"Teachers' Religious War On Kids Is Everywhere"* Really It Is. Bill Said So...Over...And Over.

By Steve Young

*Everywhere: How Bill O'Reilly defines the battle when a teacher in Bismark, ND, purporting to push religion is thrown out and a teacher in Santa Ana, CA purporting to push atheism is not.

You can tell when the War on Christmas is waning.

O'Reilly has put out the warning. All over the country, Christian and conservative kids are being persecuted by secular progressive teachers.

"SP teachers are running wild all over America, bullying conservative kids like crazy!"

Bill has the tape to prove it.

Dr. James Corbett, a high school history teacher in California, was caught on tape calling religion "irrational," accusing conservatives of wanting women to be "pregnant, barefoot, and in the kitchen," and calling Bill and Sean Hannity "liars." He even pronounced Roger Ailes name wrong and said that Ailes had advised President Bush. "Ailes should sue for slander," advised Bill. And he should know what it takes to make the case. Ask Al Franken.

The problem is nearly epidemic.

And that's what his book, "Kids Are Allowed To Be Paranoid Too," is all about.

Really. It is. I know. He told me. Then he told me again. And when he was finished telling me about how his book is all about what these teachers are doing to these kids, he told me one more time. He cares so much about the kids that he couldn't stop telling me.

We're not talking anecdotal examples, Folks. Just look at the numbers.

The US Board of Education reports that there are something over 76 million students attending public schools. Lets say this demonic "loon" in Mission Viejo, teaches six different classes of 40 students (afterall, we're talking public school) and ALL 240 students are conservative and Christian. That would mean that Bill had given a solid .000031% proof of an epidemic of Christian conservative kid abuse. And I'm not even rounding up. Even .000030% would be too much.

So when the liberal loons attempt to paint O'Reilly as a phoney alarmist about this pandemic of Christian conservative kiddy persecution, remember the .000031%.

If not, don't go crying to Bill when you wake up tomorrow and find it's .0000311%.


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