Democratic Party = An Utter Failure
I left the Democratic Party a while ago, in complete disgust. I am now independent of any party because I want to be able to vote the way I believe is best. The Democratic Party has, in my mind, failed EVERY ONE OF ITS TENETS. The article below, beautifully validates my opinions:

A life-long Democrat, who has never voted Republican, the ideals espoused in the Preamble to the Democratic Party have been the coalescing force behind my dedication and loyalty. Without fail, I, along with millions of others, have rededicated ourselves to the principles that have not only “sustained” our Party but also maintain and enhance our Democracy.
Unity to a common purpose does not mean “falling in line” to support a “selected” candidate. Rather, unity to uphold our Democracy and the principles of our Party are paramount. The resistance by loyal, life-long Democrats to automatically support the presumptive nominee is often characterized as an act of disloyalty; that we “sore losers”. No, on the contrary, we are vanguards of our Party and we stand united to right the egregious wrongs we have witnessed.
Perhaps our Party Leaders should rededicate themselves. Perhaps they should learn to listen. A “Party which wishes to lead must listen to those it would lead” but for months voters nationwide demanded the Florida and Michigan issue be resolved. Petitions, protests, letters, oranges, tea bags, shoes, undergarments, calls, and the many other means to get our Party Leaders to listen fell upon deaf ears. Do they really want to lead?
Trust and Responsiveness
Why should we trust our Party Leaders?: “a Party which asks for the people’s trust must prove that it trusts the people”.
The Democratic Party has not earned our trust. Party Leaders have done little to nothing to gain our confidence. This election cycle has been most unfair, dishonest, and untruthful. The suppression of votes, the tolerance of sexism and misogyny in all forms of media and by our own elected officials, the stealing of delegates, the calls for a candidate to drop out of the primary, the artificially imposed dates for Superdelegates to endorse, the coercion and strong-arm tactics, and the blatant lies by the Democratic Party are despicable.
Furthermore, “a Party must be responsive to be worthy of responsibility”. Are we to believe that the 5-months it took our Democratic Party to resolve the votes of 2-million plus voters as responsive? Is the Party worthy of responsibility?
Personal Insight
I began making calls to the DNC early March. I made a commitment to call almost every day. I was incensed my vote did not count. I was distraught the votes of my fellow Floridians did not count.
I became increasingly frustrated by the impudence the Party displayed. Their insistence the “rules are the rules” was befuddling. As a business owner, if my clients or constituents were at risk because of a faulty rule in my warranty policy, I assuredly would resolve the rule expeditiously so as to earn their trust and loyalty.
Over the period March - April 26th, I had been in contact with Therese from the Chairman’s Office. When I appeared at a DNC rally with 250 Floridians, a demonstration sponsored by LULAC, the Director of Operations saw my name-tag and asked that I come inside to meet someone with whom I have had a “telephone relationship”. I agreed. When I finally met Therese, I was informed her actual name was Kathryn Dvorak. I was floored. I was also asked to “tone down” my conversations. I did not comply.

When I asked for a list of the members of the Rules & By-lays Committee, I was told that information could not be released. I wanted an explanation and was given some story that the RBC members are private citizens and therefore could not be released. I called the ACLU for clarification. I then called Kathryn Dvorak (aka Therese) and informed her of my conversation with the ACLU and told her I would be more than happy to conference them in. She responded it would not be necessary and 5-minutes later I was emailed the RBC committee members.
I began calling the DNC the beginning of May to ascertain the location of the Rules & By-laws Committee meeting. As with every other request, I was met with resistance. For several weeks I was told the location had not been determined.
Yet, as a result of my “Action Item of the Day” program implemented through Florida Demands Representation, I knew on May 9th where the meeting was going to be held. Having this knowledge, from a RBC Co-Chair, I called every day and was given the same response: “the location has not yet been determined”. Finally, Monday, May 19th I told Kathryn Dvorak (aka Therese) that I planned to call CNN. She told me that would not be necessary. The next day the location and the credentials process were announced.
Listen? Trust? Responsive?
The Democratic Party has failed every tenet of its preamble. The Party and its leaders have not listened. They are not trustworthy. They have been, by design, unresponsive. They have encroached both individual and political freedoms.
Yet our Party Leaders are confounded that we have not “fallen in line”. We are being asked to unite. I, for one, cannot unite behind a Democratic Party that has flaunted this type of behavior.
I Own My Vote! Has the Democratic Party earned yours?
A life-long Democrat, who has never voted Republican, the ideals espoused in the Preamble to the Democratic Party have been the coalescing force behind my dedication and loyalty. Without fail, I, along with millions of others, have rededicated ourselves to the principles that have not only “sustained” our Party but also maintain and enhance our Democracy.
Unity to a common purpose does not mean “falling in line” to support a “selected” candidate. Rather, unity to uphold our Democracy and the principles of our Party are paramount. The resistance by loyal, life-long Democrats to automatically support the presumptive nominee is often characterized as an act of disloyalty; that we “sore losers”. No, on the contrary, we are vanguards of our Party and we stand united to right the egregious wrongs we have witnessed.
