Two months ago I blogged about the universal blogger experience of Blog Bullies & Blog Snobs. True to the phenomena - it has cycled around again.
Last week I was treated to a slew of anti-Israel, anti-Zionist messages on this blog. I simply deleted them. I don't do HATE. I can deal with debate and disagreement but I won't promote hate. This is my blog so I can do what I like on it.
Of course, we have those who can't take that. So they hack your blog. Mine was hacked this past May. Then there's the people my buddy Keli Ata wrote about - those who go to aggregators where you may be and rate your posts 0 or 1 (out of a possible 5). My rule is - if you can't give a 5 or 4 or say something nice... move on - it's a big blogosphere.
(Keli Ata, btw - has a great post about helping persecuted Journalist Bloggers that everyone should see)
I simply don't have the ego involvement with blogging some do. I blog because I like to write, I am finally enjoying expressing my opinion and for someone in chronic pain who is medically housebound most of the time - blogging helps connect me with the world at large.
Can't go without mentioning the bloggers who have all sorts of banners, badges and posts about 'responsible speech' and ethical blogging but then go to other sites and post garbage about those they are jealous of, don't like or don't agree with. And using the kind of potty-talk that would make hardened criminals blush.
There's the barking moonbats, as the great Layla at The Hill Chronicles posted about. These people don't agree with you so they use the web like a bathroom stall in the boy's locker room in 7th Grade. Ah! Smell the immaturity!
But now we have bigger issues with our free speech. Lionheart in the U.K. is about to be arrested for blogging about the Dhimmification of Luton! And today I read that Israel is about to make bloggers out the identities of commenters. Which means we bloggers have to apply "chilling effects" and be the hall monitor for the opinions of others.
What is happening to our society? our "free" society? While I think there has to be some limits to what can & can't be posted or blogged; what are we supposed to do about those who either don't have any common sense or don't exercise any!
This troubles me a lot. There are so many sagacious and insightful bloggers out there but the garbage seems to be drowning them out.

by Mordecai
In an interview with Phyllis Chesler, Lionheart shares his odyssey (of hope) to save the West. Lionheart is the Blogger persecuted in Britain for exposing the Islamization of Luton, his home town. Lionheart’s plight is not unique and will become even less so in a few short years. As Mark Steyn says, the Islamists are the true Globalists. They really do think globally and act locally, everywhere. They expand faster than Starbucks and serve up a particularly wicked brew. A franchise is coming to a neighborhood near you.
We reproduced some depressing highlights from the interview, but you should read the entire post, A Profile In Courage, on the Chesler Chronicles Blog.
P: How refreshing that you understand that Jew-hatred or anti-semitism is a form of racism! What do YOU see is at stake here?We are living in critical times. For yourself, being Jewish, it must bring back terrible memories of a not too distant past. That’s why, no matter what the cost, we must not allow history to repeat itself. First the Saturday people and then the Sunday people. What I cannot fathom is how liberal left wing thinking people cannot see it, how they are helping our destruction.
L: My liberty, my life, my freedom to tell the truth about what has happened to me personally and what is happening to my community, my country and to the civilized world in relation to Islam’s Holy War against the West. Beyond that, our whole civilization is at stake, the Islamic World is calling for the annihilation of the Jewish race and the total destruction of the Western World.
P: You are really talking about a fundamentalist religion and about a criminal, jihadic culture and not about a race. And yet, the politically correct multi-cultural sensitivity police have confused it all, do not know how to navigate what they might call a “slippery slope,” and are themselves playing into the hands of intolerant fanatics and real racists.
L: The facts speak clearly for themselves for those who care to look. Our civilized world will be destroyed and Islam will subdue the whole Earth under Islamic Rule - That is their objective after all as commanded by Mohamed and laid down in the Koran. If we do not stand up for the sake of the future generations now then who will? No one. We will be leaving them in a much more perilous situation.
P: How can people help you? Is anyone already helping you?
L: People can help me by using their resources to get this message out to the world, if the injustice that has been leveled at me is brought out into the open, then the message about Islam and its global Jihad will reach the masses. Many good people are helping me like yourself. This is as much about them as it is about me, its just I am the one who is being silenced.
P: May I ask what kind of Christianity you practice?
L: I have a simple faith in Almighty God, that He is alive and with me always and that He sent His son into this world to die for me. He is as real to me as you reading my words. I don’t get into the arguments about the different denominations, I just believe in God and try to do good in my life because I have that knowledge in my life, that’s enough for me.
P: You, who have tried to help children to stay off and get off drugs, are on the run and in danger. What guides you and keeps you strong?
L: Yes, this year has been terrible, but it is the path that God has given me to make me stronger in Him, and to grow further in the knowledge of Him. Walking with God is no easy thing when you have spent 21 years of your life conditioned to live without Him, I stand with the knowledge of God, there is nothing more powerful than that. Still, it seems like it is an almost impossible task to change things. Only the Lord God of Israel can help us, the situation with the Islamic world is way too big for mankind.
Wow! Lionheart, since you are already hiding, why not hide in the United States, where your freedom of speech will be protected and you can carry a big gun? You get here through Mexico; just walk north from any sign that says “Border of the USA”. Seek out a policeman and hitch a ride into town.