Hold on a minute!!

Ehud Olmert, right? He said he wants the PA to fight terror? And he won't negotiate until they do? So who gave this guy the testosterone shot?

Wait... this is the same Olmert that talked to Abbas (the powerless snake) in Annapolis.

And this is the Olmert who's about to face the Winograd Commission.

Should be interesting...

(by the way, am I wrong or did Olmert get rid of that ugly comb-over at last?)

Olmert: No changes on the ground unless PA fights terror

In aftermath of last Friday's deadly shooting attack on two off-duty soldiers near Hebron, prime minister tells cabinet 'PA must take necessary action against terror activity.' Deputy PM Yishai calls for suspension of peace talks

Efrat Weiss

Referring to last Friday's murder of two off-duty IDF soldiers by Palestinian gunmen near Hebron, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told cabinet Sunday that "as long as the Palestinian Authority does not take necessary action against the terror organizations, the State of Israel will be prevented from making any changes on the ground so as not to be exposed to security-related dangers.

"We will not compromise on these issues and they will continue to be an integral part of any discussions we hold with the PA," he said.

Deputy Prime Minister Eli Yishai said during the cabinet meeting that Israel must halt all negotiations with the PA in light of last week's terror attack. "Talks must be suspended whenever there are casualties. The Palestinians should stop demanding that we comply with the Road map for peace before they live up to their own commitments," he said.

Over the weekend security forces continued to round up Palestinians suspected of being involved in the murder of Cpl. Ahikam Amihai (20) and Sgt. David Ruben (21), who were hiking through the Telem Creek area near Hebron with a female companion when a group of four Palestinians drove up towards them and opened fire.

In a meeting with Israeli President Shimon Peres in Herzliya Saturday evening, Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad said, "We mourn the deaths of the two soldiers. Every death is a senseless one.

"We are working to end the bloodshed, to create a better future," said Fayyad.



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