I love the Onion. When I worked I would often spend my lunch hours reading the free papers around NYC and trying not to choke on a tuna sandwich from laughing. I know from writing & performing comedy that truth is the funniest material there is. Here's a couple on recent events from The Onion that are not to be missed!
The Mideast Peace Talks
At last week's historic Mideast peace conference in Annapolis, MD, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of Israel and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas sat down to begin the peace process. Here is what they agreed on:
Jews will have East Jerusalem from January to June and Palestinians will have it from June to December
To just meet again in another seven years
The Gaza Strip is the rightful land of anybody who is nuts enough to live there
Each country gets a pass on one rocketing per year
To at least fight over some nicer land
Leave Becky Reynolds, whom they both dated, out of this
Grand, empty gestures of peaceful intentions are a great way to burn a weekend
Al Qaeda Also Fed Up With Ground Zero Construction Delays