The Manifesto of Rebelling Dems
A manifesto of the Rebellion of defecting Democrats against the Party Elites:

Having been subjected to a series of institutionalized violations, the violated have the privilege, in the name of Self Preservation, and a sacred Duty, for the Future, to suspend the partisan ties that bind, which had long linked them a confederacy of scoundrels, and to disregard rote appeals for Unity, issued on terms not beneficial to those mishandled and thus intended to eliminate all Consequences of said abuse, thereby issuing also a carte blanche for continued humiliation.
Rather than capitulate to harmful and useless loyalties, we cleave yet to the spirit of just rebellion, that every missionary relationship, Coalition, and Institution so codified must not seek its own corporeal solvency, but must constantly uphold in earnest the welfare of its members and the values thereof; and when found in ongoing defiance of its mission, for short term gain and long term catastrophe, in ignorance of its Original principles, its denizens must rebel, exercising the painful imperative to save themselves from themselves, and to affirm their true worth, true value and Values.
We will not be dehumanized or dissuaded any longer. We are not resigned to continue playing second-fiddle in this wretched band, left with no option but to break from a Party establishment heretofore unapologetic and complicit in the accreditation and brokerage of disenfranchisement, voter fraud, vote suppression, bigotry and misogyny, and voter intimidation; similarly, moving to reject overtures soliciting unconditional acceptance of
We are not beholden to uphold individuals or identities, which change from season to season, but to protect and preserve the Idea, which yields neither to time nor to a man.
Centrist, moderate, muscular Democrats and Independents, declared to defy the Democratic Party; to support in this election only acceptable down ballot Democrats and the Republican nominee; and not to validate the extremes of the Left by voting for Mr. Obama; and forced into expatriation, dictate that Strength, Security, Citizenship, Competency, and Responsibility must remain at the core of our creed; that our Party must esteem the common man, common woman, and their virtues; that Our success is judged not by the self-masturbatory appetites of the Elite but by the health and wellness and will of the Middle; that any prejudice demands our officials’ collective denunciation; that principles of democracy are more sacred than rules; that thus the Party is obliged to voters and not vice versa and must err on the side of democracy and enfranchisement in all places, and at all times.
In spurning our political brothers and sisters, we know what is coming. But we remain unbossed, unbowed, and unafraid to confront the bullying a just rebellion predictably unleashes. Wedges and fear disguised as harmony and loyalty will order us to submit, demanding that the old fractious and abusive relationship be honored, and consequently the molester escapes unscathed, all of history having proven that victors Unity intends only to mute the molested, briefly delaying Their misery, having been conditioned to a lie, that protest is hopeless and that it is preferable to accept the status quo.
We will be accused of shortsightedness, Selfishness, Craziness, of cutting off the nose to spite the face, though by rights we are starving out a cancer, as our exodus intends not to sink the Democratic Party but to salvage it. Those falling in line excuse the cruel assault of the Elite and the bigoted; therefore, to vote for Mr. Obama is to approve the deployment of bigotry as a tactic to derail future candidates, to validate inexperience and lies, to ensure that extremists will dictate to centrist Democrats forevermore. If we, knowing better, fail to stand up Now, we guarantee our extinction and that of the Party proper, our sole legacy being surrender and the abandonment of common sense, common decency, and the common man.
We mean no ill, but move now for the greater good. We rebel without enmity, being motivated not by hatred, but by affection for what was and faith for what will be. We embark also with fading anger, with rising ease and resignation, having never been eager to divide ourselves from our Family, having tried first to understand while being willfully misunderstood, and having first begged for compromise while being crippled. We have urged for equity in application of rules and bylaws. We have begged for full representation. We have called for fairness in reporting and appealed for an end to double standards.
The entirety of our appeals having been thoroughly and consistently rejected, we could have chosen to validate with our votes an underqualified, untrustworthy, inadequate candidate antithetical to our values, and to the America we know, signaling that we did not care enough to turn back a tyranny of corruption; But, no, we choose instead to hold to the reasoned decision to oppose Mr. Obama, the pundit class, the elites, and our friends and family deluded, refusing to mortgage our Principles for a transient electoral compromise. The responsibility is ours, and Our Future is worth fighting for.
