If you search this blog for these words you will see them numerous times. They are words I tell to the abuse victims I coach, words I tell my children, my friends, and people I meet all the time: DO NOT BELIEVE SOMEONE'S WORDS -- WATCH THEIR ACTIONS!!
And when it comes to Obambi -- his actions have undercut his lofty 'words' revealing the spinless coward beneath.

The Audacity of Barack and the Duty of Super Delegates
By Larry Johnson
Let’s agree with Barack Obama on one thing–WORDS MATTER. Unfortunately, he does not believe in his own words. He cannot be trusted. He faced his version of “going to war” in Iraq and failed the test. Rather than stand tall on principle, Barack the coward, Barack the triangulator, Barack the panderer, said yes to immunity for telephone companies who cooperated with George Bush and shredded the Constitution.
Barack no longer has the moral authority to say that Hillary Clinton lacked the judgment to be President because she voted to authorize George Bush to use military force in Iraq. Because he has now faced his moment of decision. While the Republicans had lined up enough votes to force the FISA immunity bill thru, Barack still had a chance to stand on principle. He said this when he was trying to convince Americans that he had the courage to be a new kind of President:
But it is worse than you think. He is not a smart man. At least Hillary learned the lesson that you cannot trust George Bush and his promises. She got burned when she voted to give Bush authority to go to war if negotiations failed. She just did not think Bush would ignore negotiations. Well, to paraphrase George Bush, fool her once and you can’t fool her again. Hillary learned you cannot trust George. She learned her lesson and voted no. She voted to protect the Constitution. Included in her statement today was this dramatic news:

Until today we could only argue hypotheticals about what Barack Obama would have done if he had been in the Senate in October 2002, but no longer. He had a clear choice to back the Constitution or side with George Bush. He chose Bush. Today, Barack Obama demonstrated that he is an arrogant, damn fool. Despite his campaign promises to stand tall, he shrunk from the challenge. He promised Americans a man of principle, a man of character, and man of courage. Today? He delivered an old style Chicago pol keen on positioning himself with the majority, regardless of the morality or ethics of the act. Today he had, at a minimum, the opportunity to make a symbolic stand on the question of the importance of the Fourth Amendment. But he said no to the Constitution and “yes” to George Bush.
Super Delegates. Are you there? Are you seeing what we see? Are you hearing what we hear? Today is a clarion call to every Super Delegate – he has not earned your vote and he does not deserve it.
It is that simple. Without Super Delegates, Barack is toast. I don’t want to hear any of his lame bullshit about what he would do as President. Barack had his chance today to show whether or not he had the spine and character to handle the heat from the oven that is the Oval Office. But instead of standing up, he sat down. He is not not worthy of a single vote. He is an appeaser. Democrats beware. Barack Obama is a coward.
And when it comes to Obambi -- his actions have undercut his lofty 'words' revealing the spinless coward beneath.

The Audacity of Barack and the Duty of Super Delegates
By Larry Johnson
Let’s agree with Barack Obama on one thing–WORDS MATTER. Unfortunately, he does not believe in his own words. He cannot be trusted. He faced his version of “going to war” in Iraq and failed the test. Rather than stand tall on principle, Barack the coward, Barack the triangulator, Barack the panderer, said yes to immunity for telephone companies who cooperated with George Bush and shredded the Constitution.
Barack no longer has the moral authority to say that Hillary Clinton lacked the judgment to be President because she voted to authorize George Bush to use military force in Iraq. Because he has now faced his moment of decision. While the Republicans had lined up enough votes to force the FISA immunity bill thru, Barack still had a chance to stand on principle. He said this when he was trying to convince Americans that he had the courage to be a new kind of President:
Ever since 9/11, this Administration has put forward a false choice between the liberties we cherish and the security we demand.And now? Barack, with an eye on November decided he would not stand to protect the Constitution. He ran with the crowd, afraid to confront those who would question his patriotism. Afraid to fight to defend the right of every American against illegal searches.
The FISA court works. The separation of powers works. We can trace, track down and take out terrorists while ensuring that our actions are subject to vigorous oversight, and do not undermine the very laws and freedom that we are fighting to defend.
No one should get a free pass to violate the basic civil liberties of the American people — not the President of the United States, and not the telecommunications companies that fell in line with his warrantless surveillance program. We have to make clear the lines that cannot be crossed.
But it is worse than you think. He is not a smart man. At least Hillary learned the lesson that you cannot trust George Bush and his promises. She got burned when she voted to give Bush authority to go to war if negotiations failed. She just did not think Bush would ignore negotiations. Well, to paraphrase George Bush, fool her once and you can’t fool her again. Hillary learned you cannot trust George. She learned her lesson and voted no. She voted to protect the Constitution. Included in her statement today was this dramatic news:
What is more, even as we considered this legislation, the administration refused to allow the overwhelming majority of Senators to examine the warrantless wiretapping program. This made it exceedingly difficult for those Senators who are not on the Intelligence and Judiciary Committees to assess the need for the operational details of the legislation, and whether greater protections are necessary. The same can be said for an assessment of the telecom immunity provisions. On an issue of such tremendous importance to our citizens - and in particular to New Yorkers - all Senators should have been entitled to receive briefings that would have enabled them to make an informed decision about the merits of this legislation. I cannot support this legislation when we know neither the nature of the surveillance activities authorized nor the role played by telecommunications companies granted immunity.No more pigs in a poke for her. She would not say yes to something she had not read. But Barack? No problem. He did just that. Barack, if he had a visionary bone in his body, could have used the bully pulpit that is his because of his presumptive status as the nominee to teach America about the importance of protecting the privacy of Americans from illegal searches. He could have talked about having courage in the face of those who employ fear tactics as an excuse to violate our Constitutional rights. There is a lot he could have done, but by the end of the day, he went along with the crowd.
Congress must vigorously check and balance the president even in the face of dangerous enemies and at a time of war. That is what sets us apart. And that is what is vital to ensuring that any tool designed to protect us is used - and used within the law - for that purpose and that purpose alone. I believe my responsibility requires that I vote against this compromise, and I will continue to pursue reforms that will improve our ability to collect intelligence in our efforts to combat terror and to oversee that authority in Congress.

Until today we could only argue hypotheticals about what Barack Obama would have done if he had been in the Senate in October 2002, but no longer. He had a clear choice to back the Constitution or side with George Bush. He chose Bush. Today, Barack Obama demonstrated that he is an arrogant, damn fool. Despite his campaign promises to stand tall, he shrunk from the challenge. He promised Americans a man of principle, a man of character, and man of courage. Today? He delivered an old style Chicago pol keen on positioning himself with the majority, regardless of the morality or ethics of the act. Today he had, at a minimum, the opportunity to make a symbolic stand on the question of the importance of the Fourth Amendment. But he said no to the Constitution and “yes” to George Bush.
Super Delegates. Are you there? Are you seeing what we see? Are you hearing what we hear? Today is a clarion call to every Super Delegate – he has not earned your vote and he does not deserve it.
It is that simple. Without Super Delegates, Barack is toast. I don’t want to hear any of his lame bullshit about what he would do as President. Barack had his chance today to show whether or not he had the spine and character to handle the heat from the oven that is the Oval Office. But instead of standing up, he sat down. He is not not worthy of a single vote. He is an appeaser. Democrats beware. Barack Obama is a coward.