Almost 4 years ago I was in a situation where, as my trauma counselors & victim's witness explained to me - I wasn't simply manipulated by someone I'd known over 25 years and had no reason not to trust. But I was used for kicks and emotionally raped for 2 years prior. I had been defenseless. I went to the hospital a number of times after finding out for non-stop vomitting, ended up self-harming for the first time in 22 years because I realized I meant nothing - which sent me to a clinic for trauma counseling. It all ended up at One Police Plaza but its a tale I won't tell here. I refuse to harm the families involved and I still hope, albeit with a lot of grief & pain, for some sort of restorative justice.
I hope the same for the Meier family. But it seems the Drews have no intention of apologizing, telling the Meiers to "give it a rest." The Drews even went so far as to file charges against the Meiers for a ruined Christmas gift, which seems to mean more to them than an vulnerable human life.
A blog called MEGAN HAD IT COMING has been posted by someone who is a complete piece of dung, in my opinion. I don't know or care who posted it and Blogger is loathe to do anything about hate sites because of the First Amendment protection against bloggers. The person who wrote this blog really thinks their words and twisted revision of what happened can make Megan's suicide o.k. Disgusting.
Lori Drew's character is lack and she is void of any ethical compass. I will never understand why people SMEAR THEIR VICTIMS and BLAME-SHIFT to those they preyed on as their "excuse" for never apologizing or even trying to make it right. If I were Lori Drew I would be on my knees at the Meier's door begging forgiveness and starting a fund in Megan's name for counseling of trouble teens in O'Fallon.
Megan was depressed and had issues. So did I when I was that age. There was no social media for me, thank goodness, but until I went to undergrad school I was shunned, my parent's home was egged or soaped, I was beaten many times, I was denied a scholarship because of nasty, small-minded adults and my grades were even altered because of the jealousy of another girl and the community sway of her parents. I thought about suicide but I did have activities in my life that kept me going. And I had a grandmother, of blessed memory, who cared a lot about me and understood me.
That said, I needed to post a follow up and hope that the lawmakers change the law so Lori Drew can be charged with harrassment, malicious mischief and/or the intentional infliction of emotional distress and do the time for causing the death of a vulnerable 13-year old girl.
Fraud Kills, Lies Kill - and using someone like that can cost their life, their soul and their peace of mind.
Rest in peace Megan. I won't forget. I rarely do.
Telling Lies: Did Fraud Kill Megan Meier?
Pretending you're someone you're not has an effect!
...This just is too sad, terrible, and about 10 other adjectives to not mention.
Megan Meier was a 13 year old girl who lived in Missouri. Many people already know this story so i will just go through the details quickly to catch up the people who don’t know. Megan had battled depression for a long time due to a weight problem as reports say. That all seemed to change when she started receiving emails from “someone special”
The problem was that her someone special was a complete fraud. Josh Evans was the fake name of the person. He was created by an adult that lived near by. Over the course of a couple of months this woman built up the hopes of Megan and made her believe all of her stories.
The story goes on to say that Josh was a 16 year old boy that had just moved recently to his dream house. He [said he] was home schooled and didn’t yet have a phone number to give to Megan. This was obviously just part of the lie to keep her at a safe distance from finding out the truth as would later come out.
According to Megan's mother, her mood improved and she became hopeful for the first time in a long time. In mid-October 2006 everything fell apart. Suddenly Josh didn’t want to be involved with her anymore.
Here's where things get nasty. Bulletins started popping up on Myspace that Megan was fat, a slut, and who knows what else. Megan became very depressed say the people close to her. On October 16, 2006 Megan hung herself in her parents home.
The FBI and local officials investigated the story and found that “Josh” was actually a woman who lived near by. His profile on Myspace was maintained by her, and an 18 year old girl and the [adult] woman's daughter who is said to have been a former friend of Megans. Choose your friends wisely i guess…
Megan's parents have been interviewed by such people as Matt Lauer on the TODAY show. Reports say that the woman responsible for this fraud has sent a letter to the parents of the deceased saying that it wasn’t her fault and that she basically excepts no responsibility for her actions and feels that they should just drop it and more or less get over it.
So, heres my question to all of this. Is this fraud? If we look at the definition of fraud i think it is pretty close.
1. A deception deliberately practiced in order to secure unfair or unlawful gain.
2. A piece of trickery; a trick.
3. 1. One that defrauds.
2. One who assumes a false pose; an impostor.
MY Take on This story!
Not that my opinion matters but I’m going to give it because, well, this is my site and I can. This is the worst kind of fraud and or crime a person can portray on another person.
If you know someone intimately enough to know exactly what their biggest wants, desires, and on the flip side, there biggest fears and insecurities are then you choose to use those against someone or for your own personal enjoyment or gain there is something very wrong with you.
