This piece is from one of my all-time favorite blogs. I frequently use Kathy's great pieces in my work with Domestic Violence and Abuse victims.

I myself have had destructive narcissists, sociopaths and borderlines in my life. Yes, they are mentally sick and very slick people but a lot of their abuse and lying is willful. Catch them - and you will find out just how "CRACKED" they are with the stupidity of the accusations and twisted "truth" they will spout.

It's also impossible to separate these disgustingly abusive patterns from Islamofascists and their spin on everything from the media to rape to the reasons for attacking anyone who isn't one of "them."

I could go on and on about the stupidity of the media about so many things, but for now - I am going to stick to the dangerous stupidity of terrorism.

After you read this - give a gander to THIS WEB SITE. You'll see what I mean

by Kathy Krajco

One of the recent comments reminded me of my all-time favorite narcissist line. I asked this narcissist "Why do you try to control everything I say?"

She didn't view that as her trying to control me. She yelled back like a petulant child stamping her foot, "Well, YOU'RE trying to control my ears!"

I was speechless.

That's definitely below educably mentally retarded.

But five minutes later, they're solving the Quadratic Equation, so don't try to tell me that they aren't willfully cracked.

Let's untangle this mishmash in the N's head.
By saying what you think, instead of what they want you pretend with them, you are controlling their ears. In other words, everything they hear should be controlled by their (lying) ears, not by the things that make the sounds.
Bizarre. But then that's the way things are in the looking glass, in the Land of Pretend.
They make up the world the way they want it to be, not the way it is. That's what they're up to when they try to control what you say and do, when they tell the most bizarre patholigical lies about what happened right there on the spot two seconds ago. They're just making it all up as they go along. A work of fiction. That IS NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder).
And they get really mad when you don't follow their script. Kinda like they're the author and you're just a character (not a person, a human being - a fictional character) who should follow their script.

So, it should be no surprise that these willful idiots think that way. If they were truly unintelligent, I wouldn't make fun of them. But who is stupider than someone who thinks it's smart to be so stupid and does it willfully just to think rot? Such people deserve no pass for that.




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