I gotta do it again... I know its monotonous and I sound like "Barbara-One-Note." However, repetition does help my ADD child so, maybe, just maybe - someone who stumbles onto my humble blog will read this and GET IT!!

Yes, I do believe in negotiation, peace when possible and talking & openness. Yes, even with people who have hurt you or you hurt - in fact - ESPECIALLY.

HOWEVER - in the case of the current Annapolis Conference with the Clown Car from Middle East now open and the clowns running amok around the stage - TALKING IS NOT GOING TO WORK. BECAUSE ITS ALL AN ACT. WE HAVE BEEN HERE BEFORE and as my friend, Chaim said, the players are the same and the script has not altered. Except maybe Olmert the Jellyfish might help the snake pit of Arabs take apart Israel (something he has NO BIBLICAL RIGHT TO DO!)

And why does it seem like I have done a 180-degree turn here? First, read why I relate personally to the plight of Israel. (CLICK HERE) Now, let's continue on to my review of ONE OF THESE THINGS IS JUST LIKE THE OTHER. It's a spinoff of the Sesame Street game so it should be a no-brainer, right?

O.K. Let's begin. First, get a clear picture of what Hamas, Fatah, TerrorFat, the PLO, Iraq, Iran, Syria and the Sharia Law fanatics living in North America have been doing. Close your eyes. There they are. E-V-I-L. Got that?

Now I am going to list some of characteristics and warning signs of ABUSERS as given out by 100s of Domestic Violence Crisis Centers around the world. Abusive mentalities follow a pattern so let's see if it matches, shall we?:

You are with an abuser if they:

* Looks at you or acts in ways that scare you (kassams? suicide bombings, snipers, abductions, beheadings? CHECK!)

* Acts jealous or possessive (claiming they own Israel, the Temple Mount, Gaza? CHECK!)

* Tries to control how you spend your time, who you see or talk to, where you go or what you wear (misogyny, oppression, 200 lashes for a RAPE victim? hijabs? CHECK!)

* Wants you to get permission to make everyday decisions (see above CHECK!)

* Threatens to kill him or herself (suicide bombings count? CHECK!)

You are very likely in an abusive relationship if they do even one of the following:

* Calls you names, insults you or puts you down (dirty, lying Jews? all Jews must be eliminated? CHECK!)

* Destroys your property (no comment needed CHECK!)

* Blames you for his or her violent behavior or tells you that you deserve it ("Jews are denying the Arabs access to 'their ancestral homeland'? " CHECK!)

* Says that his or her abusive behavior is no big deal or even denies doing it (just read the news from the Middle East CHECK!)

* Tries to force you to drop charges (isn't this what Annapolis is all about? CHECK!)

Although a lot of people think domestic violence is about anger, it really isn't. Abusers do tend to take their anger and fears out on their closest partner. But it's not really about anger. It's about trying to instill fear and wanting to have power and control in the relationship. In an abusive relationship, the abuser may use varying tactics to gain power and control, including:

(keep those Islamofascists clearly in your mind here - do they do the following? let's find out!)

* Emotional abuse. Uses put-downs, insults, criticism or name-calling to make you feel bad about yourself. (CHECK!)

* Denial and blame. Denies that the abuse occurs and shifts responsibility for the abusive behavior onto you. This may leave you confused and unsure of yourself. (CHECK!!)

* Intimidation. Uses certain looks, actions or gestures to instill fear. The abuser may destroy property or display weapons. (CHECK!!)

* Coercion and threats. Threatens to hurt family members or children. (CHECK!!)

* Power. Makes all major decisions and treats you like a servant or possession. (CHECK!!)

* Isolation. The abuser may ask where you've been, track your time and whereabouts. (or check all military intelligence from YOUR militia! CHECK!!)

Breaking the cycle: Difficult, but possible with help
Abuse is part of a continuing cycle that's difficult to break. If you're in an abusive situation, you may recognize this pattern:

* Your abuser strikes using words or actions. (ANNAPOLIS...)

* Your abuser may beg for forgiveness, offer gifts or promise to change. (ANNAPOLIS...)

* Your abuser becomes tense, angry or depressed. (ANNAPOLIS...)

* Your abuser repeats the abusive behavior. (let's hark back to 1947 and just go year buy year... CHECK!!)



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