We all know them. We see them everyday. We read about them. We work with them. We might be dating or married to them. Petty tyrants. People who use our good natures and religious or ethical belief systems to coerce us.

There are tyrants who get people to strap bombs to themselves and their children in the name of Allah. There are tyrants who get people to shove the word of God down the throat of anyone who stands still long enough. There are tyrant who take your lunch money. There are tyrants who say "if you loved me, you would...." (fill in your kinky sex act or uncomfortable act here). There are tyrants who will tell you "if you do [XYZ] then I will [ABC]."

I see them in my advocacy work. The guys who won't take no for an answer, blame their partner for everything, say "she did it too" or "she made me do it." Women who browbeat their husbands so much the guy is a shell of who he was or should be. In my own life, my ex goes through cycles of abusing me, being overbearing to the kids and then begging me to go back to him, that he "still loves" me, I am "the most wonderful woman," tells others I am a fantastic mother... then when I say NO... well it's what I call 'attempted control by temper tantrum.' Unfortunately it still works on the kids from time to time.

I see it in the news. Pleading every amendment under the sun to get out of telling the truth. People who bend the truth so they look powerful, pitiful or both.

Here's an interesting tidbit for thought about tyrants and how they work on the subconcious mind. Don't be manipulated! Think for yourself!!
The reason we have so much illness and strife is that doctors and the population in general haven't the slightest idea how our minds work. If you trace the literature on healing into antiquity, including the Bible, it is there right in front of you. If we investigate healing in primitive and advanced societies, the concept smacks us right in the face, yet we can't see it.

The person who understands the most about how the mind works in our society is the demagogue (Hitler, Mussolini, Kim Il Sung of North Korea, Castro, Abbas, Osama, Arab extremists, etc. and hell, fire and damnation religionists like Jimmy Swaggart and Pat Robertson).
They know you can get people to do ridiculous things, like part with their money, have sex with you, or give their lives, for ideas that make no sense at all.

They do this in two ways: REPETITION and AROUSING EMOTION.

When anyone arouses these emotions in you, he has you under his control. Seduction is a perfect example. Swindlers arouse greed. Politicians arouse greed. Preachers arouse fear. The Catholic church says "Give me the child before he's 6 and I'll have him for life." Have you changed your religion or politics since early childhood?

Emotions come from the so-called subconscious mind. The subconscious is crazy. It allows others to program it. We program it ourselves in periods of high emotions. (Love is blind.)

How many of you married for the excitement of sex, only to find later you were incompatible?

Why did you start smoking, or drinking or having meaningless sex or spending compulsively? Was there a physiological need or feelings of inadequacy?

Most people run on emotions. School doesn't teach us to reason. We try to teach our kids, but how well did it work? It has been said "Where the will and the emotions are in conflict, bet on the emotions."

Emotions can be a driving force to make one achieve great things or a destructive force to make one fail and be miserable. In business, if you let yourself be ruled by your emotions, you'll soon be out of business.
We are all programmed by our culture. We wouldn't think of eating dog meat, people, insects, snake or horse meat, yet millions of people do with great gusto. Yet the American pilot shot down in Yugoslavia survived eating insects. Survival was important to him, more important than cultural ideas. What I'm getting at is millions of people have beliefs they would die or kill for which make no sense at all. Many religions glorify a hereafter to get people to die in battle or give money. All work by programming the mind by eliciting emotions and by repetition, especially from authority figures.

We are all programmed. According to a Johns Hopkins study some years back, some 60 to 80% of illnesses have a heavy psychosomatic component. MOST of these conditions are relatively easy to fix UNLESS there is strong counter programming by religion or doctors or the person is still living under the stress that causes the condition. In other parts of this document are discussions of how this is accomplished -- namely disconnecting a person from upsetting emotional experiences or from things people have said (often upsetting). It only works if the person is receptive to the change. If you are going to change someone's religion or politics, you'll have to do so with the cooperation of the conscious mind.

You don't change basic beliefs or morals with hypnosis. In thousands of experiments with trained, deep-trance subjects, I found I could cause ecstasy or pain and scare the heck out of them with practical jokes, but I could never cause them to do something they normally would not do. The reason for most people's unhappiness and lack of success is that they let themselves be influenced by their child-like, emotional, subconscious mind.

Many believe that to get to the subconscious for therapy you need to induce a trance. Not so. The subconscious is always listening and ready to be programmed, for good or for bad.

by Loren Parks
Psychological Research Foundation, Inc


The single link loaded for me. Yay!!

Yes, people are used by tyrants too easily.
I read the bio of Alexander the Great and other so called great men who got others to die for them so they could line their pockets.
Nothing great about these tyrants at all.
Great article!

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