There's a video on the internet. It's disturbing, so please ADULTS ONLY.
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Sometimes it takes a brick to the head like this video for some to "get it." Send this video to every dhimmi apologist you know. I agree with liberals in some respects but this is where they and I part company. Ask them if they still think all the rhetoric about "peace" is possible with The Religion of Pieces? Ask the kumbaya crowd if they realize its the violent Islamofascists who are in power - not the "nice Arabs" they keep telling us about. had this to say about the video:
About This Video
This is how in Islam Muslims treat their women.
Pass this alert on to those (especially Evangelical Christians) who think that Israel can make peace with the Palestinians.
time and time again how the Palestinians along with the Arabs:
-Teach Jews are racist
-Teach Jerusalem is a “Holy City” of Islam when in fact Jerusalem is not mentioned once in the Koran
-Teach that there are no Jewish Holy places
-Do not have Israel on any maps
-All these above lies they teach in Palestinian schools, from toddlers to teens
-Refuse to shake a Jews hand
Yet, we are supposed to believe that this problem is mostly the Jews fault and that there can be peace.
I would agree with those who argue that there are moderate Moslems, but they are not in power nor do they have any chance to be at this time.
Those in power are Isalmo-Fascists, born out of the cinders of Hitler’s Third Reich and their goals are the same as his.
It’s time for the couch potato church to start doing a little research instead of channel surfing to get their opinions made for them by Faux (Fox) News and the mainstream media as well as the hireling that stands before them each Sunday.
Wake up! If you believe the peace without Christ lie (which is what Annapolis, Oslo and all of these are), I have a nice bridge for sale - if you are interested.
One additional note regarding the mainstream media:
Many still consider the NY Times to be the most powerful and influential newspaper in the world let alone that owned by Jews.
This is one of the reasons I have started showing ownership in the bylines, not only to expose the huge media conglomerates but also to show that what you always hear regarding Jewish ownership of the media is not always true.
Christians are being decimated in the land of their birth, soon there will be none left in the Holy Land, courtesy of the religion of peace... ISLAM=SUBMISSION!... But the West happily turns away from the situation. What hypocrisy!