A few months back I attended some conferences on domestic violence advocacy and educating certain population segments. One was about abuse in religious settings. Two speakers said something that rang very true to me. That many time those who abuse drugs or sex (the latter including those who manipulate people into relationships with false words or false premises) often use religion as either 1. a cover or 2. an poor attempt to TRY to self-correct before anyone finds out the truth.
These people never confess and never admit to their wrongdoings. Oftimes they are sociopathic having no remorse or pity for their actions or their victims. In fact they seem THEMSELVES as the victims. And this applies to all religions, not just Christianity.
This came up again when I heard ex-bad boy turned born-again Christian Stephen Baldwin interviewed last week. The interviewer even said that Baldwin was trying very hard to counter his bad instincts towards drinking, drugging and multiple women with Bible pounding. I got that sense too.
My Nana, of blessed memory, always said "God save us from our uncovered saints" - so true, Nana!
But the one constant is these people NEVER come clean. They never admit what they did. They never apologize to their victims. They never do the one thing that would help and empower them - own what they did. Fully own. No they rather wrap themselves in the hypocrisy of giving moral lectures to others. Narcissistic at best. And of course, I'm waiting for these guys to blame the women saying they 'knew what they were doing' or were 'just as guilty.' Right. Typical. Pick on a vulnerable person then blame them.
One last note, this woman who pressed the suit? Was raped 20 years ago and is older now so if she was simply looking for a payday - she waited an awfully long time to do it. I think, like most survivors, she finally couldn't keep a toxic secret anymore.

A warrant for the arrest of Archbishop Earl Paulk, co-founder of Cathedral of the Holy Spirit at Chapel Hill Harvester Church, was issued Monday, according to court documents. Paulk was making arrangements Monday night to turn himself in, WAGA-TV reported.
His attorneys did not immediately return calls from the press seeking comment.
Former church employee Mona Brewer is suing Paulk, his brother and the church on allegations that Paulk
manipulated her into an affair from 1989 to 2003 by telling her it was her only path to salvation.In a 2006 deposition stemming from the lawsuit, the archbishop said under oath that the only woman he had ever had sex with outside of his marriage was Brewer.
But the results of a court-ordered paternity test revealed in October that Paulk is the biological father of his brother's son, D.E. Paulk, who is now head pastor at the church. As part of Brewer's lawsuit, eight women have given sworn depositions that they were coerced into sexual relationships with Earl Paulk.
A judge ordered the paternity test at the request of the Cobb County district attorney's office and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. District Attorney Pat Head declined to comment when reached at his home Monday night.
Paulk and his brother, Don, have been hit with lawsuits from former members alleging they were coerced into sexual affairs, but this is the first time criminal charges have been filed against the archbishop.