For some reason reading this article in Haaretz reminded me of those inane commercials (and net-spam) asking men "are you losing your edge in the bedroom" or "did you know as you age you lose testosterone?" of course followed up with the pitch for some testosterone boosting pill, cream or food replacement.

Those commercials sprang to mind when I read the statement coming out of PM Olmert's office. Maybe he found some product that worked? FINALLY?

Security cabinet rejects Gaza truce, opts to keep pressure on Hamas
By Aluf Benn, Haaretz Correspondent,

The security cabinet decided at a meeting Wednesday to reject a cease-fire with Hamas over the violence in the Gaza Strip, and that the Israel Defense Forces should continue with its ongoing policy of military action against the Palestinian militant groups.

Noting a "relative decrease in Qassam rocket launchings," the cabinet decided to continue "attacks and military pressure on terrorist groups, mainly Hamas and Islamic
Jihad," Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's office said in a statement.
"It was emphasized [at the meeting] that Israel is not conducting any negotiations for a cease-fire with the terrorist organizations," the statement said.
The methods currently employed by the IDF include air strikes on those responsible for or carrying out Qassam rocket attacks on southern Israel, limited ground operations within the Gaza Strip, and targeted assassinations of those firing rockets and members of the military wings of Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

Meanwhile, Hamas political leader Khaled Meshal said in an interview published Wednesday that the organization intends to continue its attacks on Israel despite the IDF operations in Gaza.

A political source in Jerusalem said Tuesday, however, that Hamas is under increased pressure due to the number of casualties in the Strip and the number of arrests in the West Bank.

According to the source, Hamas and Islamic Jihad are experiencing difficulties in firing rockets, due to Israeli pressure, which is evidenced by a reduction in the number of launches.

The source added that the original Palestinian cease-fire offer was not acceptable to Israel, and that "we must see what they offer in the future."

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert will meet next Thursday with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, and Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni will meet Thursday with U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in Austria.

Meanwhile, Meretz MKs Avshalom Vilan and Zahava Gal-On have been promoting a new diplomatic initiative for several weeks, which would give the Arab League responsibility for the Gaza Strip and install a multinational force, in cooperation with the European Union.




What we are said…
Hamas needs to say goodby to this world. I would be wary of thinking that Mr. Olmert has found some testoserone. The way politicians work, just when you think they have found a spine they put it back in the closet.
Barbara said…

I agree with you about Hamas, Hezbollah and the whole Islamic Jihad. Any group that uses religion to springboard senseless hatred (including using women & children as bomb carrieres) needs to be off the planet.

I was being a bit facetious about PM Olmert. Past behavior being the best predictor of future behavior I don't hold my breath about him. He's shown us what he is - getting tough now is like putting lipstick on a pig - its still a pig. It's good he's taking a hard line but its too late really. He needs to go.

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