Pay Attention to the Differences
Come on! We had to wait until NObama the clown was the Democratic presumptive nominee to see the differences between he & Hillary? The ObamaPalooza Tour of the Middle East & Europe is going on now and seems to be photo ops and sound bytes for the obviously CLUELESS Obamessiah.
Am I the only one who sees this? Are we ready to put this empty suit/ talking head in the White House!? No readers, I'm not fixated -- I'm FRIGHTENED!
So Barack Obama is finally making his highly touted trip abroad. What does he do when he is on his way to Afghanistan, the country about which he could not be bothered to actually hold a meeting as Chair of the Senate’s Subcommittee on European Affairs (and NATO)? He plays basketball. Hoops. Roundball. We are currently fighting a war in Afghanistan, and he spends part of his less than two whole days there playing a game. Wow. Have we not had enough of almost eight years of an adolescent in the White House?? Do we REALLY want another one?? From what I understand, he isn’t even all that great!! Yet, he spends all of this time on the campaign trail playing basketball. Have a debate?? Oh, he is WAY too busy for that!! But he can sure find time to go shoot some hoops! Bush has his bicycle, and Obama has his basketball. It boggles the mind.
MEANWHILE, Hillary continues to work for women and the military. That is what SHE has been spending her time doing. Not hanging out and playing some game, but actually working. In this video, she is fighting for the rights of women particularly as it relates to choice.
And, she took the time to mark the 160th Anniversary of the Seneca Falls Convention. This is her statement:
While Obama gallivants around in his “O” plane, playing games and pretending that all of the world leaders support his plans (which are HILLARY’S plans he stole), Clinton is working hard in the Senate for the American people. I don’t know about you, but I want the hard worker as president, not the game player. But that’s just me. And about 18,000,000 others…
Am I the only one who sees this? Are we ready to put this empty suit/ talking head in the White House!? No readers, I'm not fixated -- I'm FRIGHTENED!
So Barack Obama is finally making his highly touted trip abroad. What does he do when he is on his way to Afghanistan, the country about which he could not be bothered to actually hold a meeting as Chair of the Senate’s Subcommittee on European Affairs (and NATO)? He plays basketball. Hoops. Roundball. We are currently fighting a war in Afghanistan, and he spends part of his less than two whole days there playing a game. Wow. Have we not had enough of almost eight years of an adolescent in the White House?? Do we REALLY want another one?? From what I understand, he isn’t even all that great!! Yet, he spends all of this time on the campaign trail playing basketball. Have a debate?? Oh, he is WAY too busy for that!! But he can sure find time to go shoot some hoops! Bush has his bicycle, and Obama has his basketball. It boggles the mind.
MEANWHILE, Hillary continues to work for women and the military. That is what SHE has been spending her time doing. Not hanging out and playing some game, but actually working. In this video, she is fighting for the rights of women particularly as it relates to choice.
And, she took the time to mark the 160th Anniversary of the Seneca Falls Convention. This is her statement:
July 19, 2008
Statement of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton on the 160th Anniversary of the Women’s Rights Convention in Seneca Falls, New York
Washington, DC – “Today we honor the trailblazers who 160 years ago rejected the status quo and gathered together in Seneca Falls, New York, to demand economic and political opportunities for American women. Thanks to the courage of 68 determined women and 32 brave men, generations of Americans who followed in their footsteps pushed our democracy closer to fulfilling the promise of opportunity for all. It took almost 75 years for women to win the right to vote, and another century for women to see gains in employment and education and economic status. But the ideal of women’s rights never died, and those fighting for it never gave up the struggle.
This anniversary gives us the chance to reflect on our progress, assess the present, and look to the future. Just as we are the beneficiaries of brave generations past, we must also be the benefactors to generations to come. We must appreciate our progress, but also acknowledge areas where we still fall short of our ideals.
As a nation, we’ve widened the circle of freedom and opportunity but while we’ve come a long way, there is still so much work to do. It is our responsibility to those who gathered in Seneca Falls to keep their spirit of determination alive — to keep standing up to inequality, shattering glass ceilings, breaking down barriers, and opening doors for women across the country and around the world.”