More Marginalizing of Women & Deification of Obama

ONasty is still lifting his dawg-leg on women. His bots are "in their faces" for standing up to the gang rapes of Hillary and now Sarah. You should see some of nonsense I delete (and will continue to delete) from this blog.

(FYI Obamabots - it's my blog, it's my opinion... if you don't like it there are millions of other blogs to choose from so shoo-shoo on back to NoBama's site with your own kind. As a PROGRESSIVE -- yeah, I said PROGRESSIVE -- I want to see PROGRESS. I see ZERO in Obama. I still more of the same lying, race baiting, sexism, hope-nosis, crowd manipulation, mind controlling thuggery that the REPUBLICANS did for the last eight years. Snake Oil is not Progress. John McCain would be PROGRESS. And this is STILL America and I STILL get to make my own choices and STILL form my own opinion.)

Obloviate and his minions are the only ones crying RACISM! Hello? The man is only 1/2 Black. If anyone's RACIST it's him & his sheeple. ANTI-WHITE. Just disgusting. I want a day when a Black WOMAN runs for President. Now that will be an awesome day.

My PUMA Blogging Hero - Uppity Woman, has the 411 again (check out her whole site here for MORE of her on-target PUMA goodness!)
The Race Card Poll–To Marginalize The Impact of Women
by Uppity Woman

Yahoo and AP did a “Racist” poll to prepare the country for the tanking Barack Obama is about to undergo on November 4. True to the Barack Obama campaign, somebody has to take the blame for The One. So their 527, also known as the AP, have helped out. After all, The One never takes his own blame. Whatever.

But there was one sentence from this report that raised my ire.
Researchers used mathematical modeling to sort out the relative impact of a huge swath of variables that might have an impact on people’s votes — including race, ideology, party identification, the hunger for change and the sentiments of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s backers.

Just 59 percent of her white Democratic supporters said they wanted Obama to be president. Nearly 17 percent of Clinton’s white backers plan to vote for McCain.
The first thing that came to my mind when I read this paragraph: How Come You Didn’t Ask Us Why we aren’t voting for this pig?

In other words, this poll pulls the Race Card on the percentage of Clinton supporters who will not vote for Barack Obama because he is a sexist, misogynist, socialist pig who thugged his way to a nomination against a far more capable, superior candidate who would be up 20 points by now if she were the nominee.

Not one word of mention of “Sexism” or “Misogyny” appeared in this poll. Not one mention of whether or not we prefer Democracy to Communism. But that’s ok. We are accustomed to this. It doesn’t change the truth though. We still vote and it’s no secret as to why we will never vote for Barack Obama.

Nice try guys. Frankly, we don’t care what excuse you make up for Barack Obama when he tanks on November 4, just so long as he tanks. We object to him that much. We don’t trust him with our country. We don’t trust him with our lives. And we women who will never vote for him do not trust him with our human rights as living beings without a penis. That is how little we trust him. Just watch how “guilty” we feel when he loses and we are partying in the streets for having been saved from this man’s frightening Plans.

As for the Democratic Party AKA DNC, when it comes to that signifcant percentage of Hillary Clinton supporters who will not vote for Obama, they live in Denial if they do not recognize that we are not supporting them either.

They live in Denial at their own peril. On November 4, the Democratic Party will either Get It this time or, if not, they will Get It next time.

We will not tolerate abuse of women in a phony party that pretended for decades to represent us.

We will not tolerate sexism and misogyny from our party and we will no longer tolerate phony “I care” issues that the party never lifts a finger to change. “Equal Pay for Women” comes to mind.

We will also not fall for the fear-mongering Roe v. Wade trick any longer either.

We will not tolerate rigged primaries.

In other words, the party is over for the Democratic Party and their captive women. Sexism means nothing to this party. Therefore the Race Card (ad nauseum!) means nothing to us. All bets are off.

….. And the party is also over for the Democratic Party with all the marvelous male PUMA Clinton supporters who are insulted and horrified at what the Democratic Party did, not only to Hillary as a woman, but to the concept of Democracy in the primaries. The DNC was Shameful. These are just shameful people and this will not be forgotten.