Be it so RESOLVED than we cannot, in good concord, call ourselves Democrats again until the Party elite and leadership return to its common senses and values, nominating only muscular Democrats who are:
Be it therefore RESOLVED that though we will vote for adequate down ballot Democrats and work for their election, we singularly and specifically reject Mr. Obama’s candidacy, declining membership in his coalition, and are henceforth declared in rebellion of and expatriate from His Party;
Be it forcefully RESOLVED that we oppose Mr. Obama’s candidacy on grounds including but not limited to differences of ideology, principle, character, judgment, policy, and qualifications and not due to spite, anger, or revenge;
Be it RESOLVED that we accept as a compromise candidate and transition President the Republican nominee, himself a trustworthy, credentialed, centrist-conservative, competent Patriot with a proven record of brave bipartisanship; or pledge to support third party or write-in candidates of our choice;
Be it finally RESOLVED and most forcefully DECLARED that we have come to this crossroads of our own accords, minds, and discretions, and that Hillary Rodham Clinton bears no responsibility whatsoever for our or anyone’s decision to oppose Mr. Obama’s general election candidacy; moreover, that while we respect her loyalty to the Democratic Party and her support for Mr. Obama, she does not hold us hostage nor can she or anyone force her decisions and choices upon us.
- By DONE (Democrats Over Nominating Elitists), June 4 2008.
Having been subjected to a series of institutionalized violations, the violated have the privilege, in the name of Self Preservation, and a sacred Duty, for the Future, to suspend the partisan ties that bind, which had long linked them a confederacy of scoundrels, and to disregard rote appeals for Unity, issued on terms not beneficial to those mishandled and thus intended to eliminate all Consequences of said abuse, thereby issuing also a carte blanche for continued humiliation.
Rather than capitulate to harmful and useless loyalties, we cleave yet to the spirit of just rebellion, that every missionary relationship, Coalition, and Institution so codified must not seek its own corporeal solvency, but must constantly uphold in earnest the welfare of its members and the values thereof; and when found in ongoing defiance of its mission, for short term gain and long term catastrophe, in ignorance of its Original principles, its denizens must rebel, exercising the painful imperative to save themselves from themselves, and to affirm their true worth, true value and Values.
We will not be dehumanized or dissuaded any longer. We are not resigned to continue playing second-fiddle in this wretched band, left with no option but to break from a Party establishment heretofore unapologetic and complicit in the accreditation and brokerage of disenfranchisement, voter fraud, vote suppression, bigotry and misogyny, and voter intimidation; similarly, moving to reject overtures soliciting unconditional acceptance of
Mr. Obama’s lack of experience, lack of consistency, lack of character, lack of integrity, lack of selflessness, lack of transparency, lack of ideas, and lack of sound judgment, and to demand consequences for these and other implicit violations of the national Democratic trust and tradition.While we pledge to support down ballot Democrats, we submit as a consequence of the Democrats’ corrupted primary and policies, and of its selfish, duplicitous nominee, that we cannot, will not, must not ever, in conscience of our commitment to justice and democracy now and forever, support Mr. Obama’s nomination for President of the United States of America under the auspices of the Democratic National Committee, as his candidacy represents the desecration of the Party’s core virtues and values and thus threatens the long-term viability of our party and our nation.
We are not beholden to uphold individuals or identities, which change from season to season, but to protect and preserve the Idea, which yields neither to time nor to a man.
Centrist, moderate, muscular Democrats and Independents, declared to defy the Democratic Party; to support in this election only acceptable down ballot Democrats and the Republican nominee; and not to validate the extremes of the Left by voting for Mr. Obama; and forced into expatriation, dictate that Strength, Security, Citizenship, Competency, and Responsibility must remain at the core of our creed; that our Party must esteem the common man, common woman, and their virtues; that Our success is judged not by the self-masturbatory appetites of the Elite but by the health and wellness and will of the Middle; that any prejudice demands our officials’ collective denunciation; that principles of democracy are more sacred than rules; that thus the Party is obliged to voters and not vice versa and must err on the side of democracy and enfranchisement in all places, and at all times.
In spurning our political brothers and sisters, we know what is coming. But we remain unbossed, unbowed, and unafraid to confront the bullying a just rebellion predictably unleashes. Wedges and fear disguised as harmony and loyalty will order us to submit, demanding that the old fractious and abusive relationship be honored, and consequently the molester escapes unscathed, all of history having proven that victors Unity intends only to mute the molested, briefly delaying Their misery, having been conditioned to a lie, that protest is hopeless and that it is preferable to accept the status quo.
