Muslim Women Don't See Themselves as Oppressed, Survey Finds

Why am I not surprised that this was in that pooper-scooper THE NEW YORK TIMES. Or is this report smoking the Dhimmi Carter crack?

Of course they don't feel oppressed - THEY LIVE IN A CLOSED SOCIETY and DON'T KNOW ANY BETTER. And then there's the "my husband and family will stone me to death if I speak my mind."

Wow! I thought I'd read the most outrageous media spin before but this one really is the cherry on the sundae.

Muslim women do not think they are conditioned to accept second-class status or view themselves as oppressed, according to a survey released Tuesday by The Gallup Organization.

According to the poll, conducted in 2005, a strong majority of Muslim women believe they should have the right to vote without influence, work outside the home and serve in the highest levels of government. In more than 8,000 face-to-face interviews conducted in eight predominantly Muslim countries, the survey found that many women in the Muslim world did not see sex issues as a priority because other issues were more pressing.

When asked what they resented most about their own societies, a majority of Muslim women polled said that a lack of unity among Muslim nations, violent extremism, and political and economic corruption were their main concerns. The hijab, or head scarf, and burqa, the garment covering face and body, seen by some Westerners as tools of oppression, were never mentioned in the women's answers to the open-ended questions, the poll analysts said.

Concerning women's rights in general, most Muslim women polled associated sex equality with the West. Seventy-eight percent of Moroccan women, 71 percent of Lebanese women and 48 percent of Saudi women poled linked legal equality with the West. Still, a majority of the respondents did not think adopting Western values would help the Muslim world's political and economic progress.


At least one blogger has his head screwed on straight about this one.



Anonymous said…
[...]that pooper-scooper THE NEW YORK TIMES. Or is this report smoking the Dhimmi Carter crack?

Barbara, you are starting to sound too much like a Conservative with the above statement. Be careful! You might loose your liberal credentials if you repeat such commendable behavior.
Barbara said…
LOL!! very funny. then again, don't paint all liberals with the same brush and I won't assume all conservatives are drinking the Dubya Kool-Aid ;)

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