The full text of Ms. Allaithy's Complaint - Click here
Unfortunately I understand now what this girl is going through, because in some ways - I have been there. I myself, have my lawyer asking me every once in a while as my divorce is being finalized, if she can finally (as she says) file charges for "Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress" and "Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress" on a third party. She's seen all the evidence and believes I have a strong case. In deferrence to the family of the third party, and because of the kind of person I am - have refused. Now, there's additional libel charges possible. So it's come up again.
What's unfortunate is that MSM is buying this old story! The WOMAN is "scorned, crazy, obsessed, a bunny boiler, etc." And buying it wholesale from the Arab Press at that. The Arab press who is trying to protect and IMAM, Sheikh and other MALE members of the Religion of Peace. All this to protect the collosal egos of some Muslim men. Golly gee, Misogyny anyone?
And in this case Ms. Allaithy is trying to prevent herself from being the target of an honor killing. An honor killing being set up and sanitized before it happens! Her reputation is already toast because these creeps. The Imam, it has been said, is always after women and can't really take NO for an answer (surprise! Looking at his picture - he seems to be such a "catch" - blech).
Worst of all her family. After what happened with me almost four years ago, I took the time over the months that followed, and sat down with family, friends and even in small ways started to tell my kids. I brought the evidence from the police so they didn't have to just take my word and openly admitted how naive and trusting I had been. Only one person stopped speaking to me (and she's no great loss). ONE! In fact, I made a few new friends because of my candor. My family understands the sort of big-hearted person I am and knows exactly how & why this happened to me. They know I am flawed. I told them my involvement and everything, and every single one has continually supported me for my honesty. But Ms. Allaithy? Her very religious family DISOWNED HER. She's probably deeply traumatized. I give her a lot of credit for stepping forward, showing how vulnerable she was. She wanted to do the right thing and is now seeking legal help to make sure she's not killed to protect some man's ego.
Many times in my anti-abuse advocacy, I have advised victims to do the same, when cease and desist or restraining orders aren't followed by an out of control abuser full of narcissistic rage (usually when the victim files for divorce or people start to find out their TRUE nature). Be proactive and hold them accountable. So if anything happens to you or yours? The whole WORLD will know who to look for.
I urge everyone to read the complaint. It's against the law to file false charges or make a false complaint, so bear that in mind. My feeling is Ms. Allaithy's got enough hanging over her head to start lying now.
As I learned in law school, to know who is lying - check to see who has the most to gain from the lie. Ms. Allaithy filed for a large sum of money, but that won't replace her reputation or personal safety. So think about it, who's to gain here?
I will keep her in my prayers.