Howard Stern Vows: 'I Will Never Vote For a Democrat Again'
For years I credited Howard Stern, that's right, Howard Stern -- with ending my Post Partum Depression where drugs and doctors could not. I still do. I listened via earphones when my children were infants & toddlers. Just hearing something funny and ADULT somehow helped save my sanity. I scraped and saved to get a Sirius radio for myself when he made the switch too.

Stern has, in my opinion, over the years shown some laser-like insight about politics. I completely agree with him here as well.
And if you don't like him -- turn the dial.
Satellite radio talk show star cites 'gangsterism,' 'communism' for holding up XM/Sirius Merger deal
By Jeff Poor
Sirius Satellite Radio host Howard Stern supports the merger of his network with XM Satelitte Radio and is fuming at Democratic opposition on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) panel.
After FCC commissioners announced they have reached a deal to approve the merger of Sirius (NASDAQ:SIRI) and XM (NASDAQ:XMSR), Stern ranted about Democrats’ ‘gangsterism’ and ‘communism’ and the obstacles to the merger.
Stern described a phone conversation he had with his agent, who he described as a “liberal Democrat kind of guy.”

Stern has, in my opinion, over the years shown some laser-like insight about politics. I completely agree with him here as well.
And if you don't like him -- turn the dial.
Satellite radio talk show star cites 'gangsterism,' 'communism' for holding up XM/Sirius Merger deal
By Jeff Poor
Sirius Satellite Radio host Howard Stern supports the merger of his network with XM Satelitte Radio and is fuming at Democratic opposition on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) panel.
After FCC commissioners announced they have reached a deal to approve the merger of Sirius (NASDAQ:SIRI) and XM (NASDAQ:XMSR), Stern ranted about Democrats’ ‘gangsterism’ and ‘communism’ and the obstacles to the merger.
Stern described a phone conversation he had with his agent, who he described as a “liberal Democrat kind of guy.”
“I go, ‘That’s it!’” Stern said. “[I] go, ‘You know what Don, I’ve voted Republican and I’ve voted Democrat. I have vowed I will never vote for a Democrat again. I don’t give a [expletive] – no matter who they are. I don’t care if God becomes a Democrat.’ I said, ‘I backed Hillary Clinton, I backed Al Gore, I backed John Kerry. I am done with them.’”Stern took it a step even further and called Democrats on the FCC “communists” and referred to their tactics as “gangsterism.”
“The fact that these Democrats on the FCC are communists,” Stern said. “They’re for communism. They don’t want to see companies – this is gangsterism. I said, ‘This is crazy.’”The FCC commission is a five-member panel made up of three Republicans and two Democrats. The Democrats include Jonathan Adelstein and Michael Copps. The Republicans include FCC Chairman Kevin Martin, Robert McDowell and Deborah Taylor Tate. Tate had been the swing vote on the proposed merger and on July 24 The Wall Street Journal reported she would vote in favor of the merger.
This is from the same blogger who talks non-stop about sexual exploitation of women, enthusiastically endorsing a talk show host who built his whole career on it?
Do you even have any moral consistency?
Stern worships women. He talks to strippers and prostitutes like PEOPLE not OBJECTS. I'd be very naive if I didn't think that men talk & think that way. And hello, Stern himself has said IT'S COMEDY.
Plenty of moral consistency here. The man was FAITHFUL to his first wife and has been FAITHFUL to his fiance and is the doting father of 3 girls.