I don't see Jews rioting in the streets over anti-semitism. Maybe we should! Having been in the U.K. not so long ago, I wonder why the British haven't taken to the street over being terrorized by this crew? All they are doing is having VIOLENT TANTRUMS to scare us all into capitulating. And its working!
This week's riots are reminiscent of the 2005 youth violence outside Paris and other cities against unemployment, living conditions, and what the rioters call discrimination against young Muslims and those of North African descent. SOURCECry me a river. Their way of dealing with their pain is to hurt others? That speaks VOLUMES!
Arab and black “children of immigrants” are rioting in France, and the AP Newswire seems to be sympathizing with the rioters, noting,
“Youths, many of them Arab and black children of immigrants, again appeared to be lashing out at police and other targets seen to represent a French establishment they feel has left them behind.”Isn’t that a satisfactory reason to shoot policemen and attack–wait for it–the FIREMEN?!? CLEARLY the FIREMEN have not done ENOUGH to make sure these assholes “don’t feel left behind.”
Am I being overly sensitive to language and an ascribed motive that sounds a bit absurd? What does “feel they left behind” really mean? Is that the reason for all of this anti-social activity?
And the AP notes that these people are “trapped in poor neighborhoods.”
If so, perhaps these people should return to their former, originating countries in Africa, like say, Algeria or Somalia, where they will surely be treated in a more ecumenical fashion, and the dictators in charge–or leaders of the various warring factions– will sit down with them (even after they shoot at them, of course) and ask, “What can we do to make you feel more a part of our respectful and inclusive multi-cultural liberal-democratic society?”
Please wish the great Sarkozy much love and strength in his resolve. We Jews need to offer European nations solidarity as they are besieged by fundamentalist inspired violence, and assure them that they have every right to take proper and stern measures to ensure their nation’s well being and security. They need our nod of understanding. We must give it to them. Or we are both morally deficient, and really, really naive.
We will NEVER EVER be able to 'negotiate' with these people. NEVER. Since we can't:
Let the carpet bombing begin, please.