
Showing posts from July, 2008

Jewish Soldiers Who DON'T Rape Are Racist?

My friend Chaim at Freedom's Cost shared this with me today. When I finally was able to sit down and read it through this evening - I was stunned! Please, if you have a heart condition - make sure you have taken your medication before you read on: To wit: a Hebrew University graduate student claimed in her thesis that the absence of any history of rapes of Arab women by Israeli soldiers proves that Jews are racists and oppressors, people who do not even regard Arab women as worthy of being sexually abused WHAT THE ****?! Being morally centered, self controlled and not abusing women, Arab women makes Jews RACIST? This from a Hebrew University Grad Student. Goodness, the Jews just can't win even when they DO THE RIGHT THING!!! And Professor Ben-Ari appears to be the ponerized academic & scholarly sociopath all mothers warn college-bound girls about! You have to read this whole article because it's a DOOZY! I will highlight the bits that left me speechless: Hebrew U...

Superdelegates for Sale!


Michelle, Talk to the Hand

Michelle Obama comes off to me like a thug -- a baby mommy with a chip on her shoulder and more attitude than my tween children. Her thesis from Princeton and her rubber stamping of the misogyny against Hillary. Girl... PLEASE! The idea of her in the White House... oy.... Barack Obama believes his wife, Michelle Obama, will convince women to vote for her sexist husband. I quote CBS2 News Chicago: CBS 2’s Dorothy Tucker reports Michelle Obama gave a speech Monday at the Palmer House Hilton, at an event called “Women for Obama.” But the message was clearly aimed at women for Hillary Clinton. Michelle Obama walked into the room to a standing ovation. Most of the people in attendance were longtime Barack Obama supporters, but the candidate’s wife made it clear she was here to court the new supporters. And she did so by praising her husband’s former opponent. “My husband is a better candidate because of her,” Michelle Obama said. “My daughters will look at themselves differently beca...

Bloggers: Let's Effect Some REAL Change This Election!

If you wish to change how the Democratic party functions in future election cycles, you must undertake this simple, effective action that will get in the hands of the right people . From SusanUnPC 's: My co-hosts and I have devoted two radio shows to horror stories from the caucuses. Imagine if we could change future primaries so that caucuses were "history." We can accomplish this! That is why your participation is vital. You indeed "have the power," to borrow a phrase. I don't know about you, but I am tired of complaining. I want to work on solutions. -- From the newsletter of . Welcome to the Platfom Committee Issue! One of the missions of is to make sure that the Platform Committee of the Democratic National Convention hears Hillary's 18 million voters. We've been derelict in our duty. While we were distracted by Obama's Rainbow Tour, we ignored emails from the Obama campaign asking us to hold primary platfo...

"Pauly Bear"s Break-Up Ad Got Him Served

What a complete moron! Why, oh, why did he do that? Talk about no class, no shame, no boundaries. Like that old male saw from the 1950s and 1960s maybe he was really one of those "find 'em, feel 'em, f**k 'em and forget 'em!" types and the girlfriend dumped his sorry self before he could drag her down even further. But he had to make it look like it was the other way around, and do it in a humilitating and downright sick way. No, Pauly-Bear couldn't just go to her like an adult and tell her it was over. He reached in his pocket and paid for a humilitating advertisement. The article itself ticked me off by using the dustiest cliche on the shelf - that she's "a woman scorned." Why is a woman who is rightfully upset, hurt and angry suddenly scorned? A term that purposely carries with it shades of a crazed "Fatal Attraction" character boiling bunnies in some guy's kitchen. I know people who have been accused by exes of posting...

Obama's Campaign Takes a Prayer-Leak at the Kotel

Prayer or “open letter to god?” and Presidential Orientation 1) What? Are you still outraged by someone leaking Obama’s “prayer” from the wailing wall in Israel? Be still, grasshopper, all will be well. Or not. From today’s Israel Insider : What initially seemed to be a journalistic scoop of dubious moral propriety now seems to be a case of an Israeli paper being played by the Barack Obama campaign. Maariv, the second most popular newspaper in Israel, was roundly criticized for publishing the note Obama left in the Kotel. But now a Maariv spokesperson says that publication of the note was pre-approved for international publication by the Obama campaign, leading to the conclusion that the “private” prayer was intentionally leaked for public consumption. ——————- However, it now appears that Maariv had collaborated with the Obama campaign in getting the “private” prayer, with its “modest” supplicaton to the Lord, out to the public, buffing his Christian credentials and showing his “hu...

