Absurd! Of course they're not, our shadow government is just afraid that Iran can't handle all that oil. How many of your sons and daughters do you plan to send to die so those few oil companies sack Iran? How many Iranians are you willing to sacrifice?

Have you heard about the oil deal? Do you think we sacked Iraq for any reason other than the oil? Do you consider yourself to be well informed? What do you think you have gained by our invasion of Iraq? What have the American people lost?

The time for change is now. And it won't come from either the Republicans or the Democrats. It will have to come from the people. Those in Power won't surrender their roles without a fight. You ought to get informed and involved. Now.



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