A friend got a copy of some excerpts from the Amy Fisher & Lou Bellara sex tape. She knows I am triggered by porn but begged me to watch some of it telling me it was "funny."
It wasn't funny, it was creepy and sad. I watched maybe 2 minutes before I turned off her televison and told my friend to destroy that tape.
Amy, do you need an older woman to talk to you about this? If a man, husband or not, asks to make a sex tape? DON'T!! And your HUSBAND!? Seems like both Buttafucco and your husband have zero respect for you or your boundaries. ZERO! Oh, and then they say you "liked it" or you "asked for it." Amy, don't fall for it - that's not love. That's sickness. That's your marriage the whole world is in on now. Your M-A-R-R-I-A-G-E. I was married once. I left when my ex-husband disrespected me and the marriage by abusing both, because I took my marriage very seriously. I am not promoting divorce, it's a difficult thing - but Lou, selling that tape because you were MAD? What is WRONG WITH YOU? That's the mother of your children!
Amy, you have been emotionally, psychologically and sexually battered your whole life. Please get help. I know what that's like. If you click the 'Jewish Barbie' pic over at the left you will get my email. Write me, I will help you find a professional to talk to you... and your husband if you like.
As a mother, Amy - your kids will see that one day. Is that what you want? I have already had to talk to my kids about things I've done that they may hear about and it's not fun. But nothing like this! And as a woman - how long are you gonna let sick, manipulative men mess up your life and try to destroy any decent reputation you gained when you tried to get your life back on track? And then they let the media have at YOU while they bask in the reflected glare.
Stop it, Amy. Just STOP IT.
First THIS ............Now this!:

from sweatpantsmom:MORE HERE
Any interest in seeing these two doing it? (NO!!) Amy Fisher, aka The Long Island Lolita, is joining her husband in an attempt to market a sex tape that was leaked on the internet. She tells the Associated Press, "I always wanted to be No. 1 at something, but I didn't think it would be something like this."
The 'No. 1' claim may be a little ambitious on Amy's part. Judging by this picture of the sexay duo I wouldn't bet on the tape being a big seller. Although, I just read this morning that Alvin and the Chipmunks is a hit, so maybe I don't know crap about the public's taste.
Fisher, who has a six-year-old son and a three-year-old daughter, is most well known for her other role:. As a teenager she went to prison for seven years for shooting Mary Joe Buttafuoco, the wife of her then-lover Joey Buttafuoco, in the face. The auto mechanic, twice her age, served time for statuatory rape for having sex with a 16-year old.
Fisher admits that as her kids get older it will be hard to explain to them what mommy does and why she's famous. I guess she can always show them the tape, or the Glock.
Hat tip sweatpantsmom