Blog At Your Own Risk

Lawsuits Against Bloggers Seen Rising Since 2004, 159 Court Actions Have Targeted Citizen Journalists for Libel and Other Charges By HUMA YUSUF When Christopher Grotke answered a late-night knock on the door, he did not expect to find the deputy sheriff on his doorstep serving notice that he was being sued. Nor was he prepared for the charge: libel. Someone had posted a comment on his citizen-journalism Web site,, stating that a woman in Brattleboro, Vt., was having an extramarital affair. The accused woman then sued Grotke and his Web site co-founder for failing to edit or delete the comment. The blogging community increasingly is subject to lawsuits and threats of legal action running the gamut from subpoenas to cease-and-desist notices. Since blogging became popular in about 2004, there have been 159 civil and criminal court actions involving bloggers, according to the nonprofit Media Law Resource Center (MLRC) in New York. Seven cases have resulted in verdicts agai...

Shocking!: Palestinians Torture Even Their Own

Torture widespread in Palestinian jails By KARIN LAUB and DALIA NAMMARI One detainee told of being beaten with pipes and having a screwdriver rammed into his back. Another said interrogators tied his hands behind his back then lifted him into the air by his bound wrists. Two human rights groups on Monday decried widespread torture of political opponents by bitter Palestinian rivals Hamas and Fatah, and Associated Press interviews with three victims and a doctor backed the reports of abuse. The findings emerged as the two sides carried out fresh arrest sweeps in the West Bank and Gaza — highlighting deep tensions in the Palestinian territories after a flare-up in violence over the weekend. In the West Bank on Monday, the security forces of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas rounded up more than 50 suspected Hamas supporters, including mosque preachers and intellectuals, in retaliation for a similar sweep of Fatah loyalists in Gaza, set off by a bombing that killed five Hamas members Fr...

Bloggers, Beware Page Jacking!

I was accused a while ago of putting someone's blog on a "porn aggregator." Heck, I wouldn't know how even if I wanted to. And I dislike porn; its very upsetting for me to see. But now I do know how that other site got on a porn aggregator -- and that I had zero to do with it! FROM THIS SITE Security on the Internet means more than just protecting your personal computer from online predators and viruses. If you own a domain or have a website you may need to protect your online reputation as well as your content. The web pages you see when you browse the Internet with Internet Explorer or Firefox is not all there is to see out there. Your web browser reads pages written in a language called HTML and interprets instructions for formating, placement, and file retrieval. The web browser shows you the interesting, full-color, animated, graphical version of a file of text references. The text and images you see are not the whole story. Hidden within the HTML pages are keyw...

Thanks Frume Sarah! -- Haveil Havalim #175 is Up

...for the great job on Haveil Havalim this week . I am constantly amazed what wonderful and inclusive jobs other bloggers do and how much new blogging material that's well worth reading is out there. Thank you again Frume Sarah! CLICK HERE TO READ IT ALL

Drink The KooBama-Aid

I was out of town for a while recently taking a needed break with my kids. We went into a local Target and passed by the books section. I have a couple little voracious readers (like Mom!) on my hands, so we all took a look for reading material. I saw no less than 3 (three) books for Young Readers on Barack Obama. All about the Obamessiah and how wonderful, hopeful, change-worthy and perfect the Obaminator-Who-Will-Save-Us-All is! NOWHERE (and I looked) NOWHERE did I see any books about John McCain (not even McCain's book!) in any area of the book sales or any books by or about Hillary Clinton. None. Nada. Zip. I was in a hurry but I did fire off a letter to the manager of this Target when I got home. I am still infuriated that Obamanite's brainwashing, cult tactics have extended to our children... non-voting age kids. Nowhere was McCain's military experience and heroism seen nor where any girls shown they can do & be whatever they want by just the mere presence ...