The fact is, the party will try to downplay the part of insulted and mistreated women and our marvelous male supporters when they analyze why Obama tanked. They will focus on the Race Card, especially since they are now very experienced at it. However, if they fail to recognize that we Hillary Clinton supporters despise Barack Obama and it has nothing to do with his race, then that will be their loss in ANOTHER four years.

If the Democratic Party chooses to ignore the impact of PUMAs, and if the party refuses to comprehend that we reject sexism, misogyny, female subjugation, hypocrisy, anti-Democracy and pro-socialism behaviors, then we will continue to marginalize them in the way they tried to marginalize us in 2008.

The Democratic Party has only elected two presidents in 40 years and this is basically because the majority of this party is not comprised of radical left of left liberal totalitarian pigs. The majority of this party is moderate and has no use for left cliff party hijackers. The Democratic Party will continue to not elect presidents unless and until they recognize that America is not interested in falling off a far far left cliff under the direction of George Soros and MoveOn. Toss in the PUMAs and they basically have a party that will never win until they Get It. And this is stuff that simply has nothing to do with race.

The most fun thought of all is that in four years, I predict we will elect a woman president. We might even have two women Presidential candidates. The horrified look on the Democratic Party’s heretofore closeted patriarchial face will be fun to watch.

And let me just toss in this gag-o-rama below with a major hat tip to ISRAPUNDIT.

While relieving himself on women, the DNC elevates this false prophet with approval of a coin!! This flies in the face of the WORD "Democracy." It flies in the face of Barky's alleged CHRISTIANITY. It's assumed that Obumble will be POTUS and ignores the fact that the election is more than a MONTH AWAY.


Just 4 years ago I was tearing my hair out about Bush. I still can't stand the man and his crime family and Darth Cheney with their PNAC agenda. I still think he was the worst thing that happened to America and stole the 2000 election from Al Gore. Never, at that time, did I think I would be backing a Republican -- but I think for myself... and so here I am -- fully backing the ONLY candidate truly qualified for POTUS - John McCain.

Pardon me while I get sick about this sociopath's campaign er.... strategy.

Democrats Approve Obama’s Deification: “President Obama” Coins
by Bill Levinson

It is illegal for the U.S. Mint to produce a coin that bears the image of a living person, and the U.S. Postal Service never puts a living person’s picture on its stamps. This taboo probably dates back to the War of Independence, when the Founding Fathers decided that the United States would never exalt an individual, no matter how prominent, in the manner of Roman emperors and European monarchs.

This law does not apply, of course, to private mints that produce commemorative (non-legal-tender) coins, and United States law does not apply to British subjects either. This does not mean that the Democratic Party has to approve the effective deification of its candidate in the manner of a king or a Roman emperor, as one British firm is doing. Windsor, Elizabeth, and Windsor is stamping commemorative coins with Obama’s face, with his jaw protruding in an appropriately heroic pose, in front of the White House.

If Barack Obama had any character or ethics, he would denounce this coin’s production as inappropriate. If the Democratic Party had any connection to American values, it also would denounce this coin as an inappropriate glorification and deification of an individual. Instead, the Democratic Party has “jumped at the chance” to buy and circulate these coins. In conjunction with Obama’s use of a personalized Presidential seal, and his acceptance speech in a stadium filled with groupies and fanatics, this shows that Obama’s candidacy is nothing more than a dangerous personality cult similar to those of others who have given speeches from balconies to throngs of mindless fanatics.
A company in Birmingham’s [United Kingdom] Jewelery Quarter is making commemorative coins for American presidential hopeful Barack Obama.

...When they got in touch with the Democrats the party jumped at the chance. And the coins have proved such a hit that locally produced versions have already been launched to compete with the UK originals.

The coins show Senator Obama’s face, along with a picture of the White House and the legend “President of the United States of America”.

Election Day 2008 countdown banner


bjb said…
Hey Babs,
Whatcha think of my Gore Hypothesis?

Might spell salvation for a progressive Nobama mistress like you.

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