Obama = Sociopath? You Decide.
I remember asking my late therapist a couple years ago, "am I just imagining I see pathological types around every corner?" She reassured me that she'd known me for 13 years then -- knew I had my head screwed on fairly straight; except for having a pathological parent which made me suseptible to narcissistic & sociopath types -- and that I probably was seeing, at least "the behaviors" of these kinds of people.
The fact that I had experienced serious trauma because of one just a few years prior -- made me "hypervigilant" and she assured me, it was a good thing. She also told me my high intelligence was a good thing because I would now "pick apart things that set my alarm bells off. "
This is one of the big reasons I simply cannot warm up to Obama. Knowing what I have learned about pathologicals -- he fits far too much of the profile for me. Sure, a lot of politicians do, but this isn't even the same man he was a month ago when Hillary stopped her campaigning. The man flip flops, his actions and words don't match, he's inexperienced and he does all the seductive, NLP-based verbal gymnastics pathologicals do when they want something. In his case, its the presidency. And god help us if he gets elected.
Thankfully, I am not the only one who sees it:

FROM Clintons4McCain
Not all sociopaths are mass murderers.
It's no shock to those of us with our eyes open and not clouded by cultism that Barack Hussein Obama exhibits many traits of the common sociopathic personality.
His ability to mesmerize crowds with speech is akin to Charles Manson and Adolph Hitler, two men who used "group think" to carry out their schemes. He has a David Koresh-like effect on his flock, and a Jim Jones-like devotion from the Obamaphiles.
His ability to discard people for political expedience -- like Rev. Wright for instance -- shows total lack of empathy and compassion.
Here we'll outline the many examples where Obama fits the profile of the antisocial personality, the sociopath... For your review and consideration.
What are the symptoms of sociopathy? (Defined as "Antisocial personality disorder" by the APA)
Three or more of the following are required for such a diagnosis:
1. Failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest;
5. Reckless disregard for safety of self or others;
And he wants to be our President?
The fact that I had experienced serious trauma because of one just a few years prior -- made me "hypervigilant" and she assured me, it was a good thing. She also told me my high intelligence was a good thing because I would now "pick apart things that set my alarm bells off. "
This is one of the big reasons I simply cannot warm up to Obama. Knowing what I have learned about pathologicals -- he fits far too much of the profile for me. Sure, a lot of politicians do, but this isn't even the same man he was a month ago when Hillary stopped her campaigning. The man flip flops, his actions and words don't match, he's inexperienced and he does all the seductive, NLP-based verbal gymnastics pathologicals do when they want something. In his case, its the presidency. And god help us if he gets elected.
Thankfully, I am not the only one who sees it:
FROM Clintons4McCain
Not all sociopaths are mass murderers.
It's no shock to those of us with our eyes open and not clouded by cultism that Barack Hussein Obama exhibits many traits of the common sociopathic personality.
His ability to mesmerize crowds with speech is akin to Charles Manson and Adolph Hitler, two men who used "group think" to carry out their schemes. He has a David Koresh-like effect on his flock, and a Jim Jones-like devotion from the Obamaphiles.
His ability to discard people for political expedience -- like Rev. Wright for instance -- shows total lack of empathy and compassion.
Here we'll outline the many examples where Obama fits the profile of the antisocial personality, the sociopath... For your review and consideration.
What are the symptoms of sociopathy? (Defined as "Antisocial personality disorder" by the APA)
Three or more of the following are required for such a diagnosis:
1. Failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest;
For Obama, this fits in with the Larry Sinclair allegations and the "sweetheart deal" he got for his house.2. Deceitfulness, as indicated by repeatedly lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure;
Was Obama BORN Barack Hussein? Or was it Barry? Was he lying when he said his "finger slipped off the button" for some of his non-votes in the Illinois senate? Lying when he said he was a member of Rev. Wright's church for 20 years and never knew what his "ministry" was about? There are many other examples too numerous to chronicle here.3. Impulsiveness or failure to plan ahead;
In 2004 he said he wouldn't run for President due to his inexperience. Seemingly on impulse, he changed his mind? He didn't plan far enough ahead to "fix" the Rev. Wright problem before it became known, didn't plan ahead in the "softening" of his wife to avoid her horrendous public statements, didn't plan ahead on the flag pin wearing or the hand over the heart for the honor of our flag... and without a script or teleprompter to read from, stammers and fumbles for words.4. Irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults;
Nothing documented here as yet, but his apparently hostile confrontation of Senator Lieberman on the Senate floor showed aggressiveness. His campaign surrogates' misogyny towards Hillary Clinton, and their ageism towards McCain, do those trickle down from the top? He's certainly never denounced either.
If the Larry Sinclair allegations are true, it's clear Obama fits this profile.6. Consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations;
Did he commit and agree to use public funding for his campaign then renege? Are his many absences throughout his career from his Senate duties both in Illinois and now, qualify as irresponsible? Will he be meeting with another Larry Sinclair as President?7. Lack of remorse (no empathy), as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another;
His ability to throw people "under the bus" for financial and/or political gain is astounding.8. Superficial charm;
Self explanatory. His public face he puts on is hollow, phony and superficial.9. A sense of extreme entitlement;
Just read his book or even some excerpts, and you'll make this connection.10. Persistent Lying or stealing;
Look at the flip-flops Obama already has performed. Look at his lying about the Rev. Wright situation. Stealing? He was getting his "sweetheart deal" on his house while regular people were getting foreclosed on in record numbers; getting opponents removed from the ballot so he could steal his Illinois Senate seat.It's clear we don't know much about Obama. In fact, very few people do and those who do, and talk, seem to disappear. But does he meet at least three of the diagnostic criteria above? It sure looks that way to us. For those not under his spell, who aren't part of the cult, it's obvious there is something drastically wrong with this man.
And he wants to be our President?