We will be accused of shortsightedness, Selfishness, Craziness, of cutting off the nose to spite the face, though by rights we are starving out a cancer, as our exodus intends not to sink the Democratic Party but to salvage it. Those falling in line excuse the cruel assault of the Elite and the bigoted; therefore, to vote for Mr. Obama is to approve the deployment of bigotry as a tactic to derail future candidates, to validate inexperience and lies, to ensure that extremists will dictate to centrist Democrats forevermore. If we, knowing better, fail to stand up Now, we guarantee our extinction and that of the Party proper, our sole legacy being surrender and the abandonment of common sense, common decency, and the common man.
We mean no ill, but move now for the greater good. We rebel without enmity, being motivated not by hatred, but by affection for what was and faith for what will be. We embark also with fading anger, with rising ease and resignation, having never been eager to divide ourselves from our Family, having tried first to understand while being willfully misunderstood, and having first begged for compromise while being crippled. We have urged for equity in application of rules and bylaws. We have begged for full representation. We have called for fairness in reporting and appealed for an end to double standards.
The entirety of our appeals having been thoroughly and consistently rejected, we could have chosen to validate with our votes an underqualified, untrustworthy, inadequate candidate antithetical to our values, and to the America we know, signaling that we did not care enough to turn back a tyranny of corruption; But, no, we choose instead to hold to the reasoned decision to oppose Mr. Obama, the pundit class, the elites, and our friends and family deluded, refusing to mortgage our Principles for a transient electoral compromise. The responsibility is ours, and Our Future is worth fighting for.
Be it so RESOLVED than we cannot, in good concord, call ourselves Democrats again until the Party elite and leadership return to its common senses and values, nominating only muscular Democrats who are:
( 1 ) Committed to protecting US citizens, territory, and borders from war, terrorism, energy dependence, and hostile regimes, having the temperament to meet these known and other unknown threats to our National Security, and having demonstrated both the ability to recognize diplomatic challenges and the toughness to confront them competently;Be it also RESOLVED that we will not join or rejoin the Democratic Party until it enacts sweeping reforms – in and of its rules, bylaws, agenda, platform, processes, primaries, and conventions – that reflect of our common sense and values, and that we reject any thing and anyone unreflective as illegitimate;
( 2 ) Patriots whose actions and chosen associations reflect a belief in the relative greatness, goodness, and generosity of America and its people, also prioritizing the happiness, well-being, and success of American soldiers and veterans;
( 3 ) Reflective of American Values, having demonstrated affinity for faith, family, scholarship and heritage and thus showing the ability to win the respect of those vested in the working and middle classes and to build broad electoral and governing coalitions spanning class, cultures, and creed;
( 4 ) Committed in word and deed to Fiscal Responsibility, by the elimination of the national debt; by the creation and maintenance of sustainable budget surpluses; by rejecting borrow-and-spend neoconservatism; and by government accountability on reckless spending, inefficiency, waste and corruption;
( 5 ) Movement progressives committed to defending American citizens from all Environmental Security threats; to requiring Health Protection for all Americans, including policies promoting Disease Prevention, building healthful communities, and establishing wholesome live-work conditions and public infrastructure;
( 7 ) Sworn to protect and preserve the exceptionalism and Prosperity of the American Civilization, safeguarding workers, students, and families by exacting technological research and innovation, strategic regulation of commerce and trade, energy independence, and quality affordable education at all levels;
( 8 ) Intolerant of threats to our Civic Virtues of freedom, equity, and democracy, among them the bigotries of disenfranchisement, discrimination, misogyny, and racism.
Be it therefore RESOLVED that though we will vote for adequate down ballot Democrats and work for their election, we singularly and specifically reject Mr. Obama’s candidacy, declining membership in his coalition, and are henceforth declared in rebellion of and expatriate from His Party;
Be it forcefully RESOLVED that we oppose Mr. Obama’s candidacy on grounds including but not limited to differences of ideology, principle, character, judgment, policy, and qualifications and not due to spite, anger, or revenge;
Be it RESOLVED that we accept as a compromise candidate and transition President the Republican nominee, himself a trustworthy, credentialed, centrist-conservative, competent Patriot with a proven record of brave bipartisanship; or pledge to support third party or write-in candidates of our choice;
Be it finally RESOLVED and most forcefully DECLARED that we have come to this crossroads of our own accords, minds, and discretions, and that Hillary Rodham Clinton bears no responsibility whatsoever for our or anyone’s decision to oppose Mr. Obama’s general election candidacy; moreover, that while we respect her loyalty to the Democratic Party and her support for Mr. Obama, she does not hold us hostage nor can she or anyone force her decisions and choices upon us.
- By DONE (Democrats Over Nominating Elitists), June 4 2008.