Why Meditation Works

Brain Scans Reveal Why Meditation Works Melinda Wenner Special to If you name your emotions, you can tame them, according to new research that suggests why meditation works. Brain scans show that putting negative emotions into words calms the brain's emotion center. That could explain meditation’s purported emotional benefits, because people who meditate often label their negative emotions in an effort to “let them go.” Psychologists have long believed that people who talk about their feelings have more control over them, but they don't know why it works. UCLA psychologist Matthew Lieberman and his colleagues hooked 30 people up to functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) machines, which scan the brain to reveal which parts are active and inactive at any given moment. They asked the subjects to look at pictures of male or female faces making emotional expressions. Below some of the photos was a choice of words describing the emotion—such as “angry” or “fearf...

Howard Stern Vows: 'I Will Never Vote For a Democrat Again'

For years I credited Howard Stern, that's right, Howard Stern -- with ending my Post Partum Depression where drugs and doctors could not. I still do. I listened via earphones when my children were infants & toddlers. Just hearing something funny and ADULT somehow helped save my sanity. I scraped and saved to get a Sirius radio for myself when he made the switch too. Stern has, in my opinion, over the years shown some laser-like insight about politics. I completely agree with him here as well. And if you don't like him -- turn the dial. Satellite radio talk show star cites 'gangsterism,' 'communism' for holding up XM/Sirius Merger deal By Jeff Poor Sirius Satellite Radio host Howard Stern supports the merger of his network with XM Satelitte Radio and is fuming at Democratic opposition on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) panel. After FCC commissioners announced they have reached a deal to approve the merger of Sirius (NASDAQ:SIRI) and XM (NASDA...

Obama Might Even Be a Rock Star

I'm unusual, not so typical, Way too smart to be waiting around. Tai Chi practices, snowboard champion, I can fix the flat on your car. I might even be a rock star. - Miley Cyrus, "ROCK STAR" The way the press is drooling behind Obama on his overseas 'tour' you'd think a Beatles reunion - complete with bringing George Harrison & John Lennon back from the dead, was afoot. This carefully planned rock star turn to portray Obama in a Presidential light is transparent to me -- unfortunately, the Obamanites are swallowing it whole. What can we do to wake up America that this guy is not qualified? That's he's cherry-picking his information. That his minions are not being honest. Someone figure out what can be done... and FAST... to leave him in Denver next month. OBAMA'S OVERSEAS EDUCATION By RALPH PETERS FROM the late 18th through the 19th century, young men of means went on a "grand tour" abroad to finish their educations. Some returned...

Jesse Helms and the Theatre of the Depraved

by Susie Day On July 8, the resplendently Caucasian, flag-loving, fag-hating, five-term Senator Jesse Helms exited the political scene, stage right, to begin his long-awaited dirt nap. All the world being a stage, a host of players, including Dick Cheney and John and Cindy McCain, assembled sorrowfully near the starred-and-striped coffin containing the body of the hidebound conservative who never changed, never apologized. Seeming to take his cue from absurdist theater, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell eulogized Jesse Helms as one of the "kindest" men in Congress. No matter who you were, intoned McConnell, "he always had a kind word and a gentle smile." Strangely, there was nothing in McConnell's script about the time Jesse Helms, in an elevator with fellow senators – including Carole Moseley-Braun just after she'd spoken in the Senate, denouncing slavery and the Confederate flag – turned to his friend Orin Hatch and said, "I'm going to sing ...

Michael Savage: Engage Your Brain Before Putting Your Mouth in Gear

As the parent of a child with ADD and the aunt of an award winning, honor student with a form of autism -- I decry and loathe Savage's remarks... I also suspect he may have said them for the publicity and attention he'd get by making them. Unfortunately, like Don Imus, he will recover to verbally abuse another day. Protesters Decry Radio Commentator Michael Savage's Remarks About Autism Protesters gathered outside WOR-AM in New York City on Monday over syndicated radio commentator Michael Savage's remarks last Wednesday describing "99 percent of children with autism as brats." Some parents of autistic children have called for Savage's firing after he described autism as a racket last week. "In 99 percent of the cases, it's a brat who hasn't been told to cut the act out," Savage said on his radio program. Savage offered no apology in a message posted Monday on his Web site. He said greedy doctors and drug companies were creating a "n...