We, the Democrats of the United States of America, united in common purpose, hereby rededicate ourselves to the principles which have historically sustained our Party. Recognizing that the vitality of the Nation’s political institutions has been the foundation of its enduring strength, we acknowledge that a political party which wishes to lead must listen to those it would lead, a party which asks for the people’s trust must prove that it trusts the people and a party which hopes to call forth the best the Nation can achieve must embody the best of the Nation’s heritage and traditions.
What we seek for our Nation, we hope for all people: individual freedom in the framework of a just society, political freedom in the framework of meaningful participation by all citizens. Bound by the United States Constitution, aware that a party must be responsive to be worthy of responsibility, we pledge ourselves to open, honest endeavor and to the conduct of public affairs in a manner worthy of a society of free people. Under God, and for these ends and upon these principles, we do establish and adopt this Charter of the Democratic Party of the United States of America.
Perhaps our Party Leaders should rededicate themselves. Perhaps they should learn to listen. A “Party which wishes to lead must listen to those it would lead” but for months voters nationwide demanded the Florida and Michigan issue be resolved. Petitions, protests, letters, oranges, tea bags, shoes, undergarments, calls, and the many other means to get our Party Leaders to listen fell upon deaf ears. Do they really want to lead?
Trust and Responsiveness
Why should we trust our Party Leaders?: “a Party which asks for the people’s trust must prove that it trusts the people”.
The Democratic Party has not earned our trust. Party Leaders have done little to nothing to gain our confidence. This election cycle has been most unfair, dishonest, and untruthful. The suppression of votes, the tolerance of sexism and misogyny in all forms of media and by our own elected officials, the stealing of delegates, the calls for a candidate to drop out of the primary, the artificially imposed dates for Superdelegates to endorse, the coercion and strong-arm tactics, and the blatant lies by the Democratic Party are despicable.
Furthermore, “a Party must be responsive to be worthy of responsibility”. Are we to believe that the 5-months it took our Democratic Party to resolve the votes of 2-million plus voters as responsive? Is the Party worthy of responsibility?
“Individual freedom in the framework of a just society, political freedom in the framework of meaningful participation by all citizens.”Can we characterize the 1.75 million Florida voters as having had “meaningful participation” in the electoral process? Can the same be said of Michiganders. And, what about the thousands of potential caucus-goers who were not able to participate because they were infirmed, had to work to support their families, disabled, intimidated, or otherwise. Is this what our Democratic Party believes to be “political freedom” and “meaningful participation”?
Personal Insight
I began making calls to the DNC early March. I made a commitment to call almost every day. I was incensed my vote did not count. I was distraught the votes of my fellow Floridians did not count.
I became increasingly frustrated by the impudence the Party displayed. Their insistence the “rules are the rules” was befuddling. As a business owner, if my clients or constituents were at risk because of a faulty rule in my warranty policy, I assuredly would resolve the rule expeditiously so as to earn their trust and loyalty.
Over the period March - April 26th, I had been in contact with Therese from the Chairman’s Office. When I appeared at a DNC rally with 250 Floridians, a demonstration sponsored by LULAC, the Director of Operations saw my name-tag and asked that I come inside to meet someone with whom I have had a “telephone relationship”. I agreed. When I finally met Therese, I was informed her actual name was Kathryn Dvorak. I was floored. I was also asked to “tone down” my conversations. I did not comply.
When I asked for a list of the members of the Rules & By-lays Committee, I was told that information could not be released. I wanted an explanation and was given some story that the RBC members are private citizens and therefore could not be released. I called the ACLU for clarification. I then called Kathryn Dvorak (aka Therese) and informed her of my conversation with the ACLU and told her I would be more than happy to conference them in. She responded it would not be necessary and 5-minutes later I was emailed the RBC committee members.
I began calling the DNC the beginning of May to ascertain the location of the Rules & By-laws Committee meeting. As with every other request, I was met with resistance. For several weeks I was told the location had not been determined.
Yet, as a result of my “Action Item of the Day” program implemented through Florida Demands Representation, I knew on May 9th where the meeting was going to be held. Having this knowledge, from a RBC Co-Chair, I called every day and was given the same response: “the location has not yet been determined”. Finally, Monday, May 19th I told Kathryn Dvorak (aka Therese) that I planned to call CNN. She told me that would not be necessary. The next day the location and the credentials process were announced.
Listen? Trust? Responsive?
The Democratic Party has failed every tenet of its preamble. The Party and its leaders have not listened. They are not trustworthy. They have been, by design, unresponsive. They have encroached both individual and political freedoms.
Yet our Party Leaders are confounded that we have not “fallen in line”. We are being asked to unite. I, for one, cannot unite behind a Democratic Party that has flaunted this type of behavior.
I Own My Vote! Has the Democratic Party earned yours?