In bed yesterday, holding a heated oat bag to myself and wearing a metholated chest plaster to stop the coughing I started thinking about lying. My post on lying and how I feel about it yesterday was on my mind.

Also on my mind was last week's Annapolis summit. It still upsets me. It was a dangerous and foolish meeting. One of the reasons I feel that way will stay personal. If I told you, you'd all send out the men with straightjackets telling them to look for me blogging while wearing a tinfoil hat.

The other is the lying. The non-stop and lethal lying. Bush is lying to himself that he can do one "good" thing by making peace in the Middle East. He's already created a bad situation in Iraq, and he and his buddies are backstroking in oil money. But he's got Clueless Condi, the Dhimmi - telling him she can do this. He can't and she certainly can't. Condi, stick to your Ferragamos and stop kissing and hugging terrorists. Oh wait, you've been with Chimpy & Cheney for so long you got used to it? Sorry, I forgot.

Abbas. A known snake. He was sitting in a cushy chair in the U.S. while his Fatah homeboys were firing at passenger cars. He was Mr. Charm and as soon as he gets home its "Kill all Jews", "Israel is not Jewish" and blah-blah-blah. One hateful word and deed after another. Why the he** we were breaking bread with Terror-fat's ex-deputy I will never understand. Someone wants to KILL you, has tried to KILL you for years and you sit down to make peace? Abbas and Hamas are not even operating in the same universe as the rest of us. What part of that is hard to grasp?

An Olmert. Ugh. A completely lost cause. Spineless, stupid, incompetent. Winograd didn't deter him it just annoyed him. So this genius barrels on - carving up Israel and giving away things that were never and will never be his to give away like he's the Hebrew Bob Barker. He laid with dogs, he's got fleas and mange. Let's get rid of this dung beetle as soon as possible before Israel no longer exists.

There they sat in Annapolis. Lying. To themselves and everyone around them. Making deals and selling the soul of Israel to the devil. Jews got peed on at Annapolis and took it with a smile. The Arabs must have been laughing all the way home.

I understand what its like to be a battered woman. America is a battered woman, in my opinion. Battering INCLUDES: mental, verbal & psychological abuse. Anyone who would put up with Chimpy's cavalier & unsympathetic attitude for 8 years has to be battered. Now its Olmert. And I have stated why I am pro-Israel. Similar reason. I relate. I have always been pro-Israel but haven't been able to be vocal about it until lately. Now I have to say something.

How long are we going to put up with this? All the phone calls, petitions, rallies, marches, emails, editorials and blog posts in the world seem to have no effect. Chimpy and Company just stick to that PNAC party line and tune out everyone around them. Olmert seems so stupified by his own ego he also, doesn't hear or care. The Olmert that was Mayor of Jerusalem is lost in the mire somewhere.

These blind, deaf and DUMB politicians are carrying us all down the crapper with them. There's more of us doped up on Starbucks and tabloid journalism as well as our own petty needs, to care. We should care - because pretty soon all our rights will be gone, Jerusalem will be no more and Israel will be a fond memory.

I don't know what to do to light a fire under people other than talk about it and to keep blogging about it. I feel like chicken little and it's tiring. I don't write with the powerful conviction of a Pam Gellar but I certainly agree with her in many respects.

How many times do we have to be beaten down, dismissed, abused and invalidated? Oh, I get it - I have been abused my whole life. You wait and hope for the nice guy to come back. The guy you first met; who seemed to care about you as much as you cared about him. Who listened to you. Who made you feel you were important again. That guy who got you to do anything... anything for him because you loved him. Yes, you loved him and felt like his partner. You never stopped loving him - and its too horrible to think he never gave a damn about you. Ever. That it was all a lie. You don't want to feel used & dirty. So cognitive dissonance takes over.

And he doesn't listen to you anymore. In my personal life I am in the yearly holiday dilemma with someone like this. My ex doesn't want the kids to have any exposure to Judaism until they are 18. This is hard for me because I adore my kids and don't want to put them in the position of choosing right now. They're too young. And Judaism is so family oriented. I feel very alone. It's become a legal issue for me. On top of that, my ex has become a rabid anti-semite since my conversion process began. He makes fun of my new practices openly and makes sure he is never home in time on Shabbas for me to get to temple. Of course, then I am told in public - that I am a "fake" Jew who never goes to shul. Sigh.

Olmert doesn't seem to care or listen either. He's lost his Jewish soul to be giving away Jerusalem, let alone Israel. Annapolis was a profound moment. A lethal and dangerous moment. For all of us.

