I was SICKENED when I read this. How come the news is just full of these sorts of sub-humans and their despicable behavior lately?

As someone who dealt with 12 1/2 years of infertility treatment to have my beloved children, and aunt to two adopted children I want to say this:

- I will ALWAYS feel like LESS of a woman because of it
- I will ALWAYS be infertile. I had to be poked, prodded and cut up to conceive. That will NEVER go away
- Infertility is a very degrading process. The longer it goes on the more depressed you get and the more depressed you stay
- I have given up ever feeling sexy again. EVER.

Let me get in a plug here for RESOLVE who gave me so much support in those 12 1/2 years. And please, no one write me and tell me I am wrong for feeling that way. It's how I FEEL. It just is. No platitudes please.

Children are NOT returnable. People are NOT disposable. You don't USE a human being like a tissue then discard when you're done.

Then I read this. Parents who rape, kill, abuse children? Frankly they should be strung up naked in Times Square with a large placard declaring what they've done hung next to them. Let the men & women like me deal with them. And we will deal with them.

Parents of the Year!

Yeah, that was sarcasm. These two selfish sleazeballs make Lori Drew look like an EXCELLENT parent:
Anger as Dutch couple give up Korean girl, 7, they adopted as baby over 'failure to fit in' | the Daily Mail

Sigh. After having dealt with the pain of infertility for many years myself, and knowing so many wonderful people who have dealt with similar issues, some of whom have chosen the difficult road of adoption . . . this story just makes me physically ill.

These two pieces of EuroTrash probably got to the front of the adoption line with their high-end diplomatic connections, adopted a little baby, and then VIOLA! they finally got pregnant on their own, had two bio kids, and decided that the adopted one was no longer convenient for them.

Amazing. Sickening. And again, thank you reporters for protecting the identities of these two pillars of the Dutch community. How sweet of you guys to pull your punches for such wonderful people.

Their seven-year-old was a picky eater! So they GOT RID OF HER! Oh my God, that never happens, picky seven-year-olds. It must have been because of her freakish Korean Genome - she would only eat garlicky foods.

I hope this little girl finds love and peace after not one, but TWO abandonments.



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