Ms. Altamonser, I know a lot about free speech. My free speech says you're either a terrorist or a terrorist sympathizer. You don't belong here and you certainly don't belong in our schools.
Not only do I not want you near the students of NYC, Ms. Altamonser - I don't want you within an ocean of students who may, someday, interact with my children. Ever.
Game over.
Ex-principal of Arabic Khalil Gibran school loses round in court
A federal judge Wednesday shot down a last-minute attempt by the former principal of a Brooklyn Arabic-language school to keep the city from selecting her successor.
Debbie Almontaser, the short-lived head of the new Khalil Gibran International Academy, wanted the judge to delay the selection and order someone other than Schools Chancellor Joel Klein to oversee the process.
Almontaser, who was forced to resign after a published report tried to link her to a militant Islamic group, re-applied for the job in October, but was not among the four finalists.
In August, a story in the New York Post suggested Almontaser sided with a Muslim girls' group distributing T-shirts that read "Intifada NYC."
In tearful testimony this week, Almontaser said she was trying to make a teaching point about the meaning of intifadeh when she explained to the reporter that its root translation was "shaking off oppression."
"She didn't talk about T-shirts," said Almontaser's lawyer, Alan Levine.
"She was asked the definition of intifadeh."
Almontaser's lawyers will ask a federal appeals court to overturn Judge Sidney Stein's decision.
The city said it will not resume the selection process until at least tomorrow, to give the appeals court time to hear the matter.
Stein ruled that Almontaser's free-speech rights could not have been violated since she was speaking as a school employee - not a private citizen - when she gave the interview.
He also said she should have realized that her comments would be widely reported because there was a great deal of media interest in the school controversy.
Muslim New York City Principal hawking Terrorist T-Shirts to Students. Declares Jihad on America!
(excerpts - from Aug. 2007)
In spite of local opposition by residents and websites like, New York City's "progressive" administration, headed up by Mayor Michael Bloomberg and its left wing school system led by Chancelor Joel Klein, have plunged ahead with a taxpayer funded Islamist public school, scheduled to open in September of this year.
It has now come out that the new school's principal, a Muslim activist named Debbie Almontasser has close ties to an organization hawking a T-shirt glorifying Muslim terror. The T-shirt boldly declares "Intifada NYC," glorifying a word that has come to mean "uprising." It is the war cry of Hamas, an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, whose goal is to subjugate the world under an Islamic theocratic tyranny. It is a cry for a Gaza style uprising in the Big Apple.
The organization selling the shirts, Arab Women Active in Art and Media, shares office space on Brooklyn's Third Avenue with the Saba Association of American Yemenis.
Dhabah "Debbie" Almontaser, principal of the Khalil Gibran International Academy which is scheduled to open in Brooklyn next month - is a board member and spokeswoman for Saba. The taxpayer funded school's goal is to have an Arabic speaking public school that will spread Arab culture and Islam.
It should be noted that Ms. Almontaser has absolutely no experience as a principal. On the other hand, she is a radical Muslim, which seems to be sufficient credentials.At first, Ms. Almontaser denied the existence of the T-shirts. When confronted with proof, the liar downplayed it's significance, stating that the word "Intifada" meant "shaking off." In fact, it's Arabic for what has come to mean "struggle" or "uprising," much like the German word "Kampf" in Adolf Hitler's book "Mein Kampf."
Ms. Almontaser went on to say, "I think it's pretty much an opportunity for girls to express that they are part of New York City society . . . and shaking off oppression." She did not define who was oppressing them.
AWAAM's co-founders, Rama Kased and Mona Eldahry, are also active in the more militant pro-Palestinian group, al-Awda, whose main U.S. office is in California. That organization is an active supporter of the terrorist groups Hezbollah and Hamas.
"Intifada is a war. Isn't that what Arafat had?" said Pamela Hall, a Manhattan mom opposed to the academy on the grounds that it violates separation of church and state. A Department of Education spokeswoman defended Almontaser, saying her link to the T-shirt was tenuous.
...our politicians had better wake up to the fact that home grown terrorists can be local affairs that rapidly turn national. They should come to grips with the fact that a "moderate" Muslim is more than likely, someone who wants to transform America into an Islamist tyranny, substituting their repressive religious laws for our Constitution. You don't have to wear an explosive belt to be a traitor. Freedom of religion is not Islamist subjugation. Do you hear that you lazy, self serving bureaucrats?