We keep hoping if we just love enough. If we don't make waves or oppose, if we care and keep singing peace enough - our abusers - the Islamists - will suddenly "get it" and stop the abuse, the terror and we can all join hands and have peace. We want love and yes PEACE so badly... we need to believe its within our grasp so we keep up this charade. No matter how many people are bombed to death or murdered; no matter how many planes they fly into buildings; no matter how many women are mutilated, lashed or honor killed... we try try try to 'understand' the incomprehensible. We are so battered, so duped, so brainwashed, so in love with that idea of peace - we just don't see what really is and will never change.

Yes, we want them to get it. To see us and what we want. But they aren't. They are barreling along. Digging their heels in the more we ask for accountability.

Sometimes I wish I didn't live so firmly in reality. Don't you?

1. Israeli soldiers target Palestinian children.

Why this lie is told:
The “Palestinians” know that western European and American peace activists would refuse to believe that “Palestinians” actually USE their kids as shields. A “Palestinian” would say: “what? you think WE value our children less than the Israelis?” My answer to that is: unfortunately for the children, yes. So, it becomes a brilliant propaganda tool when we hear of Israeli soldiers killing “Palestinian” children when in fact it is the arabs that are placing them in the line of fire by encouraging them to go out and throw rocks and act as shields for the armed arabs behind them.

2. Israel lost the Yom Kippur war (October War)

Why this lie is told:
Because Honor and Revenge are so important to Arab culture, the arabs needed to “win” a war finally. They chose the Yom Kippur war because it was in fact, devastating for Israel – but not a defeat for Israel. What arabs don’t realize is that Honor and Revenge are not as important to Israelis and therefore they don’t really care if arabs THINK they won that war. However, to Arabs, “winning” at least one war is very important for their thirst for honor and indeed revenge.

3. “You have beautiful eyes, you know that?”

Why this lie is told:
Arab men will use this lie when trying to recruit impressionable young Americans who have nothing better to do with their time. This line will usually be used after the young American has been introduced to some good music and food and gets interested in Arab culture. The Arab presents himself as a victim – telling tall stories of family members dying etc. while at the same time complimenting the young American on her looks and intelligence. Eventually, the young American will find herself joining a peace group that will travel to “Palestine” where she will ultimately find herself being crushed by a bulldozer driven by an Israeli who didn’t see her.

4. The Israelis massacred hundreds (possibly thousands) in Jenin.

Why this lie is told:
First of all, arabs love this word: “Massacre”. They use it over and over again. If three people are killed in a car driven by a Hamas member – it’s a “Massacre”. If two bystanders are killed because Israelis are trying to kill a terrorist leader – it’s a “Massacre”. By now, most of the world knows that no massacre took place in Jenin. However, arabs will continue telling this lie because they know that they don’t really have to prove whether or not something happened – they just have to say it – and when it comes to young impressionable westerners, well, they’ll believe anything (and eat anything too). On the one hand, the arabs came across as looking like real fools when it was discovered no massacre took place – but on the other hand, they still tell the lie because the lie has value and now, all you have to do is mention the word “Jenin” and you’ll have a few hundred people marching down the street waving “Palestinian” flags and drinking lattés.

5. The Holocaust didn’t happen (or, it was exaggerated).

Why this lie is told:
We’ve heard it all before: “only 200,000 died”, “only 2 million jews lived in Nazi Europe” with great quotes and references from Mein Kampf and the works of David Duke etc. This is an extremely important lie for arab leadership to instill in their children and young adults. Arabs MUST believe that the holocaust did not happen the way Jews said it did. The creation of Israel is very much linked to the holocaust, and to accept the holocaust for what it was, in a lot of ways, forces one to accept the reasons why Israel had to became a state (among other reasons) in addition to accepting Jews as victims – something an arab is hard pressed to do.

6. “Palestinians” are an ethnic group separate from that of the Arabs.

“Palestinians” are arabs. Nothing more, nothing less. The group that have been labelled “Palestinians” are a tool that other arabs have been using for the ultimate goal – the destruction of Israel.

This is very, very hard for “Palestinians” to accept. Can you imagine waking up one morning and figuring out that your identity is nothing more than a tool used by your arab “brothers?”. Very sad indeed. To realise that you are in fact just another Arab, well, that would mean that you in fact should be wondering why all those "friendly" arab countries didn't let you in in the first place.



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