Is there anyone who didn't see FIELD OF DREAMS? In it, Kevin Costner's character, Ray Kinsella, is plagued by hearing voices telling him to turn part of his cornfields in a baseball field. He eventually succumbs to it and "they" do come along with his dreams.
When I was an actor I once had an acting coach give me a really lousy piece of advice. "Barbara, if you ACT happy... then you will BE happy. That works in life, too." I was willing to give it a shot and while it worked somewhat on stage or in front of a camera - Hello? That's why they call it ACTING! - it didn't work in real life. You can walk around with a big grin on your face and still feel horrible inside. The only thing it accomplishes is making people think you're an idiot. I guess I am far too empathic for that 'trick to work.'
Admittedly I also believe that coach had no clue what they were talking about. At least it wasn't touchy-feeling coaching, which I had been through and hated. I will stick to recommending Stanislavsky or Uta Hagen any day!!
One of my children still likes to play pretend. As they are getting older and closer to being a teen, it's probably a good mechanism for them to 'try out' life roles. I knew I liked to play pretend so much that I took it on as a profession. My reasons were different but it did help me develop some life skills I wasn't getting in a stifling home environment. But, I see my child integrating some skills they learned in 'pretend' into their real life - and that's a good thing.
Then of course, you have the online predator-types, who play that they like you, or even care about your life - when really they are greasing you up to play hardball with your wallet or your emotions, all from the omnipotent safety of their keyboard. And when they have used you or the board they are on up - CLICK - you & it are gone. That's called the Online Disinhibition Effect and its NOT a good thing.
But playing pretend or just acting like something is so - DOES NOT MAKE IT SO. You can only be an ostrich so long but even the ostrich's derriere is still hanging out for all to see.
So Abbas and Fatah can try this all they like. They can even slap Terror-Fat's ugly mug on it - but IT'S STILL ISRAEL!
In Fatah map all of Israel is Palestine
Khaled Abu Toameh
Fatah is planning to mark its 43rd anniversary this year with a new poster that presents all of Israel as Palestine.
Designed specifically for the occasion by Abdel Mun'em Ibrahim, the poster features a map of Israel that is entirely draped with a Palestinian keffiyeh scarf.
It also carries a drawing of a rifle as a symbol of the "armed struggle" against Israel.
The poster, which has been endorsed by the Fatah leadership, has already been posted on a number of Fatah-affiliated Web sites.
The underlying message of the poster is that Fatah, like Hamas, does not recognize Israel's existence.
The emblem is in violation of Fatah's declared policy, which envisions an independent Palestinian state alongside, and not instead of, Israel.
By including a rifle in the poster, Fatah is sending a message to the Palestinian public that it has not abandoned the option of "armed resistance," despite current peace talks with Israel.
Founded in 1965, Fatah has celebrated its anniversary over the past 14 years with major rallies in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. But it's not clear at this stage if Hamas would allow Fatah to hold a big rally in the Gaza Strip.
Last week, Fatah banned Hamas from holding rallies in the West Bank to mark the 20th anniversary of the Islamist movement. Hamas officials have threatened to retaliate by barring Fatah rallies in the Gaza Strip.