Everyone has their own issues that life has handed them. Sometimes those things effect us for the rest of our lives and essentially form who we are and what bothers us. Think about it for a minute to yourself. Maybe its the loss of a loved one, something traumatic you have experienced, or a major insecurity due to a short coming of your own.
This woman and her entourage sent emails to Megan that exploited her exact weakness. They built her up over a couple of months and made her feel like everything was ok and life was good for the first time in a long time. That she was special.
Then when the time was right…BAM! They dropped the bomb.
This woman used Megan's own mind against her to get close and made her feel wanted.As i said above, Megan's “issue” was her weight and all the things that came with it. Feeling like an older, good looking, boy was into her built her up.
After building her up according to plan, Megan had the ground taken out from under her. Then to take it a step further messages started to appear saying she was a fat slut and treated people terrible.
As of now, this type of fraud and deplorable behavior from a grown woman is not a crime according to the current laws.
I have seen an un-varnished opinion before that says that Megan over reacted. To that i will say…maybe. All things being equal I would say that killing yourself over a boy not wanting to talk to you anymore is a bit drastic, yes.
I have another take on that opinion, personally. Why don’t we look at what this grown woman did.
What could anyone ever do to deserve having there single biggest fear used and exploited in such a devious manner? NOTHING!This is cold, calculating, and simply disgusting behavior from anyone. let alone a mother. Thats my opinion and i think more people would agree with me than not.
This woman and her helpers have done so much to destroy and yet they still feel that it was no big deal and everyone should just what? laugh it off and go watch some television?
Its this kind of remorse, or lack there of, that proves this woman is one of the lowest forms of life imaginable. The people affected by this fraud have to live with what she has done for ever. She chooses to just wash her hands of it.I don’t advocate any form of vigilantism as some people online have recommended. I think doing so would make someone almost as bad as the woman who enacted all of these lies and deceit.
Sure, there is a case to be made that she did this for no reason other than her own personal sick pleasure. That is why this post is labeled with the word fraud after all. Yes, there is also a case to be made that Megan did nothing to deserve this type of treatment and by comparison this woman deserves all that comes her way for her actions.
That I will agree with. I think those close to the event should realize that sooner or later these types of people will get what they have given but lowering ones self to this level to help nature along is just wrong. no matter how much she has earned it.
Once again, Kathy Krajco gets it right on!
When Narcs Attack
by Kathy Krajco
Professionals often say that narcissists "overreact" to the merest unintended slights and that they fly into a rage for the slightest reason. But this view seems anthropomorphic to me. I suspect it comes from forgetting that the narcissist on your couch is a pathological liar.
The truth is that narcissists attack for no reason. In fact, they are prompted to attack by anti-reasons.
Of course the narc on your couch says he did it in self defense! He whines that the victim said or did something to slight him or anger his tender, tender feelings. Were you born yesterday? Narcissist = pathological liar. So, why do you expect him to confess to you that he is a predator = one who attacks any vulnerable target of opportunity?
I would hate to admit how long it took me to discover this, but in my experience, what triggers a Narcissist Attack is nothing but a vulnerable target of opportunity.
Test narcissists. Parade bait before them when the coast looks clear so that the narc thinks later it will just be his word against the victim's. Then watch what happens.(Rather like a man I knew who asked a narcissist to marry him and got eviscerated for it.)
You can push his Attack button by having the victim be very vulnerable, like say by showing great affection for the narcissist and giving a heartfelt plea for some in return.
How does the narcissist react to what should evoke his love and affection? With a savage attack, that's how. Rather like any wild predator when you ring the dinner bell for it by giving it a swipe at a defenseless creature's soft underbelly.
Except that natural predators must be hungry at the time.
On second thought, I guess narcissists have to be hungry, too. But they always are. For, they have the kind of hunger that increases the more you feed it.
So much for the theory that narcissists are just too touchy. They ain't touchy at all.
Test that too. Indeed, try to provoke a narcissist. You can't. Go ahead, try.
The only way to get yourself a raging narcissist is to tempt it with defenseless bait when it thinks no one is watching.
Now that you have your narcissist raging, do one more thing. Have the victim rise up rage right back it its face.
Guess what happens? Presto chango! Rage off!
Instead of a raging narcissist, you now have a poor little meek and gentle angel who wouldn't hurt a fly and is heartbroken at the victim being so nasty.
Welcome to The Twilight Zone. I call this miraculous phenomenon "The Transfiguration."
I am not exaggerating. You witness the instantaneous substitution of one persona for its very antithesis in the blink of an eye. You don't know whether to pinch yourself or start throwing holy water at it. Because an Academy Award winner couldn't do that that fast.
It stuns you and gives you the creeps. Indeed, one facial expression doesn't melt into the other: the whole mask changes at once.
I call a narcissist's faces "masks" because when you see this happen you know that's what they are. You know that what's on the face is a lie. It's the Big Chill.
A stunning revelation. The narcissist's very face is a lie about what is really going on in the darkness behind that mask.
ORIGINAL: When Narcs Attack