Shame on You, Blogger! Doing Obama's Dirty Work rarely, if ever, takes down a site. Even a blatant, outright, slanderous personal hate sites.
But they will call blogs that publish one negative thing against the Obamessiah "Spam Blogs" and get rid of them faster than white slacks after Labor Day.
Shame on you, Blogger!! And Shame you Obamaniacs... if your man can't stand the heat tell him to get the heck out of the kitchen!

Here's one blog that's moved:
Many anti-Obama blogs were locked down on 6/25/08 by Blogger, supposedly due to their policy against "spamming." This is an outrage, but we're not going down without a fight.
We've set up our new place on WordPress. Coincidentally, we also called the new blog NObama Blog because we really, really like the name.
But they will call blogs that publish one negative thing against the Obamessiah "Spam Blogs" and get rid of them faster than white slacks after Labor Day.
Shame on you, Blogger!! And Shame you Obamaniacs... if your man can't stand the heat tell him to get the heck out of the kitchen!
Here's one blog that's moved:
Many anti-Obama blogs were locked down on 6/25/08 by Blogger, supposedly due to their policy against "spamming." This is an outrage, but we're not going down without a fight.
We've set up our new place on WordPress. Coincidentally, we also called the new blog NObama Blog because we really, really like the name.
check out "bros before hos"
I’ve been noticing that some blogs are currently beginning to get active as PUMA groups (wanting to channel their energies to manifest change (pardon the expression)), and they are just beginning to organize, brainstorm, and plan. Many of their ideas are duplications of things has already done, is in the process of doing, and continues to do. already has many resources available to share with individual PUMAs, and PUMA groups. It seems we could save precious time, in terms of sparing them the arduous task of reinventing the wheel, by inviting them to both and sites, to share our resources.
1) We have an Action Center with a ton of resources available (flyers, t-shirts, business card, posters, lists of SDs, lists of media contacts, talking points, etc.);
2) We have daily lists of “Growls”, daily actions that can be accomplished in an hour or two;
3) We have information to share regarding our methods and means of outreach to those who are not computer savvy, are isolated, and unaware of the PUMA movement;
4) All we need are numbers to add to our growing Voice!
Please join us at , and
You won’t have to scan through the blog comments in search of actions and resources, they are listed at our Action Center.
Time is of the essence. We’re looking forward to seeing you! and please... help spread the word.
Thank you for your attention.