You friggin' suck!
Losing my temper isn't something I do often. And when I do it doesn't last long. I almost always... (and knowing the word ALWAYS is an absolute) give someone the benefit of the doubt. No matter how bad they hurt or how angry they have made me.
But there are a very few people who I just give up on. I'm really p*ssed off. And one of those I have given up on is you, Olmert.
I prayed for you, Olmert and your Government as well. That you would hear your fellow Jews and answer the clue phone. But you, your Government and appeasers like Avi Dichter are two-faced slime. I may not be the most informed about Israeli politics but I know when I see vipers. You're all pieces of worthless camel dung. Get out of dodge and let's put someone like Aryeh Eldad in there.
I hope you all burn in hell someday for what you are doing to your people, Israel and Jerusalem. You're a sick bunch that needs to be run out of Israel. Go live in Palestine or some other Arab country. Turn in your kippahs, your siddurs and your teffilin & phylacteries. You've already abandoned your souls... so the trappings should be no problem.
Last night, for some reason, I just couldn't get this off my mind. I was up and down most of the night. I cried and felt sick. I didn't know this would affect me like this nor do I understand why. All I know is how I feel. I feel you have put an icy knife deep into Judaism and Jerusalem. Warning: I am not a nice person and vile & unpleasant to deal with when I don't get enough sleep.
Why am I on a rant? Let's start with this article from Haaretz:

No moving Jewish lips in prayer on Temple Mount, says Dichter
By Nadav Shragai
A Jew is not allowed to pray in any overt manner whatsoever on the Temple Mount, even if he is just moving his lips in prayer, Public Security Minister Avi Dichter recently wrote MKs Uri Ariel and Aryeh Eldad (National Union-NRP).
In 1976, the Supreme Court ruled that it accepted the government's position that it was not opposed to individual Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount, providing that it was not of a demonstrative nature that could lead to public disorder. High Court rulings in recent years have also been seen to support individual, as opposed to group prayer on the Mount.
Ariel and Eldad recently decided to test the State's position on this issue. They informed the police that "they intended to manifest this right" [to non-demonstrative prayer] by first coordinating the best time and place to enter and exit the Temple Mount complex.
The two MKs explained that all they intended to do was to pray, without informing the media of their plans, or wearing a talit or tefilin, or bringing a Torah scroll with them.
"It is not possible to arrest a person for 'conversing with his maker,'" Dichter replied, using the same terminology of the MKs' letter.
"However it is possible to carry out an arrest for expressions of outward and demonstrative signs [of prayer]."This interpretation, Dichter continued, "is in line with the rationale that bans Jews from praying at the site, in light of serious concerns that this will serve as a provocation, resulting in disorder, with a near certain likelihood of subsequent bloodshed."
It was further explained to the two MKs that from the police's point of view, there is no substantive difference between the prayer of an individual and group prayer, since
the threat to public safety is the same. Such act would be considered "altering the status quo at the site."
Dichter stressed that the state's decision to ban Jewish prayer from the Temple Mount does not distinguish between an individual praying and that of a group, and that this has been the basis of the status quo since 1967.
And Olmert? You are full of s**t. How do you look at yourself in the mirror and call yourself a Jew or a human being?

You told the Israel Policy Forum in New York that:
"we [Israel] have become tired of fighting, tired of being arrogant, tired of winning, tired of defeating our enemies"WHAT!?!?!
Isi Leibler got it dead on when he said these things in his JPost article:
"Without exception, appeasement, self-deprecation and preemptive concessions to terrorists have inevitably served to embolden them. Israel's experience has demonstrated that our enemies are restrained when they perceive us as being resolute, and conversely they become more violent when they sense that we are losing our resolve."And Olmert, you said THIS at Annapolis:
"Having already squandered most of our bargaining chips without getting anything in return, all that is left is the Palestinian Arab "right of return" which would amount to the end of a Jewish state."
"This mind numbing appeasement by Israel continues unabated at all levels. Instead of at least remaining silent, Olmert repeatedly recites the politically correct mantra that Mahmoud Abbas is a man of peace, despite his failure to clamp down on his own gunmen or curtail vicious incitement against Israel which continues to dominate all areas under his jurisdiction."
"Olmert released hundreds of terrorists despite the realization that Abbas still maintains control of his Al-Aksa Martyrs Brigades which murdered more Israelis than Hamas. He also authorized the provision of weapons and armored cars to Palestinian security forces, ignoring the fact that on every previous occasion when arms were provided, they were subsequently employed against Israelis. Indeed, nobody seems too fussed that the killers of Ido Zoltan last month happened to be members of Abbas's police force and employed weapons authorized by the Israeli government."
"Our policy of appeasement has also led to an erosion of our global standing."
"Indeed, following Annapolis, Condoleezza Rice even criticized Israel for building homes inside Jerusalem's Har Homa neighborhood."
"for dozens of years, many Palestinians have been living in camps, disconnected from the environment in which they grew, wallowing in poverty, neglect, alienation, bitterness and a deep, unrelenting sense of deprivation... I know that this pain and this humiliation are the deepest foundations which fomented the hatred against us."WT*?! YOU MAKE ME SICK! I have lived long enough and been around the block enough times to know horsesh*t when I hear it. And I don't care how long or loud you say this stuff; it's still HORSESH*T!
To finish off this pond of scum and filth that pours out of your mouth you added:
"if the two-state solution is shattered... the State of Israel is finished."
Olmert, your planet called; the seventh one from the Sun - it needs its leader back. Maybe Abbas can help you & your cronies back to your real home with one of his Martyr's Brigade Rocket launchers.
H/T to Shira