The Islamofascists Would Kill Me First
Last holiday season, my ex and the kids all asked me what I wanted, since I rarely ask for anything. I told them one thing. A Sirius Radio and a 1 year subscription. I love it. While sitting in the car waiting for my kids outside my lessons or their schools I can turn on a variety of targeted music or talk. As a talk-radio addict for years, it has to be one of the best gifts I have ever gotten.
Feeding my head.
And it was on Sirius that I first hear Cenk Uygur. This article of his is well worth a read, so I repost it here:
By Cenk Uygur
I am a Muslim who has renounced Islam. I am an apostate. I have had very unflattering things to say about the Prophet Mohamed [1](number one no-no of all time in the eyes of radical Islam). If an Islamic theocracy were to take over, I would be the first one strung up.
Islamic radicals are not known for their patience for Muslims who denounce Islam and the Prophet Mohamed. They're known for killing them.
Nonetheless, here are three reasons why I am not scared of the Islamofascists:
1. They're not a real threat. These childish neo-cons run around trying to scare everyone into believing these guys are the new Third Reich. Really? Are they about to roll over the Czechoslovakia (or now the Czech Republic and Slovakia)? Is Cleveland next? Should the residents of Boca Raton look for new retirement communities because the Islamofascists are coming?
Don't be ridiculous. This is a made up threat that in no way, shape or form endangers the United States of America. Al Qaeda is a few thousand cave dwellers that have managed to hit us on several occasions through good planning, but it's not like their armies are going to roll into San Diego and occupy us. Iran is a country that is gaining some regional power, but to claim they threaten Europe or America (or even a nuclear-armed Israel) is ludicrous. Which European country do you think Ahmedinejad will take first - Germany or Great Britain?
This is not tot say that you ignore the real threat that groups like Al Qaeda pose, as the Bush administration did before and after 9/11 (why did we pass up a near certain hit on Osama bin Laden [2]just two months ago for example). But you have to understand the proportion of the threat in order to be able to deal with it intelligently.
I don't want Iran taking over anywhere. They literally endanger my well-being. But there is a smart way of dealing with Iran and then there is the Bush way. The Iranian people can be won over by our culture [3]and the lure of liberty and democracy (and more importantly, capitalism). Time is on our side. But if we attack them, we will definitely push them toward nationalism, militarism and fundamentalism. Ironically, we will create more Islamic radicals to fight, not less.
2. Islamofascism does not exist. It's a made up word and made up concept. There are plenty of Islamic radicals and Islamic fundamentalists. In fact, I think the "war on terror" should be renamed the "war on fundamentalism." [4] But these radicals don't believe in fascism. They don't think the state should be merged with corporations. Corporations? Are there a slew of Islamic corporations threatening the world?
Fascism has many elements to it, not just the corporate aspects. But a thoughtful look at what makes up a fascist state will not reveal any resemblance to fundamentalist Islam. They share the fact that they both believe in repression of the citizenry, but so does nearly every dictatorial regime in the history of mankind. So, why don't we call them Islamocommunists or Islamomaoists or Islamoimperialists? Why, because it's silly. Just call them what they are - Islamic fundamentalists.
Of course, the reason the neo-conservatives made this "Islamofascists" word up is so they could compare Iran and Ahmedinejad to the Nazis and use it as a pretense to attack Iran. It's so obvious that it's a bit pathetic.
3. The third reason why I am not afraid of the so-called Islamofascists is because I am not a coward. I don't run away from American principles and the US constitution just because we were attacked. I believe in America and what she stands for. These colors don't run.
I guess there are some people so weak and frightened that they will argue that we should change America so that we become more like our enemy in order to defeat them. But I'm not in that camp. I'm in the camp of standing by our flag [5], standing by our constitution and standing by our principles.
If we can't beat them by being Americans, then what's the point? Do these neo-conservative cowards believe in America at all? Do they believe in the America that respects its citizens' rights, that treats everyone -- even their prisoners [6] -- fairly, that is the shining beacon for the world? Do they believe in the America that beat the real Nazis without having to be Nazis? That beat the Stalinists without having to become like the Stalinists?
Or do they think we should torture, spy on innocent Americans, start first strike wars and violate all of the principles that made this country great? You be the judge. But I, for one, am not afraid of the boogeyman, even if the boogeyman has my name first on his list. The America I know and love can beat any real or imagined boogeyman. And we do it by having the courage of our convictions and staying true to who we are.
About author Cenk Uygur is co-host of The Young Turks, the first liberal radio show to air nationwide. The Young Turks began as Sirius Satellite Radio’s first original program, and, while still on Sirius, is now nationally syndicated and available on itunes and online HERE