That's right. Jews don't have enough problems so they have to be started from within? Let's throw converts, Reforms and women who deserve a Get under the bus, too. Let's all be intolerant... ugh.
Converting and practicing have been difficult enough due to the situation my children's father puts me in. And I left Catholicism because the restrictions and Cathecism came between me and my communication with the Almighty.
I was taught by "Ninja Nuns"... so I have been through it all. That'll be one mezzuzah to go, please.
Kiryat Arba rabbi: Don't sell mezuzahs to Reform Jews
Sofer stam (certified Jewish scribe) told by rabbi on yeshiva website that he should not fix Torah scrolls for Reform Jews and not sell them tefilin or mezuzahs
Neta Sela
Rabbi Dov Lior, chief rabbi of the West Bank town Kiryat Arba, continues to take a hard line against Reform Jews. In the past, the rabbi had issued a religious ruling stating that one should not go into a Reform synagogue, nor attend any events sponsored or held by the Reform Movement.
On Monday, however, the rabbi issued an even harsher edict, mandating that sofrei stam, or Jewish scribes, should not sell Torah scrolls, tefilin or mezuzahs to Reform Jews.
Rabbi Lior issued this edict on an internet forum belonging to the Beit El Yeshiva. A sofer stam wrote the rabbi and told him that that he was asked to fix a Torah scroll for, and sell mezuzahs and tefilin to, a Reform Jewish congregation.
The scribe asked the rabbi whether he could fix Torah scrolls for Reform Jews, and whether these scrolls were even considered kosher. He also asked the rabbi whether he could sell tefilin and mezuzahs to this congregation according to Jewish law.
Rabbi Lior replied emphatically that the scribe should not get involved with the congregation at all so as not to be “privy to a transgression or sin”. In his reply he takes a very harsh line against the Reform movement, which seeks to amend certain facets of Judaism to bring them in line with modern realities.
“Granted if the tefillin are used by a Jew, then this is a great mitzvah indeed,” stated the Rabbi, “but there is a more public issue at hand, namely adorning the Reform synagogue and giving legitimacy to this movement.”
Rabbi Lior thus strives not to grant any recognition to the Reform movement, even at the expense of not performing a great Mitzvah, due to his outspoken and public opposition to the movement.
I understand the theological differences between the Orthodox and Reform movements but ostracizing Jews isn't the way to go about resolving them.
It's blacklisting Reform Jews by forbidding them to observe a great mitzvah. Instead of discouraging they should encouraging them. More and more Reform are oberving Shabbat and an increasing number of Reform congregations are using Hebrew in their services.
This edict just seems meanspirited and counterproductive.
BTW: I know what you mean about Ninja Nuns.